Babaji - Meeting with Truth - Shdema Goodman - E-Book

Babaji - Meeting with Truth E-Book

Shdema Goodman



"Whenever anyone utters with sincerity the name of Babaji that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing" Shri Babaji, (1970-1984) The growth experiences of a suburban mother/psychologist/wife in search for excellence. Her explorations of the numerous therapies have led her towards amazing adventures. She found Babaji's prescription of truth, simplicity and love to be the main ingredients necessary for a happy, prosperous and fulfilling life.

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The book

"Whenever anyone utters with sincerity the name of Babaji that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing." Shri Babaji, (1970-1984)

The growth experiences of a suburban mother/psychologist/wife in search for excellence. Her explorations of the numerous therapies have led her towards amazing adventures. She found Babaji's prescription of truth, simplicity and love to be the main ingredients necessary for a happy, prosperous and fulfilling life.

The author

Shdema Goodman-Moussaieff, Ed.D., a psychologist, visited with Babaji Mahavatar - first heard about him from 'Autobiography of a Yogi' - from 1978 to 1987. Dr. Goodman successfully reversed her 4cm breast tumor using mental imagery, PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) and Babaji's teachings. Shdema has been treating and training therapists including physicians, royalty and the public in her methods for over 20 years.

Shdema Goodman

Babaji Meeting with Truth

Table of Contents
The book / The author
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE - Your Life is as Good as You are Able to Imagine It to Be
CHAPTER TWO - The Physical Journey of Babaji
CHAPTER THREE - Beginning the Journey to the Self
CHAPTER FOUR - Moving Closer to the Truth
CHAPTER FIVE - The Ripening Fruit
CHAPTER SIX - More Experiences with Babaji
APPENDIX ONE - Babaji's Teachings by Gaura Devi And her Understandings of who he is
APPENDIX TWO - Excerpts from a Diary of a Visit
APPENDIX THREE - Interviews with Devotees
APPENDIX FOUR - Techniques of Self Healing and Goal Accomplishment

He gives everything but few ask for the real thing he has come to give.

"Whenever anyone utters with sincerity the name of Babaji that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing."

Shri Babaji, (1970-1984)


I ACKNOWLEDGE John - my husband Steven - my son Gaura Devi My parents Ramloti Family and friends

Om Namaha Shivaya

This is the mahamantra, the great original mantra, given by the Lord to humanity. Everyone should repeat it. It can be given to everyone and everything can be achieved through it. The power of Om Namaha Shivay is infinite. This Mantra is more powerful than the atomic bomb.

Shri Babaji (1970-1984)

Meditation: "In this dark age (Kali Yuga) the mind of man is weak and restless from the first day of birth. Because of this, no one is able to do the real practice of meditation anymore, but everyone can pray and repeat and chant the name of the Lord, using whichever divine name his religion teaches."

Shri Babaji (1970-1984)

I have come to give liberation to all of you. I have come to give the light.

Shri Babaji

I am bhole baba (the Simple Father). I am nobody and nothing. I am only like a mirror in which you can see yourself. I am like fire. Don't keep too far away or you will not get the warmth.

Shri Babaji

You can only know me through love - divine love, love for God, without any selfish purpose.

Shri Babaji

Repetition of thy name dries up the ocean of the world's misery: May there be only pure devotion at thy holy feet; My only desire is to be attached to thy form.

Haidakhan Aarati

(devotional songs)

The Lord is beyond name and form. No one is able to pretend to have reached this stage of realization. Worship remains an essential part of preparation and purification of the heart. Devotion and faith are the basis of everything. Through devotion alone, one can achieve everything. Complete faith, surrender and obedience are required.

Shri Babaji

You always speak words which remove our fear; Baba fulfills all desires.

Haidakhan Aarati

Be happy. If you are happy I am happy. Ask yourself what is your purpose in life and ask yourself why you have come here from so far. Be aware of the purpose of your coming here and strive for spiritual achievements. Live here with love for each other, like members of one family. Discard jealousy and envy. Because you are all one, live here in peace. If you are in peace, I am in peace; to serve other people is the main duty of every human being. I myself have come only to serve, to perform my duty. To be really able to serve is the greatest thing.

Shri Babaji

Nothing can be achieved without discipline. You should have the strong discipline of a soldier. Be the soldier of God, and act with courage and discipline. In this ashram and in the ashrams abroad discipline is the primary thing. Life aboard should be led the same as it is in Haidakhan.

Shri Babaji

Hail, hail to Lord Haidakhan, who incarnated for the liberation of the world!

Haidakhan Aarati

Karma is an inevitable law of cause and effect, by which all living beings reap the fruits of their actions and thoughts. Jesus stated the law of Karma in the words "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." The law of Karma is above all things. Karma starts when movement starts in the mind. To stop Karma we must bring the mind to that state of silence and voidness beyond which God can be known. Only a Yogi knows how to do this. Otherwise, as long as a man breathes, he is creating Karma. No one can remain without action, even for a minute. Therefore, learn how to dedicate your every action to the Lord.

Shri Babaji

Love and serve everyone the way you love and serve me.

Shri Babaji

"Love and serve all humanity. Help everyone. Be happy. Be courteous. Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy. Recognize God and goodness in every face. There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future. Praise everyone. If you cannot praise someone ... let him go out of your life. Be original. Be inventive. Be courageous. Take courage again and again. Do no imitate. Be strong. Be upright. Think with your own head. Be yourself. Do not lean on the crutches of others. All perfection and every divine virtue are hidden within you, reveal them to the world. Wisdom too, is already within you - let it shine forth. Let the Lord's grace make you free. Let your life be that of the rose - in silence it speaks the language of fragrance."

Shri Babaji (February 1984)

New hospital. New Quarters.

Haidakhan is a village about 17 km. from Ranibagh, Kathgodam, District Nainital. The Shiv temple at Haidakhan is an octagonal temple. It was built in 1840. It is highly sacred. The divine cave is in existence since the creation of the world. AT this place Param Guru Mahendra Maharaj received Nine Shlokas called `Munindra Sukta' The cave is located opposite the temple at the foot-hill of the Kurumanchal Kailash. Between the cave and the temple flows the Gautam Ganga. The source of Gautam Ganga is about one km. from the temple and is called Hanuman Kund. The Gautam Ganga was brought to this point as a part of the river Ganga and is linked with Mansarovar lake. The source was created by Tripurari Bhagwan Haidakhan Bihari for Gautam Rishi who was doing tapashya at Siddheshwar hills. The water of the Gautam Ganga is just like the water of Ganga, clean and sacred. Anyone who makes a pilgrimage to this place with a clean heart becomes entitled to `Moksha'.

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