Always Dad's Princess: Incest Erotica - Brady Shannon - E-Book

Always Dad's Princess: Incest Erotica E-Book

Brady Shannon

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It wasn't quite that simple, though. He knew that he was middle-aged, not nearly as physically appealing as these teenaged boys were. Hamilton Burns was intelligent enough to realize that if he were to merely ask his girls to ball him, or even demand it, they would laugh in his face. That was why he was humiliating them publicly like this, slapping them and threatening them with even greater forms of punishment. The two girls would be so terrified and ashamed that they would be willing to do anything at all, literally anything, if only Daddy would forgive them. And of course, that would be when he would move in for the kill. It was painful for Hamilton to have to strike his daughters like that, especially in public, but he knew that he would really have to pour the tyranny on if he expected to scare them into balling him.

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Always Dad’s Princess

Brady Shannon

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Always Dad’s Princess

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

With a nervous finger he dialed a number, a number that was etched in his memory. For months now he's been itching to call it, longing to do what he dreamed about, but up until now he's never gotten the courage. Well, he'd waited long enough. Now was the time for some action. Tonight was the night when he'd manage to spread Sue Carson's reluctant thighs, and bury his big cock into her uptight cunt.

With his ear on the phone, he heard the phone on the other end of the line ringing. It rang again, then again, then again. Beads of sweat began to break out on Hamilton's forehead. Damn it to hell! He thought angrily. She's probably out right now, fucking every pimply-faced teenage stud in town. Just my damn luck, alright, he thought. I finally get the nerve to ask her out, and she's not even home.

Hamilton Burns heard the phone ring for the tenth time. He was about to hang up when he heard a click on the other end, and a sultry female voice was saying: "Hello?"

As soon as Hamilton heard that voice, he could picture the body it belonged to. He could see the firm, taut breasts, the trim rounded hips that curved so invitingly towards that gleaming treasure trove between her fleshy white thighs. Burns wanted that body, and just the thought of possessing it sent a delicious sensation running up and down his tingling spine. He could feel his cock flexing excitedly, itching to get out of his pants and into her cunt.

"Hello," the female voice repeated, and the sound of it snapped Hamilton back into reality. If he didn't say something soon, she would hang up, and then he'd have to start the whole process over again. He frantically searched his mind for an opener. He hadn't really figured out what he was going to say. He fell like a teenage kid all over again, asking a strange cheerleader to a prom.

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