Brat's Humiliation: Taboo NC  Erotica - Ahmad Khan - E-Book

Brat's Humiliation: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Ahmad Khan

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

"Have you called the police?"
Rhoda nodded her head, sucking in a deep breath. Even now while talking with him, she felt her knees weaken once more. The feeling between her legs -- that itchy, hot feeling that raced up and down her thighs -- was coming back. Lately it came back whenever she stood near the man. Even now while talking about her missing daughter, Rhoda felt excited, turned on by Brad.
"But they said they'd have to wait twenty-four hours before they did anything. Lots of girls run away, they said. Cindy wouldn't run away. She was too happy, too..."
Rhoda couldn't finish her sentence. Thoughts of what her daughter might be going through terrified her. There had been stories of women disappearing off the streets, of young girls getting picked up, never to be seen again. She thought of these stories and moaned, sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

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Brat's Humiliation

Ahmad Khan

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













Cindy Williams leaned against the barred window, peering up through the dirty glass at the evening sky. It seemed so quiet, so peaceful. She could make out the Big Dipper just beyond the last iron bar. If only she could be outside, outside where she'd be free from those... those animals who had taken her!Cindy closed her eyes, fighting back the tears. Clenching her fists and pressing them against her thighs, she remembered the horror of being kidnapped, of being dragged from the parking lot in front of the Lucky's Supermarket on Lincoln Avenue in Santa Monica. Hadn't anyone seen her, heard her cries as the three men shoved her inside and drove off? And then how they touched her, feeling her tits, shamelessly shoving their hands under her skirt, reaching for her pussy. It had been her panties that had saved her from being completely humiliated... that and the rough orders barked out by Jack, the driver.Throughout the long trip up to this deserted house, Cindy tried to make them understand. Her mother was a widow. She had some money, but certainly not enough to merit a kidnapping! It was then she learned off-handedly that there were other girls here, girls like her who had been swept off the streets and taken up to this retreat for... for what?Cindy sighed, turning away from the window. Once more the teenaged blonde began to pace in her room -- ten feet wide, eleven feet long, and just enough head space for her to stand up in. There was the smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke in the room that made her wrinkle up her nose. When she had first been thrown in here, she had beat her fists against the door, the walls, hoping something in this rotting house would give way and she could escape.But the walls were stronger than first they appeared. And they were up somewhere off the Angeles Crest Highway, away from any nearby homes where people might become suspicious and call police.She sat down on the dirty wooden floor, holding her head in her hands. What did they want with her? None of them said anything after Jack had barked out his orders for them to leave her alone.They had hustled her out of the car, pinning her arms behind her while nearly dragging her up the stairs and shoving her into the home. It was a large house, one of those three-story Victorian homes that wealthy rail barons used to build in the eighties and nineties. Cindy's room was downstairs somewhere."Noooooo!""Shut up, slut!"Cindy jumped, holding her hands to her throat as she heard the cry followed by a slap then muffled cursing. The last epithet was ended by a choked sob. What on earth was going on here? It was too unreal for her to believe! This was the twentieth century. Things like this just didn't happen! She was going to start school again in a few weeks. Summer vacation had been a gas, especially those three weeks at Lake Elsinore with her mother. Somehow she'd managed to get rid of her mother and had sneaked off with Bobby Dennis. How they had kissed and felt each other. Of course, Cindy didn't let him do anything, although she knew he wanted to. She could still remember how he humped up against her, pressing his groin up against her crotch, rubbing her tits with both hands while panting into her neck. At times he shook all over. Cindy knew what was happening. She knew by looking down at his pants afterward and seeing that large wet stain just below his fly. He had cum, shot his wad in his shorts. Once or twice she had cum too. What a scary feeling that was, feeling her cunt opening and closing.She had had to use the greatest restraint to keep from snaking down her shorts and letting him stick his thing in as he'd wanted to! But she had been firm, remembering her mother's words about throwing her out if she were ever caught doing something with a man before she was eighteen. It was a hard promise to keep. And now, what good did it do her? Those men would have raped her in the back seat it the driver hadn't said something.Cindy smoothed her skirt down over her knees, trying to think of something else. The dark room, the oppressive smells, the terror of the unknown, all nearly pressed her to the floor. She couldn't let herself fall into depression. There was still hope, hope