Anatomy of Sports Injuries - Leigh Brandon - E-Book

Anatomy of Sports Injuries E-Book

Leigh Brandon



Anatomy of Sports Injuries: How to be your own physical therapist offers a fascinating view inside the human body to help you understand the causes of the most common injuries that athletes and sports men and women will encounter, and the best ways to remedy them. With a comprehensive and up-to-date pproach to injury rehabilitation, this book shows you how to find the cause of injuries, and not just treat the bit that hurts, aiding in the prevention of future injuries also. As with previous books in our anatomy series, this book will help you to achieve better health through a better understanding of how your body works. Around 80 full color anatomical illustrations introduce a variety of strength training exercises designed with common sports injuries in mind, showing the impact on the body of the exercises, including the muscles used and how they function together. The accompanying text helps the reader to replicate the exercises, describing the anatomical impact and explaining the benefits in the context of fitness in general, and in rehabilitating common injuries in particular.

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How to use this book

Anatomical definitions and terminology

Systems of the body

Body planes and regions

Anatomical terms of position

Joint movements

Classification of Injuries

Injury Prevention

• Posture and muscle balance

• Event preparation

• Recovery

Long-term rehabilitation

• Tissue healing

• Healing phases

• Acute care

• Finding the cause of the injury

• Anatomy of the core

• Designing your programme


Foot injuries

• Hallux valgus

• Metatarsal fracture

• Plantar fasciitis

Ankle and shin injuries

• Achilles tendonitis

• Achilles tendon rupture

• Ankle sprain

• Anterior compartment syndrome

• Shin splints

Knee injuries

• ACL sprain

• Baker’s cyst

• Chondromalacia patella

• Patella tendonitis

• Medial cartilage injury

• Medial collateral ligament sprain

• Osteoarthritis

• Posterior cruciate ligament sprain

• Quadriceps tendonitis

Thigh injuries

• Hamstring origin tendinopathy

• hamstring strain

• myositis ossificans

• quadriceps contusion

• quadriceps strain

• stress fracture of the femur

Groin injuries

• Gilmore’s groin

• Groin strain

• Inguinal hernia

• Osteitis pubis

Gluteal injuries

• hip bursitis

• piriformis syndrome

• sacroiliac joint dysfunction

• sciatica

Lumbar spine injuries

• Facet joint pain

• disc derangement

• spondylolysis and spondylolysthesis

Cervical and thoracic spine injuries

• Ankylosing spondylitis

• Atlas Subluxation Complex

• Scheuermann’s disease

• whiplash

Chest and abdominal injuries

• Abdominal hernia

• costochondritis

• pectoralis major strain

• rib fracture

• SC joint sprain

Shoulder injuries

• AC joint sprain

• biceps brachii strain

• dislocation

• fracture of the clavicle

• frozen shoulder

• glenoid labrum tear

• impingement syndrome

• rotator cuff strain

Elbow injuries

• Golfer’s elbow

• median nerve entrapment

• radial nerve entrapment

• tennis elbow

Wrist injuries

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

• fractured scaphoid

Environmental Injuries

• Dehydration

• frost bite

• heat stroke

• hypothermia

• sun burn



• Mobilizations

• McKenzie push-up

• Median nerve mobilization

• Radial nerve mobilization

• Shoulder mobilization


• Abdominals

• Adductors

• Anterior tibialis

• Calf

• Hamstrings

• Neck extensor

• Pectoralis minor

• Quadriceps

• Tensor fascia lata



Postural exercises

• Hip and back extension

• Prone cobra

Stability exercises

• Four-point tummy vacuum

• Cable rotator cuff

• Cross band walking

• Deep cervical flexors

• Goof ball neck exercises

• Horse stance vertical

• Lower abdominals

• Stand/squat on balance board

• Supine lateral ball roll

• Touch toe drill

Strength exercises

• Deadlift

• Lunge

• Medicine ball shoulder external rotators

• Medicine ball shoulder internal rotators

• Romanian deadlift

• Single arm cable push

• Single arm dumbbell shrugs

• Single arm cable pull

• Supine hip extension on ball with belt

• Water jogging

• Wood chop

• Wrist extensors

• Wrist flexors




References and Resources



Anatomy of Sports Injuries for Fitness and Rehabilitation is a visual and textual analysis of common sports injuries and rehabilitation of those injuries through effective exercises. It is also a guide to how to do the exercises properly and when to seek professional help to overcome your sports injury.

The book has three distinct parts: the first is a basic introduction to anatomical definitions, terminology and an overview of sports injuries. It also includes guidelines on injury prevention, acute care and first aid, manual therapy, long-term rehabilitation and lifestyle considerations.

