Captive Mommy: Taboo NC Erotica - Pearline Sharrow - E-Book

Captive Mommy: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Pearline Sharrow

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


The camping trip would be exciting and fun. The nice thing about the Catspaw Mountains was that you could camp in a standard campground with improved sites, or if the out-of-doors really appealed to you, you could drive far away into the backwoods and find a remote and isolated campsite, far away from the depressing reminders of the every day world. These remote sections of the Catspaw Mountains were dark and remote, like some dim and ancient primeval forest. Many claimed it was like taking a time trip back to the days when man was a pagan, hedonistic animal, when the morals and mores of our modern culture did not exist, and sexual freedom was the guiding force of mankind. As Lisa bathed the soft curves of her body, the light, pitter-patter of the streaming water created a sensuous, inviting rhythm, as the drums of a long-forgotten pagan dance and dim images of dark, lusty women, and powerful naked men crowded the collective unconscious of Lisa's mind. She saw dim flashes of girls wildly dancing, of virgins being sacrificed to warlords, of wine being poured over the naked, sensuous bodies of young, naked girls. While not fully cognizant of the reasons for her feelings, not aware that the thoughts of the wild and isolated Catspaw mountains, combined with the invitingrhythm of the showering water, had stirred her primeval imagination, Lisa's body nevertheless responded by swaying to and fro as her eyes closed in mellow pleasure.
Ron Decker, Lisa's son, and captain of the high school football team was already wide awake, and busy performing his daily routine of calisthenics in his room. His body had the definition and muscular tone of a man. He was in perfect shape from rigorous work-outs and daily jogging. Ron, like his mother, always slept in the nude during the summer months, because of the stifling humidity of the Ohio climate.

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Captive Mommy

Pearline Sharrow

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

She was a delicious female specimen. She lay on the bed, her luxuriant blonde hair streaming down the womanish softness of her flawless shoulders. As the sunlight played over the delicious curves and hollows of her lithe, young body, along the delicate pinkness of her finely orbed breasts, down the slender grace of her curving waist, over the shallow crater of her navel, and finally the flaring femininity of her hips and slender, curvaceous legs; Lisa resembled a finely sculptured marble statue.

The gorgeous blonde had the body of a teenager, and this was surprising, for she had a son, a boy of eighteen named Ron.

Lisa slowly stretched and yawned, the vernal muscles in her tight, girlish body contracting and expanding, as she lay exposed and nude on the bed. Lisa decided that she had better take a shower, for her friend Susan would soon be arriving.

Both Lisa's and Susan's husbands were out of town on business for a week. Susan and Lisa had decided to take a brief camping trip to the Catspaw Mountains in the camper that Lisa and her husband owned.

Lisa and Susan had decided that it would be a good idea to have Ron come along as he knew all the practicalities of the camper; how the propane hooked up, how the toilet was emptied, how the generator worked, etc.

Lisa rose from the bed and walked sleepily to the bathroom in the hallway. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water. She lathered the perfumed, exotic soap behind her ears, down the graceful softness of her ivory-like neck, and generously rubbed the swelling, perfect mounds of her ripe, womanish breasts. The water danced and trailed into beads on Lisa's fine, smooth skin as she bathed herself to squeaky cleanliness.

She reached down between the secret slit of her thighs and gently scrubbed the hidden fissure of her soft girlisliness. The warm, sliding texture of the soap was almost sensual as it glided across the glistening tuft of her pubic hairs, and Lisa let out a little mewl of approval as the sensuous feel of the soap excited her.