that they would let her go without harming her.Once again she thought of Bobby. He wasn't the greatest guy in the world. His face was still a little pimply, and he was so awkward. But there was something in his eyes, something about the way he touched her, that told Cindy he would make one hell of a lover later on.Just for an instant she wished she could be back at the lake, back in Bobby's arms. Would she let him touch her... there? Would she let him push down her panties, stick his cock into her? He had asked her several times, the last time nearly raping her. It was only her firmness combined with his over excitement that had saved her cherry from being ripped apart. The next time... well, now Cindy wondered if there would ever be a next time!Cindy moved on the floor, feeling several loose pieces of sharp wood biting into her thighs. Strangely she enjoyed the sensation, somehow coupling it with images of Bobby and the lake. "No, no, take it away!"The cry from the other room made her shiver again. What was happening in this terrible big house? Cindy stopped, her heart beating rapidly as she listened for more sounds. There were shuffling sounds followed by slamming doors. They were here doing something terrible, of that she was sure."Ummmm..."Her cuntlips started to swell. Cindy bit her lower lip, her nostrils flaring, her flesh glowing with a strange warmth, the same kind of warmth aroused by Bobby and his magic fingers. She had played with herself before, sliding, her fingers into her pussy, dipping them into her tight fuzzy hole and playing with her clit until she came! But this was something different -- the kidnapping, the terrible house, all those cries of anguish and pain coming from somewhere within. Cindy started moving her hips from side to side.Did she dare? Hiking up her short black skirt, Cindy hooked her fingers around the waistband of her pink nylon briefs and shucked them down to her knees. She gasped as cold wood chips touched her sensitive labes.Cindy winced, raising her tight little ass up in the air, hugging her waist, feeling her knees scrape on the rough wooden floor. She listened for more sounds. Nothing but silence. Good. She eased her ass down again, shuddering as the slivers bit, her cuntlips. It was evil to do this... so evil and yet so good! Her heartbeat quickened, her pulse raced while her skin flushed dark pink.Cindy straightened up, wiggling her hips to position the slivers against her clit. Reaching down, the girl managed to touch herself in just the right places, working the wood chips against her clit. Cindy closed her eyes for a moment, digging her fingernails into her thighs as a particularly powerful spasm shot through her virgin cunt.She was a virgin, but with powerful sexual feelings. She gasped when another contact was made. Her long blonde hair swept over her shoulderblades, her knees bent even farther while she spread her legs apart. One jagged sliver a little longer than the others creased her clit. She raised her ass, lowered it, then raised it again, rubbing the object over her clit.Fucking. Yes, she was fucking herself, doing all those things her mother had warned her against. But, of course, that was mainly meant to keep her from getting pregnant. That was how her mother... married with a "bun in the oven" as her father used to say.But something inside her told her differently. When she was out with boys, when she heard the facts in sex-education class, when she talked over things with her girlfriends, Cindy felt her mother was wrong.They talked about guys, about how some of them had super-big cocks, and others who weren't that endowed. Cindy secretly hoped that Bobby had at least six inches or so. Once she had slipped her hand down between his legs, felt the beating of his cumming cock against his jeans. It had seemed so big, so strong, so hot and wet! At that point, Cindy had nearly slipped her shorts down, slipped them down and asked him to fuck her. Thank God, the moment passed!"Ohhhhhh."Cindy rose and fell, beating her fleshy ass against the floor. Her body was becoming hot, her nipples stiff and itchy, scratching against the stiff material of her bra. How she wished Bobby were here, here with that stiff cumming cock of his. Cindy could see herself opening up to him, letting him touch her all over, letting him slip her panties off, slide her bra off, pin her to the floor with his thick-muscled legs and fucking her until she cried for mercy.Crazy, obscene images of people fucking in all sorts of positions flashed through her mind as the girl worked herself up more and more. Sweat ran down her forehead, made her clothes stick uncomfortably to her flesh. Her tits jiggled maddeningly in her restraining bra-cups while the big muscles in her thighs and ass cramped. The tiny room echoed with the wet slapping sounds of her buttocks against the floor."Oh yes, yes!"This was worse, much worse than the feelings she had when she was playing with herself at home in the dark. If someone were to come now, come in and see her, Cindy knew she wouldn't be able to stop. She would let him watch, maybe even let him... she thought once more of that time in the van, of how those men pawed her, their callused fingers bruising her flesh. One of them had nearly pulled her panties down. He had managed to rub his thumb against her cuntlips once.Her mind reeled. Her nostrils flared while a strange hot dampness broke out over her upper lip, around her