Part two is divided into 13 sections covering a region of the body and highlights some of the most common injuries for that region. Each section defines individual injuries and their potential causes, treatment plans and statistics. Up to three mobilizations, stretches and/or exercises that may be used to help rehabilitate the injury are suggested as part of the corrective exercise programme following the acute phase of the injury.

Note that an injury can have many different causes and should be assessed by a trained professional to find the underlying causes. Any muscle imbalances should be highlighted at this stage and proper corrective stretching and strengthening should be given based on this information.

Disclaimer: Many of the exercises have a degree of risk of injury if done without adequate instruction and supervision. We recommend that you have a thorough assessment with a CHEK Practitioner, physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor before undertaking any of the exercises, and that you seek qualified instruction if you are a complete beginner. This book does not constitute medical advice and the author and publisher cannot be held liable for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone using this book or the information contained in it.

Without a thorough assessment, the likelihood of full rehabilitation is greatly reduced, therefore, the stretches and exercises recommended may not be applicable to all.

Part three is an exercise section – a ‘how-to’ guide to doing the exercises as well as a visual and technical exercise analysis describing which muscles are being used. The start and finish position are usually depicted and training tips may be included.

The adult human body has more than 600 muscles and 206 bones; in this bookemphasis is placed on about 92 muscles involved in movement and stabilization. Many of the smaller muscles, as well the deep, small muscles of the spine and muscles of the hands and feet are not given specific attention.

This book is designed to help you improve your understanding of sports injuries and to overcome them and get back to performing at your best without the worry of further or future injury. Before starting a rehabilitation programme, the reader is advised to fully understand what phase of recovery they are in and introduce the right treatments and exercises at the right time (explained in part one). For instance, if stretches and exercises are used in the acute phase, this may further damage tissues and make the injury worse. Therefore, it is advised that you work through the book in the order it was written. In Part one, you will understand the anatomical definitions and terminology used in the book as well as a basic understanding of injuries and rehabilitation strategies. In Part two you will learn about your injury, while in Part three you will learn how to perform the exercises and stretches.

Ultimately, the injured tissues need to be conditioned to take the rigours of your sport in all planes of motion. This is known as end-stage rehab. While it is beyond the scope of this book to teach you end-stage rehab, the reader is advised to receive professional advice on strength and conditioning or read Anatomy of Strength and Fitness Training for Speed and Sport by Leigh Brandon.


Anatomy has its own language and although technical, it is quite logical, originating from Latin and Greek root words that make it easier to learn and understand the names of muscles, bones and other anatomy parts.

Whether you are an athlete, a student, a physio-therapist, a strength and conditioning coach or a CHEK practitioner, using the correct words and terminology enables you to interact with other professionals and professional materials.

Like most medical terms, anatomical terms are made up of small word parts, known as combining forms that fit together to make the full term. These ‘combining forms’ comprise roots, prefixes and suffixes. Knowing the different word parts allows you to unravel the word. Most anatomical terms only contain two parts: either a prefix and root or a root and suffix.

For example, if you take the terms ‘subscapular’ and ‘suprascapular’; the root is ‘scapula’, more commonly known as the shoulder blade. ‘Supra’ means ‘above’, hence ‘suprascapula’ means something above the shoulder blade. On the other hand, ‘sub’ means ‘below’, indicating in this instance something below the shoulder blade.

