Amorous Brother And Sister: Incest Erotica - Phoenix Noble - E-Book

Amorous Brother And Sister: Incest Erotica E-Book

Phoenix Noble

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"I love your cock," she murmured.

"Umm-I love what you're doing with it!" he said, pulling his lips from around her nipple long enough to make the enthusiastic statement, then going right back to sucking and licking again.

His back arched and he writhed when her palm cupped his balls and her fingers pressed them. That felt so good-and he was sure the pleasure was heightened by the fact that his testicles were so vulnerable, so easily hurt, and the possibility was always there. He didn't want them hurt! But...he supposed there was a bit of masochistic tendency in everyone. He was glad his was buried deep. He wasn't interested in being anyone's victim or slave.

Clay McConnel had had a bitch of a time in the army, because he didn't even take orders well, much less suck and be subservient the way some of those clowns expected, with their stripes or the metal gleaming on their shoulders.

"I like these, too," she said, letting her hand absorb and radiate the swollen heat of his nuts. "No I don't-I love them!"

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Amorous Brother And Sister

Phoenix Noble

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Amorous Brother And Sister

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 1

She slid her hand over the large expanding head and down and down the shaft until she was fondling the hairy purse of sperm-stuffed balls. It was a big cock, thick and lengthy. The balls were big, too, like eggs in their bag covered with soft fur.

"I love your cock," she murmured.

"Umm-I love what you're doing with it!" he said, pulling his lips from around her nipple long enough to make the enthusiastic statement, then going right back to sucking and licking again.

His back arched and he writhed when her palm cupped his balls and her fingers pressed them. That felt so good-and he was sure the pleasure was heightened by the fact that his testicles were so vulnerable, so easily hurt, and the possibility was always there. He didn't want them hurt! But...he supposed there was a bit of masochistic tendency in everyone. He was glad his was buried deep. He wasn't interested in being anyone's victim or slave.

Clay McConnel had had a bitch of a time in the army, because he didn't even take orders well, much less suck and be subservient the way some of those clowns expected, with their stripes or the metal gleaming on their shoulders.

"I like these, too," she said, letting her hand absorb and radiate the swollen heat of his nuts. "No I don't-I love them!"

"Gmmmmm," he said. He pressed himself against the ripe curves of her tensing thighs as he nursed greedily on the thick, stubby bull's-eye of her more than enticing breast.

"Ummmm," she responded, almost echoing him. "Oh that's so nice...boy I'm glad you like my breast!"

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