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Let the angels into your life. They are lights and beautiful beings, helping us to live our potential, our best! In this book you find a lot of angelic beings, with the description and the prayer- so you can come very easily in contact. Enjoy it and let the divine light into your life and any situation in your life. Wish you a lot of fun with the angels!
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Seitenzahl: 109
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022
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For all divine angelic beings! Thank you for your infinite divine love and support!
Djwal Khul
El Morya
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Azrael
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Sandolfon
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Zadkiel
Kuan Yin
Lady nada
Maha Chohan
Mother Mary
Pallas Athena
Serapis Bey
Paramahansa Yogananda
List of all angelic beings and their sphere of activity
Surrounded by love
I have seen angelic beings since I was a child and have always loved conversing with them. I felt safe and secure with them — just surrounded by love.
I have been working closely with the Angels, Archangels, Masters, Avatars and Goddesses for three decades now. I have tried to list the angelic beings in this book who are always at my side in the angel readings and who are very close to my heart. In this book I introduce each angelic being and at the end of each description there is a little prayer that can help you call them.
With this book, I wanted to create a tool that gives everyone the freedom and opportunity to connect with the angelic beings and with God. So I wrote down everyone who always stands by my side and gives their best in the Angelreadings! I got in touch with each one, did some research to get as much information as possible, and wrote a prayer with each angelic being. The result is this wonderful book filled with angels!
If I haven't mentioned an angelic being but you think it should be mentioned, just write to me and I'll write a second book about even more wonderful divine beings! Thanks very much!
Take your time reading through the angel descriptions, and if you feel guided to work with one, then do so. No fear! They are there for us humans!
They are happy if they can help!
So you can work with just one angelic being and only ask this one being to your side, but you can also work with several at the same time. Maybe several of them fit your topic, then that's perfectly fine too. It's entirely up to you, because you can't go wrong!
The most important thing is: Call them with an open, honest and loving heart and they will immediately be at your side with advice, action and motivation!
If you would like to summon an angelic being for someone else, you are more than welcome to do so! The guiding principle should always be an open, honest and loving heart. So ask this chosen entity to come to the human's side — you can also say the prayer for it, but then it is very important: release the two, let go and let the best happen.
It should never be mandatory, for example because you think: That's exactly what the other person needs, why doesn't he react? That can only lead to more blockages.
For example, call Christ to the side of a person and see Christ holding that person in His arms — then release them, you let go and let Christ do His work and maybe work miracles with that person!
Okay, I hope this book brings you a lot of joy and I really wish that the angelic beings will become more familiar to you every day so that soon they will be an integral part of your life that will make life easier! I hope it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship between you, the wonderful archangels, the incredibly powerful goddesses, the luminous masters and avatars and with God himself.
I wish you a lot of fun! From heart to heart
Yours, Nadine Simmerock
Abundantia can be found in Roman mythology. She is a beautiful goddess of wealth, luck, abundance and success. She carries a cornucopia that energetically spills over you when you summon her. What can I say? Anyone who calls upon her and perceives her loving, blessing-filled energy is overwhelmed.
She is so pure and beautiful and comes to every person who asks her to be by their side from the bottom of their hearts. She works very closely with Lakshmi and the two goddesses can create miracles in your life.
Abundantia brings blessings of money, prosperity, financial security. But not only that! When you call her, be ready to let her guide you. She wants to help you find your way on your path, which — as everyone knows or has already experienced — does not always feel safe, and especially when there is a lack of money. Then she will take charge and try to lead you out into love, safety and security.
Let go of your worries and hand them over to Abundantia. Let her take you with you into joy, and with this loving guidance you will continue on your path in life strengthened.
Financial security
Protection and safe guidance
Love and security
Let go of worries
Live joy
Rich blessings
Prayer suggestion:
My beautiful, loving Abundantia, I need your help... (description of the situation).
Please come to my side now and let your power flow into this whole situation!
I wish to be as powerful as you, without all my worries and filled with joy. That's why I now hand over all my worries to you, with the knowledge that I no longer need them, because they don't help me, but block me, this situation and my whole life! Thank you for your prompt intervention and believing in my heart that I am already taken care of!
Please help me to open now to receive and gratefully accept your rich blessings that are now showering upon me from your cornucopia.
You fill me and my life with new wealth, joy and love. You are wonderful and I thank you for your rich blessings.
I think Babaji became very well known to us in the West through Paramahansa Yogananda's wonderful book “Autobiography of a Yogi”. Through Babaji, the wonderful Yogananda was commissioned to teach Kriya Yoga in the West as well. His teachings continue to this day and grow every year. (See “Yogananda” for more information.)
