BABA RAMDEV - Vinitha R - Hörbuch


Vinitha R

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"Bend it like Baba Ramdev", "The Breathing Baba", "The Man who Revolves his Stomach," "The Indian Yogi who Winks, "The Funny Indian Yogi" … are just a bunch of the many names he has been tagged with. We have had yoga masters and yoga maestros for centuries. Baba Ramdev will forever be known as the man who showed solutions, do-able solutions, to chronic ailments of people in the bedrooms of their own homes. "Till the last breath, a man must never give up. With willpower and pureness, he should keep on going towards his goal and one day he will find his own destiny." These are the words of a man who made yoga what it is today—a household application that is not only accessible but has become a lifestyle. Baba Ramdev perceived yoga as a routine regime, as an alternative to medicine, and a pseudoscientific technique to cure any illness in the lives of ordinary people. How could everyone not be accessing it, then?

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Zeit:0 Std. 30 min

Sprecher:Anish Nair
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