All That You Behold - Neville Goddard - E-Book

All That You Behold E-Book

Neville Goddard

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Experience the life-changing power of Neville Goddard with this unforgettable lesson.

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All That You Behold

Neville Goddard


“All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is your shadow, forever bearing witness to your inner imaginal activity.

Test yourself, and if you prove this to your own satisfaction you will come to the same conclusion the apostles did in the 13th chapter of the Book of Acts. Then you, too, will say: “I have found in David, the son of Jesse, a man after my heart who will do all my will.” If the world responds to your imaginal activity, is the world not David doing your will? If the Lord claimed that David always does his will, and you, by a simple imaginal act, command the outer world to respond – are you not the Lord?

When you imagine something it is as though you struck a chord, and everything in sympathy with that chord responds to bear witness to the activity in you. If the world is the responding chord to what you are imagining, and David is a man after your own heart who will do all your will – is David not the outer world? This is not “will” as the world uses the word. You do not will something to be so, but imagine it and become inwardly convinced that it is so. And if, through your persistence, the world responds, you have not only found David, you have found the Lord as your own wonderful human imagination.

In Hebrew thought, history consists of all the generations of men and their experiences fused into one grand whole. This concentrated time, into which all the generations are fused and from which they spring, is called “eternity.” In Ecclesiastes we are told that “God put eternity into the mind of man but so that man cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.” Only in the end will you really know what God has put into your mind.

The Hebrew word, “olam,” [o-LAWM’] translated “eternity” or “the world” in Ecclesiastes, is quite often translated as “a youth; stripling; young man.” These are three titles given David, the son of Jesse. And the word “Jesse” means “any form of the verb” to be”, i.e.: I AM.” Is that not God’s name? When the time of your departure has come, you will see the world of humanity, not as a crowd of people, but as a single youth, a stripling, a young man; for eternity is personified as the youth called David. You will know this to be true only when you reach the end.

Now listen to these words found in the 20th chapter of John: “Peter went into the tomb, where he saw the linen clothes lying and the napkin which was on his head lying – not with the linen clothes – but rolled up in a place by itself.” You may wonder why this is stated thus, but I tell you: the linen clothes and the napkin are very significant. Read the story carefully and you will discover the tomb where he was crucified and buried was called “the skull”. And Peter, when entering the tomb, saw the linen clothes and the napkin, but could not see the one who was put there.

This is not a secular story of a man who died wearing linen clothes with a napkin covering his face, and left the tomb three days later, leaving his clothes and napkin behind. No, scripture is vision filled with symbolism. The linen clothes symbolize your physical body, the garment you wear here which covers your true identity. This is not a story of one who has died, but of one who has risen from the dead!