An Inquiry about Insurances - Mark Twain - Hörbuch

An Inquiry about Insurances Hörbuch

Mark Twain

1,49 €

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Mark Twain ponders the usefulness of insurance coverage.  "Coming down from Sacramento the other night, I found on a center-table in the saloon of the steamboat, a pamphlet advertisement of an Accident Insurance Company. It interested me a good deal, with its General Accidents, and its Hazardous Tables, and Extra-Hazardous furniture of the same description, and I would like to know something more about it. It is a new thing to me. I want to invest if I come to like it. I want to ask merely a few questions of the man who carries on this Accident shop".

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 7 min

Sprecher:Mark Bowen
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