Can "Quantum of Solace" still be called a real Bond-movie or just a conventional action film? - Jessica Mantel - E-Book

Can "Quantum of Solace" still be called a real Bond-movie or just a conventional action film? E-Book

Jessica Mantel

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Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Film und Fernsehen, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In the following, this term paper will analyze that question whether "Quantum of Solace" can still be called a real Bond-movie or just a conventional action filmby taking into account the film`s framework as well as its plot and special characters. James Bond is not just any action hero. He is the one that already fought against the most threatening villains in 24 movies over the last 55 years. Over this half century only six actors had the honour to play this popular character and of course every single one of them had a different understanding of its personality and thus varied its defining character traits. Although some of the films have been liked better by the viewers than others, they all were highly successful regarding the box-office and thousands of reviews.

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