Three Way Incest: Taboo Older Mother Erotica - Pearline Sharrow - E-Book

Three Way Incest: Taboo Older Mother Erotica E-Book

Pearline Sharrow

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

She felt her son and daughter were drawing from her. They tried, she knew, to do things that would make her happy, please her, but they failed every time. It was not their fault, she knew, but hers. Once, they had said -- could it have been in anger? -- they didn't want to live with her anymore, that they wanted to go and live with their father.That had hurt her.Tami and Greg had become so much closer in the last two years, and they seldom fought and bickered the way other brothers and sisters did. They went to the movies together often, and when they were at home, spent most of their time in their rooms. Linda could hear them whispering and giggling in the room behind the closed door, but she was glad enough to be alone, glad that they shut the door and let her be by herself. She enjoyed being alone, with her erotic, exciting visions and thoughts.Today, this afternoon, both Tami and Greg were out someplace, probably in the forest behind the huge, old-fashioned house. Her son and daughter spent a great deal of time there during the summers, but she didn't mind. It was safe enough for them.The sound of the knock at the front door shattered the lewd thoughts she had been enjoying, and, frowning in irritation, she opened the door."Hi, Mrs. Sawyer," David Holmes said brightly. "Are Greg and Tami home?""No, they aren't here right now," Linda said, her voice almost harsh. Then, something strange came over her, took hold of her emotions. She looked at the boy closely, and realized for the first time how good-looking he was. "I'm sorry, David," she said in a softer voice. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Greg and Tami should be in soon. Would you care to come in and wait for them?"