Common prefixes, suffixes and roots of anatomical terms

Word root





pertaining to the abdomen

abdominal muscle

major muscle group of the abdominal region




protruding feature on the scapula bone


pertaining to the joint

articular surface

joint surface


pertaining to the arm


arm muscle


pertaining to the neck

cervical vertebrae

the neck region of the spine




bones forming the skull



gluteus maximus

buttock muscle


to tie, to bind


joins bone to bone


chest region

pectoralis major

chest muscle

Word parts used as prefixes


away from, from, off


movement away from the midline


increase, adherence, toward


movement towards the midline

ante-, antero-

before, in front


front aspect of the body


two, double

biceps brachii

two-headed arm muscle




circular movement of a limb


the clavicle


muscle, inserts into clavicle


with, together

concentric contraction

contraction in which muscle attachments move together



costal cartilage

rib cartilage




wedge-shaped foot bone


down from


downward movement of the shoulder blades




movement of the top side of the foot towards the shin


away from

eccentric contractions

contraction in which muscle attachments move apart




feature of a bone, located above a condyle



tensor fasciae latae

small band-like muscle of the hip




movement closing the angle of a joint


below, beneath


muscle situated below the spine of the scapula


after, behind


bones of the foot, distal to the tarsals


after, behind


rear aspect of the body


bent forward

prone position

lying face down




nearest the root of a limb




four-part muscle group on the anterior thigh


back, again


pulling of the shoulder blades towards the midline



serratus anterior

muscle with a saw-like edge


beneath, inferior


muscle beneath the scapula

super, supra-

over, above, excessive


muscle above the spine of the scapula


toward the head


the chest, thorax

thoracic vertebrae

in the region of the thorax



transverse abdominus

muscle crossing the abdomen



triceps brachii

three-headed muscle of the upper arm




small rounded projection on a bone

Word parts used as suffixes

-al, ac

pertaining to

iliac crest

pertaining to the ilium



biceps brachii

two-headed arm muscle


pertaining to

thoracic vertebrae

pertaining to the thorax


like, in the shape of


upper back muscle, in the shape of a rhomboid




muscle separating the thorax and abdomen


The human body can be viewed as an integration of approximately 12 distinct systems that continuously interact to control a multitude of complex functions. These systems are a co-ordinated assembly of organs, each with specific capabilities, whose tissue structures suit a similar purpose and function.

This book illustrates and analyzes the systems that control movement and posture, namely the muscular and skeletal systems; often referred to jointly as the musculoskeletal system.

The other systems are the cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, integumentary, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune and reproductive systems.

The muscular system

The muscular system facilitates movement, maintenance of posture and the production of heat and energy. It is made up of three types of muscle tissue: cardiac, smooth and striated.

Cardiac muscle forms the walls in the heart, while smooth muscles tissue is found in the walls of internal organs such as the stomach and blood vessels. Both are activated involuntarily via the autonomic nervous system and hormonal action.

Striated muscle makes up the bulk of the muscles as we commonly know them. The skeletal system includes the tendons that attach muscle to bone, as well as the connective tissue that surrounds the muscle tissue, which is called fascia.

A human male weighing 70 kg (154 lbs) has approximately 25–35 kg (55–77 lbs) of skeletal tissue.

Muscle attachments

Muscles attach to bone via tendons. The attachment points are referred to as the origin and the insertion.

The origin is the point of attachment that is proximal (closest to the root of a limb) or closest to the midline, or centre of the body. It is usually the least moveable point, acting as the anchor in muscle contraction.

The insertion is the point of attachment that is distal (furthest from the root of a limb) or furthest from the midline or centre of the body. The insertion is usually the most moveable part, and can be drawn towards the origin.

Knowing the origin and insertion of a muscle, which joint or joints the muscle crosses and what movement is caused at that joint or joints is a key element of exercise analysis.

There are typical features on all bones that act as convenient attachment points for the muscles. A description of typical bone features is given in the table on page 11.

Typical features on a bone





Large, rounded projection at a joint, that usually articulates with another bone

Medial and lateral condyle of the femur Lateral condyle of the tibia


Projection located above the condyle

Medial or lateral epicondyle of the humerus


Small, flat joint surfaces

Facet joints of the vertebrae


Significant, rounded projection at the proximal end of a bone, usually forming a joint

Head of the humerus


Ridge-like, narrow projection

Iliac crest of the pelvis

Line, Linea

Lesser significant ridge, running along a bone

Linea aspera of the femur


Any significant projection

Coracoid and acromion process of the scapula Olecranon process of the ulna at the elbow joint

Spine, Spinous process

Significant, slender projection away from the surface of the bone

Spinous processes of the vertebrae Spine of the scapula


Joint line between two bones forming a fixed or semi-fixed joint

Sutures that join the bones of the skull


Very large projection

Greater trochanter of the femur


Small, rounded projection

Greater tubercles of the humerus


Large, rounded or roughened projection

Ischial tuberosities on the pelvis


Rounded hole or opening in a bone

The vertebral foramen running down the length of the spine, in which the spinal cord is housed


Hollow, shallow or flattened surface on a bone

Supraspinous and infraspinous fossa on the scapula

The word ‘skeleton’ originates from a Greek word meaning ‘dried up’. Infants are born with about 350 bones, many of which fuse as they grow, forming single bones, resulting in the 206 bones that an adult has.

The skeletal system

This consists of bones, ligaments (which join bone to bone) and joints. Joints are referred to as articulations and are sometimes classified as a separate system, the articular system.

Apart from facilitating movement, the primary functions of the skeletal system include supporting the muscles, protecting the soft tissues and internal organs, the storage of surplus minerals and the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow of the long bones.