nipples, over the tops of her feet. Her back was straight, her head thrown back, her eyes tightly closed. Cindy worked her cunt against the splinter under her. The edge was cutting deep, nearly reaching her cherry. Could she burst her cherry with this?No, that was silly. She was going to wait for Mr. Right, the one man who would sweep her away and... Cindy laughed bitterly, stopping her fucking movements for a second and staring around her. Mr. Right? She would be lucky that they all didn't fuck her at once. She was going to get fucked here, fucked by all of them. Something told her that.And oddly that thought made her gasp with something like excitement. She started the up-and-down fucking movements again, bobbing like some kind of merry-go-round horse. Her clit was slick with juice. She kept fucking at it even after a tiny orgasm swept through her pussy. There was more, more to follow.Cindy tossed her head from side to side, loving the sensation of her hair whipping across her face, tangling around her throat. Every kind of sensation was welcomed now. She was completely alive, free of all restraints. Cindy gasped with delight. A whore. Yes, her mother had called women who played with themselves sluts and whores! Certainly they weren't the moral kind of woman her mother had hoped her daughter would become."Oh whore, whore."The word brought a shiver of excitement to the young girl. She threw back her shoulders, refusing to stop as the rough edge of the splinter cut at her. She rolled her thighs in a counter-rhythm, forcing her clit across the piece of wood. Then another mini orgasm erupted, making her lurch back and forth. She was still full of lust, of desire, panting and sweating. Cindy was chilled to the point of numbness as her nerves became overloaded with sensation. With only the tip of the splinter in her slot, she swung her body from side to side.Cindy thought of Bobby, thought of his fingers, of his cock. Yes, she wanted to be fucked, really fucked by him. His image floated in front of her eyes. She thought of him and worked her hips faster and faster. The girl dug in her cunt with her fingers, feeling her cherry with her fingertips. "Ohhhhhh!"With one final wrench, she was through. A powerful shock raced through her body, knocking the wind from her. She fell onto her side, her legs drawn tightly up against her belly, her knees digging into her tits."Oh God, God..." Cindy whimpered, sobbing quietly.The night sounds swelled around this dank, silent hole. Somewhere nearby she could hear coughing, sobbing. They were the sounds of a prison. If only she could talk with some of the girls, find out what kind of place this was.Her helplessness made her angry. How dare these men try to manipulate her, deprive her of her freedom, of her happiness. She thought of her mother, sitting at home alone, wondering where her daughter was. There would be hours, perhaps days and weeks, of anguish before Cindy could return home.Angry, the girl wished she could kick down the door, scratch off the faces of the men who had forced her into this.Suddenly, as if in answer to her prayers, Cindy could hear the sounds of footsteps. Someone was coming. She raised herself up from the floor, brushing aside several stray strands of blonde hair.She stiffened, throwing back her shoulders as the doorknob rattled. There was the jangling sounds of keys, the sound of a bolt shuttling back, the creaking of the swollen door as it opened."Where... where am I?"Cindy felt her courage failing her the moment she peered up at Jack. What did he want? Money, information about something? What? It made no difference at this point, she felt. Something told the girl, he always got what he wanted. Cindy looked up into his cold blue eyes."Don't matter," he said, wiping the back of one hairy hand across his lips.He had been drinking. Even where she was she could smell the rancid odor, of beer on his breath. Jack was big -- at least six three, close to two hundred pounds, every ounce solid muscle. He was wearing a red flannel shirt opened to the navel, revealing his hairy chest and well-developed pecs. His dirty Levi's clung to, his narrow hips, revealing the sharp outline of a fat, long cock.Cindy swallowed hard, instinctively shrinking back from the heavily endowed stud. He had come here for one reason, she felt. The air between them thickened with excitement, sparkled with electricity, as Jack kept staring down at the helpless blonde teen."Why am I here?"Jack sneered, his thick sensuous lips curling up. Under his black moustache she saw a double row of white, square teeth. Everything about him spoke of raw, animal power -- the power of a coal miner, the raw strength of a lumberjack, or of a soldier trained to kill brutally.Cindy felt fear. As he stood a step closer, she drew back, one hand covering her throat while the other stretched back behind her. The window light caught the young man's face and upper torso. The sweat on his face made his long black hair glisten. His forehead wrinkled and the skin round his dark eyes tightened. Tiny fires in the centers of his eyes spilled along the high cheekbones and longs nose. He hadn't shaved for several days. The sweat made the stubble stand out."Please... tell me...""I'll tell you shit, baby," he growled, kicking the door shut.Cindy jumped, scooting back until she hit the far wall. There was nowhere to run in this tiny, cramped room! 

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