An Analysis of Social Media Influence on the Sexual Behaviour of the Youth at Agona Bipoa - Richard Chidi - E-Book

An Analysis of Social Media Influence on the Sexual Behaviour of the Youth at Agona Bipoa E-Book


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Bachelorarbeit aus dem Fachbereich Soziologie - Individuum, Gruppe, Gesellschaft, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the impact of social media on the sexual behaviour of the youth of Agona Bipoa. The problem of social media and its impact on the youth in Agona Bipoa has a cause and effect. Agona Bipoa is located at Sekyere South District Assembly, Ashanti Region. As a result of individuals being social beings, they tend to take part in social learning, where one finds themselves following the ideas of others on about everything on social media platforms, with sexual behaviour not being an exception. The problem described can be defined by the naivety and easy access to the internet by the youth in Agona Bipoa. The study employed the use survey, specifically, questionnaires and archival research to collect data. The respondents under the study were 97 members, youth of Agona Bipoa. Question 20 of the questionnaire had a mean(x) of 4.2 meaning, social media influence on sexual behavior and choices on youth is high, thereby concluding the findings of the study. The findings helped understand and also make recommendations to stakeholders on how to go about social media influence on the sexual behaviour of the youth.

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