Brat's Little Friend: Taboo Erotica - Ahmad Khan - E-Book

Brat's Little Friend: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Ahmad Khan

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.


"Use your head, Tom boy. Only way we're going to get away with this is to work on Sandy's tight-assed mother, too, so nobody will be spilling anything to the cops. I've got a feeling that after eight months without a man, she's itching for a good fuck, but she'll need the right kind of encouragement, and I've got to be there when you shove your rod into her daughter's belly to get it. Me and my camera."
Tommy Edgars laughed crudely. "Blackmail! Good luck, you bastard; Mrs. Murphy's a damned fine cunt by the looks of her, by God. Hell, either of them bitches could give me a hard-on that would ache all the way to my knees."
"Same here, Tom, and who knows? If my plan works, we might nail both of them together in a gang fuck. Now, hurry on over."
"I'm on my way, soon as I call Vicki," the youth said, his anticipation contorting his young voice and lewdly telegraphing his hotly excited thoughts.
Hink hung up the phone and smoothed his hair back, contemplating the plot he'd conceived in his mind. Christ, if it worked, it would be a literal tour de force! He wanted to fuck that luscious little teenager all right, but there was the other member of the Murphy household whose panties he'd dearly love to strip off, whose soft and perfectly preserved feminine charms always elicited burning desire in his cock and testicles. Damn, but Alice Murphy was a lot of sensual woman, going to waste now that she was a widow. She was prime, and he, Richard Hink, was going to try his best to ram his prick up into her blonde-haired cunt and show her what fucking was all about. And if everything went right, he'd soon be fucking her hot little daughter as well, and wouldn't that be a feather in his cap! Mother and daughter, both spreading their legs and opening their cunts for him ...

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Brat's Little Friend

Ahmad Khan

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents









She had the body of a lush Venus, its provocative curves traced in detail through the gossamer, clinging sheet. It barely hid the high-set, round, widely spaced breast whose rose-tipped nipples clearly showed through the thin fabric. The sheet tapered down over a slender, girlish waist to round, luscious hips, a flat, smooth stomach and long, full-swelling thighs; breathtaking curved calves tapered down to thin, well-formed ankles. It was a body that would attract admiring attention from the most discriminating of men--and envy from women.

The honey-blonde hair on the pillow framed a heart-shaped face that would cause any male to turn his head when she passed. Her hazel eyes were set slightly apart, and she had a dainty, almost Doris Day nose, a full, ripe mouth, and a round, dimpled chin, and a soft, slightly tanned ivory complexion. But at the moment, her lovely face was drawn in lines of worry and dejection, and calm sleep escaped her, making her toss fretfully, moaning occasionally in a soft, sighing voice.

Alice was worried because of her daughter, Sandy. It was Friday night--date night for all the girls in Sandy's high school--and her eighteen year old child was, like the others, out. That's all it ever seemed she was, Alice mused. Where have you been? Out. What did you do? Nothing ... Alice wasn't afraid that Sandy was promiscuous or anything terrible like that; Sandy had been a virgin at the last checkup according to Doctor Webster, and she was a good girl by nature. But Alice was well aware of the traps and snares young people could fall into in this permissive age, and she had the natural fears which mothers, especially widowed mothers raising their children alone, have about the recklessness of innocent youth. And Sandy was dating Tommy Edgars, a boy older and obviously more experienced, and definitely not one to protect a girl, not if he could have his way with her. Tommy had been the basis of many a fight between her and Sandy, for Alice thought the boy was too good looking for his twenty years of age, almost overwhelmingly masculine, like a young Adonis, and there was something about him not trustworthy, though Alice couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was. Sandy, on the other hand, defended the few times he'd taken her out, saying her mother had been watching too many gangster movies on television lately. Alice could only hope and pray that her daughter's infatuation with the handsome youth would die a quick death, and she would get a puppy-love crush on some younger boy closer to her own age and class.

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