BE A DOER - Philip Blanke - E-Book


Philip Blanke

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Every brain is capable of great things, regardless of physical conditions. Therefore, there is no such thing as a smart or stupid brain. A doer is well aware of personal prerequisites and can thus recognise the best in every event and will act accordingly. Who doesn't want to be a doer? This is not one of those "I'll make you successful" books to mould you into a doer. You have to do that yourself. This book just gives you a guide to get you a little closer to your dream every day. It is neither easy nor difficult. There is only one condition: You must and can act alone. Recognise the doer in you. What are you waiting for?

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This book cannot solve your problems for you, only you can do that .

This book merely provides a guide . On the basis of this you can realize that you can escape from your everyday life with less effort than you probably expect. With a little bit of effort and a little bit of luck, you can become independent from work that you don't enjoy. This is not a financial guide. I just want to make you aware of a few examples of what can make a happy life . Small tip: Money is not it.

My goal with this book is to make everyone's lives easier and to improve the lives of every person on this earth through conscious focus on the good .

If we all consciously direct our focus to the good and are mindful of the bad, we as humanity will manage to sustainably improve the lives of every human being in the long run and ensure a survival of humanity through charity .

I want to inspire individuals to live their lives in peace through a conscious focus on coziness - a peace away from the stress of everyday life, the next paycheck or the next retreat .

A world in which each person can concentrate on personal advancement and the development of an individual culture of consciousness that is good for him/her according to his/her own evaluation will see no need for a functioning society in the suffering of others.

"Be the change you wish to see in the World."

Mahatma Gandhi


Every human being has a certain potential by nature that must not be wasted . All the inventions and advances that mankind has made have one and the same origin: the human intellect . I would like to emphasize here that the intellect of a human being has nothing to do with the intelligence of that human being.

The intellect is natural. Every baby has it and uses it. The intellect expands by learning new things . At first infants observe their parents and other people . In the course of their lives they use the knowledge thus acquired to imitate these people in their own way . That's how you, me and most of humanity learned to crawl, walk and talk .

With the help of the intellect every human being then acquires his individual intelligence in this way . This process also begins naturally in the course of a human life. Children learn from their parents that flowers are a nice present for their mother and thus learn how they can make her happy with a small effort.

"It is the most important art of the teacher to awaken the joy of creating and of knowing."Albert Einstein

The interplay of intelligence, intellect, and some aspects of everyday life, which I discuss in this book, make up the individual habits that make up life. I will discuss the interplay of intellect and intelligence using consciousness later.

Your intelligence determines your life, but is not just at the mercy of external circumstances . From a certain age you are able to acquire knowledge with which you can create a fulfilling life . The rest of the book I will call this life a rich life.

According to this definition, you are not rich if you have a lot of money, but if you manage to fill your time with activities that give you long-term pleasure. This is only possible if you consciously direct your actions with the help of your intelligence on a path that brings you joy.

At the same time, the intellect in you should be able to recognize, understand and apply really important principles. I will explain these principles later as principles.

Your brain learns permanently . Whether consciously or unconsciously . It is a consistently active learning machine . Even if you were to lie in bed and do nothing for a whole day , you would have learned the next day that this is pretty boring .

At this point, I would like to discuss the meaning of the words smart and stupid:

With a neutral intellect, cleverness and stupidity are not, as is generally assumed, a property of the person who possesses it, but only that of a single action of this person .

Stupid actions make that person appear stupid to others and/or obviously have a stupid effect on a process in which that person is involved . We define stupidity as rash actions.

Smart actions are the exact opposite and make the person appear smart by saying smart things or convincing by good results of a well trained intelligence (in this respect). We define smartness as thoughtful action.

It already seems through that all that stands between cleverness and stupidity of a person is the intellect of that person . With your intellect you yourself create your intelligence .

A happy consciousness does not need material wealth in and of itself, only fulfilling activities .

So is one guaranteed to have a happy life? Basically, yes, but you should be sure that the path you choose will be mostly happy forever.

For this, the foundation on which you walk your path is most important. Let's imagine the path as seen from above:

What is known, which the individual acquires, increases rapidly and above all importantly, especially at the beginning of life . That children whose parents smoke are more likely to smoke later in life has long been proven .

So, using this example, let's focus on those who do not start smoking later in life . Such individuals manage on their own to build their intelligence against the original input . Although smoker parents usually tell their children that smoking is bad, their actions convey the opposite .

Since it is better not to smoke, children make a conscious decision not to .

From a certain age the consciousness develops . Your (self-)consciousness shows itself to others in the form of your personality: it is the individual in the individual . The more self-confident you become, the stronger your personality becomes .

With the help of your consciousness you use the intellect and create your intelligence, which in turn creates the experiences for your consciousness. It is the most important thing in every person's life to be aware of this process.

Since this cycle is so important for a sustainable happy life, I'll explain the main components again in other words:


Consciousness is fundamentally neutral . This is proven by the fact that adopted children will experience their lives based on the family they come to, depending on which family they come to . The early development of the child depends more on the adoptive parents than on the child and his consciousness .

Through mindfulness it is still possible in later life to 'edit' the conscious mind and gain similar access to the subconscious through conscious recall . I will briefly explain my meditation techniques at the end of the book .


One could call the intellect the tool of consciousness . Possibilities arise from the intellect in the form of thoughts or ideas . Even a device with which people can make phone calls (almost) everywhere without a landline was only an idea in the beginning . The intellect is the ability to gain knowledge by using your thinking.

EVERY man draws from the same intellect. The intellect is neutral from the ground up, but it atrophies with unused potential!

The intellect is trained by setting goals for oneself and then achieving them . The consciousness is thus able to reward itself . More about this later.

The more challenging the goal achieved, the better the training for the intellect .

Reading the right books is crucial for a far-reaching intellect in the individual . In a later part of the book I will explain my training plan for a good intellect.


Here we refer to intelligence as the transition between the thought world of the individual (consciousness & intellect) and reality of all individuals (actions & events) . The intelligence is the ability to analyze situations and act constructively.

The intellect already contains the foundations for your future intelligence . It is important to note that the intelligence of each person, just like his intellect, is basically all-encompassing . With the intellect, each person is able to form individual intelligence and act consciously.

Also, it is important to note that any conscious action is meant here. That is each action, which you seize with your thoughts before or afterwards . So seen everything what you (no matter how briefly also only) consciously perceive .

With consciously thought-out actions, future events can be steered in a certain direction.

The goal is to let the range of conscious actions become as large as possible . So you have many options of possible actions in any situation, which is reassuring . Mindful action also makes change possible . If you are mindful in everyday life, you recognize harmful habits in yourself better and the habit can be easier to break .

You also use your intelligence to evaluate the actions of others from your own perspective. A good empathy is a useful talent in dealing with others in any situation.


Events are everything that happens to you. Everything with which you are actively connected day by day is an event. This can be your own actions, actions of others that include you; but also actions of others that you perceive by observing are events.

Events, once they have happened, cannot be undone . However, you do have an influence on the way you react to an event and/or how you think about it .

Events are perceived by the body, which processes them with the brain . The consciousness can access the thoughts and feelings that arise in this way.