All That Is Divine - Neville Goddard - E-Book

All That Is Divine E-Book

Neville Goddard

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All That is Divine

Neville Goddard

June 16 1969

In the nature of things it is impossible for any child born of woman to go unredeemed, for the moment he says, “I am,” he is proclaiming all that is divine in his flesh. Therefore, God cannot cast away that which constitutes the “I” of man without casting himself away, and that is impossible.

Scripture teaches in the form of parables, and we must learn to distinguish between the parable told and its message. In the 18th chapter of the gospel of Matthew we read that he placed a child in the midst of them and said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.” The word ‘‘angel’’ means ‘‘a messenger; to bring forth,’’ and the word translated “child” means “an infant; a term of endearment.” Here we find a child is always beholding the face of the Father who is in heaven and bringing forth his message by becoming what he beholds.

The reality of man is symbolized as that of the Christ-child, the incorruptible seed which is always beholding the face of the Father, molding man’s reality into the Father’s image that he may become one with his Father. Casting his shadow into a certain role, we judge the role, not knowing that the innocent child is doing it as he molds himself into the image of the Father.

In the world we play our parts by saying, I am rich, I am poor, I am known, I am unknown; yet all the while the innocent Christ-child (this incorruptible seed) is beholding the face of the perfect one, molding itself into the image of that which it beholds. It is my desire to constantly see truth so clearly that I become its image and share it with everyone who will listen.

Not understanding the horrors of the world, man thinks he is damned and not saved; but I tell you, every child born of woman is already redeemed. The being that is the child’s reality is molding himself into the image of the Father and becoming what he beholds. But in the world he is casting himself into the many parts to be played. At the moment he may be playing the part of a rich man or perhaps a poor man; still he is free to choose yet another state by applying the precept, “Whatever you desire, believe that you have it and you will.”

You are always molding yourself into the image of what you are beholding, whether in this world of death or that world of life. But your Christ-child is always beholding the face of your Father and molding himself into his likeness, that you may know who you are and say within yourself, “I am He!”

This seems fantastic, but it is true, for I am telling you what I know, not what I am theorizing or speculating about. No one can fail. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that he could not let his people go. Then giving them blow after blow, he again hardened his heart – so who is responsible? The child is dreaming he is Job as he casts his shadow and plays the many parts. But in the end you will understand why you put yourself through hell, and you will be given a hundred times more than you had before.