Brothers in Arms. How is the rise of Lethal Automated Weapon Systems affecting the Ethics of modern warfare? - Alexander Bilz - E-Book

Brothers in Arms. How is the rise of Lethal Automated Weapon Systems affecting the Ethics of modern warfare? E-Book

Alexander Bilz

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Krieg und Frieden, Militär, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper will be focusing on discussing ways in which the rise of those killer robots affects the ethics of warfare in the future. In addition, it will provide a state of the art, on where the technology is right now and how it’s likely going to evolve over the years. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been around for almost a century and are used these days by many armed forces in war zones all around the globe. Lately, we’ve seen a massive emerge in technology like Artificial Intelligence and Object Detection that allows a transition to Lethal Automated Weapon Systems (LAWS). LAWS no longer require a human to decide who gets to live and who has to die. It's now the technology, that judges. The questions assigned to this new technology are multidimensional and pose a novel challenge to any legal and ethical frameworks in place these days.

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