Underhanded Debutante: Taboo NC Erotica - Jean Crusher - E-Book

Underhanded Debutante: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Jean Crusher

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.

"I made him do it, Lloyd. I teased him that night."
Lloyd was quiet for a time. He wasn't sure that made a difference. He knew how she had teased him and he could think back to the feelings she forced him to feel, but Len was her brother. He could have controlled himself.
"Claire, I know what you're saying, but Len had no right. You teased me, did I rape you?"
Claire shook her head. The tears were flowing faster now, she was feeling the pain of her actions too.
"A man has no right to rape a woman no matter what. So, you teased him, so what? Len's a big boy, he should have controlled himself."
"I tried to fight him off, Lloyd." Claire said, crying.
"I know you did, Claire, I know. Don't think about it now, just drink your tea and get some rest. He won't hurt you again, Bonn, I won't let anyone hurt you again. I love you too much for that." Lloyd said, leaning over and kissing her forehead.

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Underhanded Debutante

Jean Crusher

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

"Hey, sweetheart, are you feeling all right?" Lloyd asked. He was a patient man. He gave Lizbeth the benefit of the doubt.

"Mmmm, what, leave me alone?" she said, turning over.

Lloyd Hamilton worked at the Lake View Country Club as tennis pro. He was a handsome man, young, tall, good build and a tremendous capacity to forgive the human condition. His idea of arguing was discussing what to watch on television. Lloyd didn't enjoy rough rides. He liked everyone to be happy and everything to sail smoothly. Unfortunately, he was the best kind of target for girls like Lizbeth.

"When did you get home?" Lizbeth asked, yawning and stretching.

"Just a minute ago, are you feeling all right?"

"Mmmmm, yeah, fine."

"I'm starving, Lizbeth, is there anything made?"

He wasn't the sort who expected a clean place and supper on the table when he came home. Before Lizbeth moved in he took care of that himself, but Lloyd figured if Lizbeth wasn't going back to work she could at least stick to their arrangement.

They had been dating for a long time. Lizbeth used to work for a real estate company on the outskirts of town, but she wanted to quit and go back to school. She offered Lloyd her services in return for support and promised to clean, cook, take care of the laundry, plus fill his sexual needs if he'd let her move in, but so far the only part of the bargain she'd managed to keep was the sex.

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