Are You Rugged or Unrugged? - Rugged Dude - E-Book

Are You Rugged or Unrugged? E-Book

Rugged Dude

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According to Rugged Dude Carson (his real name): “This is the ultimate guide to bringing even a rugged dude or dudette in training all the way up to Rugged Certified status!  Even if you live in a high rise building in the city, and drive a Toyota Prius, there is hope for you... Read this book and  you'll be on your way to full ‘Ruggedtivityizationalizm.’  Yes, that's a real word.  Look it up!”

Rugged Dude credits inspiration for the book from "Doing my TV series Officially Rugged with RD for eight seasons and the many (thousands) of emails from people telling us their ideas of being rugged or unrugged. we got over that time. "

When asked how much of himself he could see in the rugged or un-rugged dilemmas, RD replied: “Safe to say that I do see myself in many of the scenarios in the book.  Also, on many of my trips (for taping shows anywhere across Canada and the USA) there would be a couple or three other people with us.  And, they too, would be perfect candidates for some of this ruggedtivity.”

"I feel so much better—it’s good to have my ruggedness affirmed by the experts. This book is a humorous look at the outdoors lifestyle that those of us that are rugged, enjoy. This collection of fun illustrations and ruggedisms will keep you turning the pages from cover to cover.  Are you rugged? Take the test. And yes, I have fixed a hole in my canoe with duct tape."
--Mikel B. Classen, author of Lake Superior Tales, editor of U.P. Reader

"After a year in the bush hunting and  fishing and not using any deodorant, a hungry bear picks  up your trail. It gets a  good  whiff of you and goes the other way. Rugged?..... Thiis book is humorous and full of many 'Rugged' examples. A winner!"

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