Babaji is also called the "Immortal Master". It is said that he never died but ascended to the heavenly spheres with his body. It is still reported today that he appeared physically to some seekers after God. Babaji is definitely the epitome of God's love. He is pure love, pure divine love. I love him very much and have the greatest respect and admiration for him. Babaji's job is to lead people to God. Because the truth is, we come from God and we go back to it.
By “God” I definitely don't mean a religion. Every human being should cultivate his direct connection with God.
If you want clearer communication with God and want to open your heart to Him, call on Babaji. He will support you and guide you.
I love him more than anything, he gives so much love and opens hearts and helps us to grow spiritually.
He is wonderful!
Spiritual growth
Opening of the heart
Pure divine love
Clear communication with God
Beloved Babaji, please gently open my heart to give you and God my pure love. Thank you for being by my side now and healing me. Take my little heart by storm and make it huge, filled with divine love!
I can then distribute this love in the world and I know that a multiple will come back to me, and I can then in turn give this multiplied love to others.
Thank you for bringing God and His healing love closer to me and for helping me to establish direct contact with God! It is beautiful and fills me with joy!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your clarity and your help to grow within.
Buddha is wonderful and a role model for many people. He sought the end of suffering throughout his life. He wanted real liberation and tried different ways until he found his own. He meditated an awful lot, especially on a Bodhi tree. There he vowed not to rise again until he had attained enlightenment.
So it was that he meditated deeply and was able to see his past lives — the infinity of life. And he realized that one could free oneself from suffering through inner peace. He also taught afterwards that the "middle way", that is moderation in all things, is the key to a balanced, happy life.
When you call him, you immediately feel his peace and harmony. He also helps you to find the "middle ground" in daily life, also between the daily work we have to do and the time we can find to meditate deeply and unite with God.
Find peace within yourself
Harmony and balance
Spiritual growth and union with God
My dear Buddha, I wholeheartedly ask for your tenderness and guidance for my spiritual growth. Please help me to live a balanced, harmonious life with enough time for deep meditation. I want to immerse myself in your peace and let myself be guided by you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
He is the Son of God — what love he exudes! Jesus Christ is probably one of the most famous masters there is. Almost everyone knows his birth story, life, crucifixion and resurrection! Especially in the Christmas season, the Christ consciousness is very tangible. This time is filled with his blessings. Symbolically, the trunk of the Christmas tree is comparable to our spine, the roots of the trunk symbolize our foot chakras, and the top of the tree with the poinsettia on it symbolizes our open third eye. So you can use this time for yourself, maybe withdraw a bit to meditate.
Also, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was not to be understood as the victory of his opponents, but he showed through his resurrection that HE is the Son of God, that nothing could be done to him. He — we — are immortal. He is also the epitome of true forgiveness. Don't you think he could have crushed his opponents with just a wave of his hand?
Instead, he said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing," and so he forgave everyone. So Jesus Christ can very well help you in a forgiveness process. Forgiveness means letting go, and that's one of the most important things in life, but also probably the most difficult thing there is — I'll admit that. A lot of people have a hard time with that. Through Christ I have learned to see it this way:
I had an expectation from another person, which the other person could not fulfill for me. Now I don't feel loved, rejected, disappointed, hurt or even betrayed. But actually I deceived myself with my expectations.
I had an expectation that the other person couldn't or wouldn't fulfill and now I'm stuck in my own disappointment, anger or bitterness and I don't want to let go of the other person who "did it" to me. So I poison myself and that's how injuries and karmic entanglements happen and we fight frantically to get out. But only until we decide not to poison ourselves anymore, but to let go so that forgiveness can arise! Little by little you also manage to let go of the other person and, above all, to release your own blocked emotions.
I love Jesus Christ so much. He has been with me my whole life and I am very grateful to have him by my side. He has helped me in many a hopeless situation.
Call the Christ energy into your life. Do it daily and it will slowly but surely transform something inside and around you.
The Christ energy lives in us and wants to be awakened. Activate the Christ within you, this will trigger a tremendous vibration!
It activates your divine flame and this vibration activates powers that cannot be put into words — miracles can actually happen!
Miraculous Power
Connection with God
Let go
The peace of Jesus Christ is pouring into me now and all is well!
The peace of Jesus Christ is flowing into my heart now and I am forgiven and can forgive!
The peace of Jesus Christ now fills my heart and I come into peace with... (name of person).