The camping trip would be exciting and fun. The nice thing about the Catspaw Mountains was that you could camp in a standard campground with improved sites, or if the out-of-doors really appealed to you, you could drive far away into the backwoods and find a remote and isolated campsite, far away from the depressing reminders of the every day world. These remote sections of the Catspaw Mountains were dark and remote, like some dim and ancient primeval forest. Many claimed it was like taking a time trip back to the days when man was a pagan, hedonistic animal, when the morals and mores of our modern culture did not exist, and sexual freedom was the guiding force of mankind. As Lisa bathed the soft curves of her body, the light, pitter-patter of the streaming water created a sensuous, inviting rhythm, as the drums of a long-forgotten pagan dance and dim images of dark, lusty women, and powerful naked men crowded the collective unconscious of Lisa's mind. She saw dim flashes of girls wildly dancing, of virgins being sacrificed to warlords, of wine being poured over the naked, sensuous bodies of young, naked girls. While not fully cognizant of the reasons for her feelings, not aware that the thoughts of the wild and isolated Catspaw mountains, combined with the invitingrhythm of the showering water, had stirred her primeval imagination, Lisa's body nevertheless responded by swaying to and fro as her eyes closed in mellow pleasure.

Ron Decker, Lisa's son, and captain of the high school football team was already wide awake, and busy performing his daily routine of calisthenics in his room. His body had the definition and muscular tone of a man. He was in perfect shape from rigorous work-outs and daily jogging. Ron, like his mother, always slept in the nude during the summer months, because of the stifling humidity of the Ohio climate.

Sweat poured from Ron's athletic body as he proudly completed his one-hundredth push up.

Lisa had finished her shower, and stepped onto the rubber bathmat. Without looking, she reached for a towel. Surprisingly, her hand found only a fistful of air, and she remembered that she had left the towels in the hall closet and had forgotten to hang any in the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and walked nakedly to the hall closet.

Ron decided it was time to take a shower and, thinking his mother was still asleep, walked nude down the hallway towards the shower.. . .

As Lisa reached into the linen closet, she suddenly got the feeling that someone was watching her. She slowly turned, and there was her son, standing naked, a few feet from her.

Lisa's first impulse was to cry out and run, but, strangely enough, that didn't happen. Whether it was the hypnotizing effect of the shower, or the shock of the situation, she didn't know. But, for a brief moment, the naked mother simply stared at the tan, athletic body of her teenage son. Ron, too did not run, but stared in utter amazement at the shapely features of his young mother. Maybe he was dumbfounded at the fact that his own mother had a movie star's voluptuous body, or maybe he couldn't believe this was really happening, but the handsome youth just stood there, amazedly staring at the naked body of his own mother!

When the moment had passed, Lisa matter-of-factly removed two towels from the linen closet and handed one to her son.

"I forgot to put clean towels in the bathroom," she said.

Lisa wrapped the soft, fluffy towel around the exposed curves of her delicious body and walked into her bedroom.

Ron, still a little shocked, stumbled into the bathroom and began taking his shower.

When Lisa was finally alone, the full impact of what had just occurred hit her like a sledgehammer.

Her own son had actually seen her naked!

She felt guilt and shame, as her moral conscience strictly told her this occurrence was a forbidden one. But it was an accident, she told herself. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and, after all, she and her son were not mind readers; they didn't know what each other was doing all of the time. Things like this probably happened in other families, too. The best thing to do was to forget it and act as nothing had happened.

As Lisa dressed herself, slipping her snow-white panties over the supple curves of her long, tapering legs, she felt anxious and "antsy," but could not understand why.

Was there another side of her being, the side that had responded to the lulling rhythm of the water and the ancient images of naked men and women, which was frustrating because she had walked away from the appealing body of a naked man? Did this side of her care if he was her son or not?

As Ron showered and washed the clinging sweat from his proud body, he was amazed at his own thoughts. His mother was gorgeous! She made the undeveloped, pubescent bodies of the school cheerleaders look like matclisticks!

He had never seen a naked woman before. Sure, he had screwed most of the half-way decent looking girls at his high-school, but that was different, he had just gazed upon the forbidden body of a ripe, gorgeous woman! He could not help thinking this way, as it was the truth.

But she was his mother, and it was important that he and her get along. Ron decided that it was best to forget the incident and look forward to the exciting camping trip which awaited him . . .

. . .and his mother.

Chapter 2

Ron and his mother were sitting at the breakfast table when the doorbell rang.

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