Awakening - M.R. Reynolds - E-Book

Awakening E-Book

M.R. Reynolds

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Michael Oakes thought that his life had ended. But he had not died. Instead he woke up in two different worlds and with two different identities Michael Oakes and Mikael Dal Oaken. His old world that was filled with anger and guilt, and a new world, Taleth, that was dangerously exciting, that rippled with hidden power, a world of sword wielding warriors and hideous monsters and yet a world with great beauty. Beset by enemies in both worlds, Michael embarks on two journeys, while switching between the two worlds. In Taleth, he must fight to survive, for the Corruptor is aware of him, and has named him for his own. If Michael is to fulfil his true destiny, he, and the spirit of Mikael Dal Oaken who now lives within him, must first uncover the great mystery surrounding the Wolves of Taleth.

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