Integrated systems

The body’s systems are completely and intricately interdependent. For movement to take place, for example, the respiratory system brings in oxygen and the digestive system breaks down our food into essential nutrients. The cardiovascular system then carries the oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles via the blood to facilitate the energy reactions that result in physical work being done.

The lymphatic and circulatory systems help to carry away the waste products of these energy reactions, which are later converted and/or excreted by the digestive and urinary systems. The nervous system interacts with the muscles to facilitate the contraction and relaxation of the muscle tissue. The articular system of joints allows the levers of the body to move.

The femur (thigh bone) is about one quarter of a person’s height. It is also the largest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body. The shortest bone, the stirrup bone in the ear is only about 2.5 mm long. An adult’s skeleton weights about 9 kg (20 lb)


When learning anatomy and analyzing movement, we refer to a standard reference position of the human body, known as the anatomical position (see illustrations below). All movements and locations of anatomical structures are named as if the person were standing in this position.

Regional anatomy

This book is a technical labelling guide to the different superficial parts of the body. In anatomical language, common names such as ‘head’ are replaced with anatomical terms derived from Latin, such as ‘cranial’ or ‘cranium’.

Within the different body regions there are sub-regions. For example, within the cranial region are the frontal, occipital, parietal and temporal sub-regions.

Anatomical planes

The body can be divided into three imaginary planes of reference, each perpendicular to the other.

The sagittal plane passes through the body from front to back, dividing it into a right half and a left half. The midline of the body is called the median. If the body is divided in the sagittal plane, directly through its median, this is known as the median sagittal plane. The coronal (frontal plane) passes through the body from top to bottom, dividing it into front and back sections.

The transverse (horizontal) plane passes through the middle of the body at right angles, dividing it into a top and a bottom section.

An anatomical cross-section of the internal structures of the body can be viewed in any one of these planes, which are also described as ‘planes of motion’, as the joint movements are defined in relation to one of the three planes. Understanding into which plane an anatomical cross-section is divided will help you know what you are looking at and from which viewpoint.


There are standard anatomical terms that describe the position or direction of one structure of the body and its relationship to other structures or parts of the body.

The human body is a complex, three dimensional structure. Knowing the proper anatomical terms of position and direction will help you to compare one point on the body with another and understand where it is situated in relation to the other anatomical features.

These terms are standard, no matter whether the person is standing, seated or lying, and are named as if the person was standing in the anatomical position (see page xx). The terms of direction should not be confused with joint movements (see pages 17–20).

Anatomical terms of position and direction



Example of usage


Towards the front, pertaining to the front

The pectoral muscles are found on the anterior aspect of the body


Towards the back, pertaining to the back

The calf muscles are situated on the posterior surface of the lower leg


Above another structure, towards the head

The knee is superior to the ankle


Below another structure, towards the feet

The hip is inferior to the shoulder


Away from the midline, on or towards the outside

The radial bone is lateral to the ulna


Towards the midline, pertaining to the middle or centre

The tibial bone is medial to the fibula


Closest to the trunk or root of a limb; sometimes used to refer to the origin of a muscle

The shoulder joint is proximal to the elbow


Situated away from the midline or centre of the body, or root of a limb; sometimes used to refer to a point away from the origin of a muscle

The knee joint is distal to the hip


Closer to the surface of the body, more towards the surface of the body than another structure

The rectus abdominus is the most superficial muscle of the abdominal wall


Further from the surface, relatively deeper into the body than another structure

The transverse abdominus is the deepest muscle of the abdominal wall


Lying face down

A prone cobra exercise is performed from a lying start position


Lying on the back, face upwards

A bench press exercise is performed from a supine position


Knowing and understanding movement (which joint is moving and how it moves) is essential in order to analyze a complex exercise. This book has done the job of joint identification for you, and understanding this section will help improve your exercise analysis.

Types of joints

Some joints are fixed or semi-fixed, allowing little or no movement. For instance, the bones of the skull join together in structures known as sutures to form fixed joints; but where the spine joins the pelvis, the sacroiliac (‘sacro’ from sacrum and ‘iliac’ pertaining to the pelvic crest) joint is semi-fixed and allows minimal movement.

A third category called synovial joints are free-moving and move in different ways determined by their particular shape, size and structure.

Synovial joints are the most common joints in the body. They are categorized by a joint capsule that surrounds the articulation, the inner membrane of which secretes lubricating synovial fluid, stimulated by movement. Typical synovial joints include the shoulder, knee, hip, ankle, joints of the feet and hands and the vertebral joints.

Joint action

When performing an activity such as lifting weights or running, the combination of nerve stimulation and muscular contraction facilitates the movement that occurs at the synovial joints.