Assessing the Perception and Challenges of Online Learning by Students in Some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Ghana - Michael Owusu Frimpong - E-Book

Assessing the Perception and Challenges of Online Learning by Students in Some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Ghana E-Book

Michael Owusu Frimpong

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Academic Paper from the year 2021 in the subject Pedagogy - School System, Educational and School Politics, grade: A, , course: Technology, language: English, abstract: The study sought to assess the perception and challenges of online learning by students in some selected tertiary institutions in Ghana. Quantitative research design was adopted for the study. Using probability sampling techniques specifically stratified sampling, simple random sampling technique and the questionnaires were administered to 150 students which formed the sample size for the study. The data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 20. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize response from respondents of the different universities. Data collected was analyzed using cross tabulation. Statistical differences were compared using chi-square and a P-value of < 0.05 was considered as significant. The study concludes that, most of the students in Ghanaian tertiary institutions were young adults and the usage of online learning was embraced by the tertiary students as they saw it to be more effective. The electronic device used by most students for assessing online teaching and learning was mobile phones with high cost of purchasing data bundles as one of the major challenges students faced in the three universities for assessing the online learning platforms. The study therefore recommends that the tertiary institutions should provide free internet access to the students to assist them in their online teaching and learning. Also, it is recommended that the government and other NGOs should provide free android phone to student to assist them in their online learning and finally, appropriate training should be given to the students on how to use the online learning platform.

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