Apollo - a dachshund tells his story - Anne Teutschbein-Licha - E-Book

Apollo - a dachshund tells his story E-Book

Anne Teutschbein-Licha

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A little dachshund man very big, Apollo a dachshund tells his and his families story. Many small experiences make a big whole. Apollo would like to share his adventures and many experiences with you, and all dachshund enthusiasts and those who might want to become one. This book is intended to take you into a small world, which sometimes lies hidden, with all its beautiful and sometimes sad times. Have fun reading and dreaming. Your Apollo

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Seitenzahl: 42

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The book is dedicated to my parents and my brother, they made it possible for me to let a little dachshund into my heart as a child and they stoically endured every failed puddle, – and my husband, who can‘t be bothered by 7 dachshunds has been deterred and has been infected.

Apollo says thank you very much to mistress‘s colleagues, who always stepped in when the dachshund was in need, so that mistress could be with us.

Thanks also to all veterinarians of the clinic in Hofheim, who have always helped and were and always are there for us when things got tricky, became serious and difficult.

Special thanks to Mrs. Regina Mitchell for the loving translation and proofreading of my book.

Table of Contents


Apollo – a dachshund tells his story

Apollo and Quackie

A duckling moves in with us

Apollo‘s great journey

The move

Apollo grows up

the school

Apollo – a dachshund tells episodes from the life of his dachshund family

My sister is born

Another move

The most educated dachshund

Apollo goes to the ballet

My two nieces

Apollo goes on vacation

Changes – We are getting older – Aunt Lüni

Our new home

My task as a scribbler

Apollo‘s epilogue


A little dachshund man very big, Apollo – a dachshund tells his and his family‘s story. Many small experiences make a big whole. Apollo would like to share his adventures and many experiences with you, and all dachshund enthusiasts and those who might want to become one. This book is intended to take you into a small world, which sometimes lies hidden, with all its beautiful and sometimes sad times.

Have fun reading and dreaming.Your Apollo

Name translations:

aus der Götterdämmerung

from the twilight of the goddes


moon goddes



Ceres / Chloe

goddes demeter / goddes of fertility

Zofe von der schönen Weide

maid from the beautiful pasture


god of war


god of the light / art / music


greek hunting goddes


god of the wine

Apollo – a dachshund tells his story

It was on a cold January night – Oh, I haven‘t even introduced myself yet, I‘m Apollo aus der Götterdämmerung, a short-haired miniature dachshund, a little heartbreaker with a long nose, floppy ears and a look that can soften stones – when my brother and I came into the world.

Zofe with Apollo and Ares (1 week old)

My brother‘s name is Ares aus der Götterdämmerung, my mom is Zofe von der schönen Weide and my dad is the proud Alf von der Teckeltatze. So, now you know my family, well actually not quite yet. There are two two-legged friends, where my mom and we two brothers live. The rest of our rascals I will introduce to you later.

Now first of all about us. As I said, we were born on a cold January night. Outside, the cold north wind blew its song. We were born blind and deaf. So in the beginning we didn‘t notice much of our surroundings. Only the warmth of our mom when she cleaned and suckled us. She always snuggled up very close to us.

Zofe with Apollo and Ares (2 days old)

Zofe with Apollo and Ares (14 days old)

Delightful! Her tongue tickled nicely when she cleaned us and when she cleaned us after dinner, she was very, very thorough. Sometimes we whined because we didn‘t want that. She would massage our tummies so we could do our big and little business. She would then clean everything up. She was always very clean.

Apollo with Mom and Brother (3 weeks old)

When we were 10 days old, we opened our eyes. What all was there to see. We explored our whelping box, crawled around in it and looked for the exit. Mom had a lot to do. My brother and I now also got to know our two-legged friends. Every few hours she came to play with us. But first we were weighed, examined and turned upside down. When we were 2 weeks old we became medicine. My two-legged friend said, we have to eat it often now. It was a worm cure and we should get used to it. It did not taste good at all. My brother and I trampled and kicked, but it was no use. She was even more thorough than our mommy.

Apollo (7 weeks old)

Apollo and his Plush Pig (5 weeks old)