Brat's Home Movies: Taboo Daughter Erotica - Jean Crusher - E-Book

Brat's Home Movies: Taboo Daughter Erotica E-Book

Jean Crusher

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She was young and sexy and appreciated the attention and affection of dozens of men.

Symphony's body wasn't the only thing about her that appealed to men. She also possessed an extraordinary mind and was capable of calculating vast figures in her head when other people were busy tapping at adding machines. Symphony was one of those rare women of brains and beauty, determined to live life to the fullest.

In the hot summer afternoon, Symphony felt her cunt tingle pleasantly. Somehow it always tingled, particularly during the afternoons and late evenings. Those were the two times during the day that she really needed a strong cock to satisfy her strong, lusty needs. Symphony's body--her tits swelling out to a full thirty-eight inches, her waist narrowing to a mouth-watering twenty-three inches, her hips flaring out to thirty-six inches-- had little goose bumps all over it. Her hair, jet black and hanging to her ass, swayed as she pranced about the room.

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Brat's Home Movies

Jean Crusher

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 1

She was young and sexy and appreciated the attention and affection of dozens of men.

Symphony's body wasn't the only thing about her that appealed to men. She also possessed an extraordinary mind and was capable of calculating vast figures in her head when other people were busy tapping at adding machines. Symphony was one of those rare women of brains and beauty, determined to live life to the fullest.

In the hot summer afternoon, Symphony felt her cunt tingle pleasantly. Somehow it always tingled, particularly during the afternoons and late evenings. Those were the two times during the day that she really needed a strong cock to satisfy her strong, lusty needs. Symphony's body--her tits swelling out to a full thirty-eight inches, her waist narrowing to a mouth-watering twenty-three inches, her hips flaring out to thirty-six inches-- had little goose bumps all over it. Her hair, jet black and hanging to her ass, swayed as she pranced about the room.

"Got to find someone," Symphony murmured, looking around her bedroom, wondering where she could go to find a hard cock to fill her mouth. She was dressed in her usual at-home apparel: black silk panties, black silk hose with matching lace garter belt and a lacy bra. Seldom did she wear anything more than that at home. When her parents were around she would put on a robe, but that was the only concession she made. Silk, she would confide to her mother, made her skin feel like it was continually being caressed by a man's gentle touches.

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