Awaken Your Sleep - Bibi Ohlsson - E-Book

Awaken Your Sleep E-Book

Bibi Ohlsson



Discover the incredible power of befriending your sleep and unlocking a happier, healthier, and more productive life with "Awaken Your Sleep"! This isn't just any sleep book - it's an interactive workbook that will guide you to reclaim your relationship with rest, sparking a ripple effect that will transform your well-being and beyond. Get ready to change your entire perspective on sleep, learn game-changing strategies to rewrite unhelpful thoughts, and cultivate a nourishing relationship with sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. But that's not all - prioritizing sleep can cultivate empathy, patience, and clearer thinking, essential ingredients for building a kinder, more connected world. Imagine a world where everyone wakes up feeling well-rested - communities will thrive, collaboration will flourish, and compassion will lead the way! Invest in yourself and join us on a journey towards a brighter future, one well-rested night at a time.

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Dive deeper into the world of sleep with Awaken Your Sleep, an upcycled second edition of How to Build a Robust Relationship with Sleep by Bibi Ohlsson, 2023. This workbook-style book features new information, expanded techniques, and powerful strategies for transforming your sleep habits.


Your Sleep Matters

While this book is full of helpful sleep information, it’s not meant to replace professional medical advice.

Think of it as a tool alongside your doctor’s guidance!

Even when sleep feels untouchable, each sunrise boldly proclaims the promise of a fresh start.

Like the albatross gracefully sleeping mid-flight, you possess the potential to adapt, a quiet resilience.

Believe you can nurture your resilience and weave rest into your life skillfully, finding the restorative power of sleep even amid the bustle of your days.

Bibi Ohlsson



Chapter 1: Awaken Your Sleep Power

Discover Your Hidden Sleep World

Decoding Your Sleep Signals

Outsmart the Sleep Struggle

Harness Your Natural Abilities

Tame Your Sleep Thoughts

Nurture Your Sleep Friendship

Design Your Sleep Blueprint

Befriend Your Sleep Needs

Chapter 2: Every Night Holds Potential

Awaken Your Sleep Potential

Understand the Power of Sleep

Seek a Connection with Sleep

Your Inner Dialogue

Level Up Your Sleep Game

Ignite Hope for Better Sleep

Your Sleep Superpower

Navigate Your Sleep Journey

Rethink Your Sleep Struggles

Celebrate Your Progress

Questions to Spark Positivity

Escape Your Sleep Illusion

Meet Some Sleepers

Chapter 3: The Friendship You Didn’t Know You Needed

The Value of Friendship

Reframe Your Sleep Mindset

Be Kind & Understanding

Challenge Your Sleep Sabotage

Your Sleepiness Meter

Act on Your Sleep Knowledge

A Sleep Journey Continues

Master Your Sleep Basics

Sleep and Me

APPENDIX: The Power of Personalized Solutions!

Internal Struggles

Mental Overdrive

Emotional Turmoil

Seeking Control

Sleep Environment & Physical Factors

External Disruptors

The Body’s Needs

Disrupted Routines

Relationship Dynamics

Shared Space, Different Needs

Caring for Others

The Mind-Body Connection

The Power of Dreams

Ambition’s Impact

Technology’s Influence



My passion - and purpose - is helping people bring out the best version of themselves. As a positive psychology coach, I’ve seen how focusing and building on what comes naturally and works well, can lead to incredible transformations.

That’s my motivation for creating a sleep guide – to help awaken your sleep and unlock the hidden superpower of rest!

Think about it: getting enough sleep makes us more patient, focused, and energized. Not only does this improve our own lives, it ripples outward. Rested people build happier families, stronger communities, and ultimately, a kinder world.

My hope is this guide empowers you to change your mindset around sleep, rewrite stressful thoughts, and approach bedtime with optimism.

Here’s to discovering a world where rest is not a luxury, but an essential pillar of your vibrant, joyful life.


Chapter 1

Awaken Your Sleep PowerUncover the Secrets of Your Sleep

Discover Your Hidden Sleep World

Picture sleep as a vast, unexplored territory within your own body. A hidden world you visit each night, shaping your energy, mood, and well-being in ways you might not fully understand. It's time to embark on a journey of discovery!

Unraveling the Secrets: Forget the idea of sleep as simply being "off." While you rest, incredible things happen – your brain strengthens memories, your body repairs itself, and your emotional landscape resets.

What else is your sleeping mind capable of?

The Evolution of Rest: Sleep changes throughout life. Understanding where you are now—your patterns, your struggles—is the first step towards making sleep work for you in this phase of your life.

The Nurturing Factor: Like any meaningful relationship, your connection with sleep thrives on attention and care. Cultivating a calming evening unwind is a powerful way to demonstrate that care. It's also crucial to understand your emotions, thoughts, and environment – all of which play a crucial role in shaping your sleep experience.

Decoding Your Sleep Signals

Like a close friend, your body has a unique way of communicating its needs.

Understanding sleep’s subtle language is vital to building a solid foundation for your sleep friendship.

Many people think that yawning is the only sign of tiredness. Still, your body actually starts sending out signals long before that point. Irritability, difficulty concentrating, and even increased hunger can be early hints that you’re starting to run low on sleep.

Recognizing Your Sleep Signals

Here’s how some people describe those subtle sleep signals:

“I get irritable and crave snacks in the late afternoon. That might be a sign of sleepiness.”

“I’m starting to see a pattern between restless nights and days when I skipped my morning walk.”

“I’m scrolling mindlessly through social media, not really engaged in anything.”

“I suddenly feel colder than usual, like I need an extra layer even when the temperature hasn’t changed.”

“I feel more sensitive than normal, and little things easily get under my skin.”

Taking Action: The key is respecting these signals. Take short breaks for mental recharge, or incorporate calming activities like mindfulness into your day. It’s about paying attention and responding thoughtfully.

The Result: By tuning into your body’s sleep signals, you strengthen your sleep friendship and create a routine that supports your well-being. This awareness is power. It brings hope for better sleep and empowers you to take consistent steps toward the restful nights you deserve.

Outsmart the Sleep Struggle

Remember those carefree nights when you quickly melted into sleep? Now, something’s changed. The harder you chase sleep, the more it slips through your fingers. Welcome to the frustrating world of sleep struggles! But here’s the good news: there’s a path out of this trap.

Challenging the Myths

It appears you’re putting a lot of effort into solving your sleep issues, and that’s admirable. However, there’s a common mistake that many people make when trying to fall asleep. Trying to force sleep might not be the best approach. Demanding, “I must sleep now!” puts your body into a state of anxiety, making everything worse.

It’s similar to the “don’t think of a pink elephant” problem - the more you try not to think about it, the more it pops up. Similarly, the more you try to force yourself to sleep, the more difficult it becomes to fall asleep.

Frustration mounts, pillows get tossed, and nights become battlegrounds. This isn’t the way sleep is supposed to be. If struggle defines your relationship with sleep, a fresh approach is needed.

Finding the Gentle Path

The secret to better sleep often lies in doing less – less striving, less worrying. It’s similar to cultivating a friendship – understanding and ease are essential, not forceful tactics.

Your sleep journey is unique, filled with personal habits, worries, and even those odd thoughts that seem to pop up when you turn out the light. Why don’t we explore these together!

Beyond the Basics

Yes, catching up on sleep over the weekend helps, but research shows you can’t fully erase sleep debt that way. Shifting sleep patterns between weekdays and weekends can lead to social jet lag! Consistency is crucial for your internal clock. How about trying a daily early afternoon power nap instead?