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Three Way Incest

Pearline Sharrow

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













Often she became so aroused, especially lately, that she had to caress and fondle her pussy, a habit she had given up years ago. Still she seldom fingered herself to orgasm -- with two young children racing about the house day and night, it was difficult to find privacy long enough to make herself come.Since her divorce two years ago, Linda had been so frustrated sexually, she thought she would have fucked anything available. Yet she had a shy nature. She knew she could not go out, visit those places where she could meet a man. There wasn't anything wrong with her except being so shy. She was still an extremely beautiful woman at thirty-five. She know men looked at her, their eyes wistful, glowing with erotic speculation when she passed them on the street. And, she admitted to herself, she enjoyed being looked at that way. She loved it when the men gazed at her long legs, at the way her ass writhed underneath her skirts and dresses, the way her straining tits jiggled ever so slightly. Yes, she loved it, but she could not bring herself to openly look back at them, to invite further advances.It was an odd contrast, this shyness and enjoyment of being looked at. She loved to wear clothing that was designed to reveal the lusciousness of her slender, rounded body, clothing that called attention to her. She wasn't a vain woman, but she knew how attractive she was, how creamy smooth her flesh was. She was proud of her long, slim thighs; proud of the way her ass swelled and rounded in a manner mast would call erotic.Linda's tits were full and round, firm but springy to the touch. Her nipples were pink, and they were very, very sensitive. There were many times when she could hardly stand to have them touched or brushed by a thin blouse or bra. They were unusually long nipples, with delicate, pebbled discs the size of a quarter surrounding them. They were shapely tits, flawless, without evidence of sagging; they strained and thrust boldly before her.Linda was shy, but she was also extremely erotic-minded. She fantasized often about wild, uninhibited sexual acts. She dreamed of doing things with men that some would consider unusual, odd, maybe perverse. Yet they were not perverse to her -- they were exciting.Even when still married, Linda would fantasize of being involved in all manner of sexual relations, of being in lewd, arousing positions of doing all those delicious things many women were ashamed to so much as mention. But she had never told her husband about those raging desires, ashamed even of having such thoughts.Linda was still a virgin when she married, but she had a stewing anticipation of being fucked. Although she was all tingly and eager for it, she failed to make herself fully cooperative with her husband. When he screwed her, she would lie beneath him, her long, beautiful legs spread wide, hardly moving her hips at all as he thrust into her. But even then, struggling to control herself, her mind would be racing with erotic thoughts. She would picture herself being placed in all sorts of erotic, exposed positions for her husband, of being fucked in every hole she possessed. While her husband pumped and plunged his cock into her slippery cunt, Linda would think how wonderful it would be if he would only stab his long, thick prick deep into her tight asshole, corn-hole her until she screamed with ecstasy, or that he would hold her cheeks, force his cock into her lips and against her throat, fuck her in the mouth and come, fill her almost to strangling with his thick, pearl-white semen.During her orgasms, Linda would fight the urge to twist and thrash about violently under him. She would stifle the screams of ecstasy that came from her constricted throat, and force herself to only gasp softly. She seldom, if ever, caressed his back as he fucked her, and never did she touch his ass those times. She always kept her fists clenched tightly at her sides.Once, she had awakened during the night to find her husband pressed against her back, his cock throbbingly rigid and probing at the crack of her shapely ass. She had felt an immediate thrill through her slim body, and had uncontrollably shoved her buttocks backward against his cock. Her husband had been sleeping, and she had slowly and very carefully writhed her ass against his prick. Somehow, his cock had slipped between the warmth of her ass-cheeks, pressed so deliciously against her tightly clenched asshole. Feeling the head of his prick throbbing at her asshole, Linda had enjoyed an amazing orgasm.Frank, her husband, had never known about that, and she could not bring herself to tell him. She wanted to, very much, but she was afraid of what he would think of her. He had always been a considerate husband, yet there were times he wanted to try different positions, to experiment with various sexual acts. But despite her raging urge to enter into those things with him, Linda refused. He had pleaded and begged, telling her she was being silly, that anything a husband and wife did was all right. He attempted to have her suck his cock or lick his balls. Linda had blushed furiously and told him she would never do such wicked things. When he had attempted to kiss her pussy, she had violently shoved him away. Frank had become angry with her, and she thought he would actually hit her out of frustration.That had been the first of many arguments and the beginning of the end of their marriage. Everything else was wonderful, in fact their marriage was ideal, except for her shyness in sex.She knew she was not the cold, unresponsive woman Frank accused her of being. She wanted desperately to tell him of her secret sexual longings, that she desired all those things he spoke of -- but she couldn't because she was too ashamed and shy.Eventually, this shyness brought about the divorce. Fortunately, Frank still loved her, and they had parted with none of the bitterness others experienced during a divorce. He continued to support her and the children, visiting them without fail at least once a week, often two or three times. Linda felt, if she could get over her shyness, she and Frank would probably get together again. She still loved him as much as always.Linda masturbated nightly, yet she continued to feel ashamed when she was finished. Ashamed, but with these delicious, erotic thoughts still tumbling about in her mind.She was becoming more nervous and irritable each day, snapping at Tami and Greg for hardly any reason at all. She felt her son and daughter were drawing from her. They tried, she knew, to do things that would make her happy, please her, but they failed every time. It was not their fault, she knew, but hers. Once, they had said -- could it have been in anger? -- they didn't want to live with her anymore, that they wanted to go and live with their father.That had hurt her.Tami and Greg had become so much closer in the last two years, and they seldom fought and bickered the way other brothers and sisters did. They went to the movies together often, and when they were at home, spent most of their time in their rooms. Linda could hear them whispering and giggling in the room behind the closed door, but she was glad enough to be alone, glad that they shut the door and let her be by herself. She enjoyed being alone, with her erotic, exciting visions and thoughts.Today, this afternoon, both Tami and Greg were out someplace, probably in the forest behind the huge, old-fashioned house. Her son and daughter spent a great deal of time there during the summers, but she didn't mind. It was safe enough for them.The sound of the knock at the front door shattered the lewd thoughts she had been enjoying, and, frowning in irritation, she opened the door."Hi, Mrs. Sawyer," David Holmes said brightly. "Are Greg and Tami home?""No, they aren't here right now," Linda said, her voice almost harsh. Then, something strange came over her, took hold of her emotions. She looked at the boy closely, and realized for the first time how good-looking he was. "I'm sorry, David," she said in a softer voice. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Greg and Tami should be in soon. Would you care to come in and wait for them?""Sure," David said, stepping inside. Knowing that Linda was often irritable, he was nervous about her.Linda stood at the door and watched the young boy walk to the couch and sit down. She didn't understand why he had not told him where her son and daughter would be. Most of all, she didn't understand why she had invited him in to wait. She could have told David where to find Tami and Greg, that she didn't know when they would return. But she had asked him in.Linda now did something that was completely alien to her nature. Leaning against the door, she folded her arms beneath her tits and gazed steadily at the nervous boy, her breasts arching invitingly. David squirmed beneath her gaze, wondering if he had did anything wrong. He never knew how to act around Linda.Surprising herself, Linda moved toward the boy now, her hips swaying sensuously. She had a soft, inviting smile on her full, ripe lips, and her eyes were fixed on the front of his pants.Then was a burning, tingling sensation between her long, creamy thighs, a sensation that swelled and bubbled excitingly. She came close to the boy and pawed, her legs almost touching his knees. David lowered his eyes, afraid to look at her for fear she was going to say something harsh.Linda, still looking at the front of his pants, began to tremble almost visibly. There was some powerful compulsion taking control of her, an obsession that was frightening. Her hands shook, and she ran her palms down over the curve of her hips, over her thighs and... very deliberately she lifted her skirt. She could feel her lovely face burning with shame by what she was doing, yet she could not stop it.Her fingers inched her skirt up, pulling it, and finally she had it bunched about her narrow waist."Look at me, David!" she rasped.David, blushing, kept his eyes lowered, yet he could see just above her dimpled knees. "Please, Mrs. Sawyer," he mumbled."I said look at me!" she snapped.The sound of her voice caused David to lift his eyes. He found himself staring at her long, creamy thighs, at the tightness of her panties. He could see the dark shadow of her pussy hair, and above the elastic of her bikini panties, the naked, sweetly dimpled navel.David sucked in his breath, his young eyes popping wide. His cock stirred inside his pants, swelling into hardness."Mrs. Sawyer...!" he gulped.Linda twisted her hips, spreading her feet on the floor. She then arched her pelvis toward the boy. "Do you like it, David? Do you like looking at me this way?"David gulped again.Linda felt as if she were outside herself, watching her shameful display. But she could not stop it; it sent delicious thrills racing up and down her spine. Still blushing at her sudden, wicked boldness, she said in a low, husky voice, "Am I pretty, David? Am I pretty down there? Come on... look at me there. Wouldn't you like to... you know, sort of touch me... feel me... there?"David gulped again, swallowing hard. He was shaking with the excitement rumbling through his body. "Mrs. Sawyer do you think... I mean...""Go on, touch me, David," Linda urged, thrusting her pelvis toward him. "Go on... feel me. Feel me up, darling. I don't mind if you feel of me. I want you to touch me... feel me up -- there!"David, slowly lifted his hand. He moved it slowly and hesitantly toward Linda's panties as if he were approaching something dangerous. When his fingertips were only an inch in her, he paused. Linda suddenly grasped his wrist, pulling his hand in between her thighs. She curled his finger into her pussy and closed her legs about it."Ooooooo..." she mewled, pumping her hips."Ohhh, darling... darling. David... rub me! Rub me there! Ohhhhh... that's so nice!"Holding his wrist, Linda pulled and pushed against his hand, then moved his hand so that he was pressing and rubbing at the crotch of her moist panties. The heat steaming through her body became intolerable, and using the fingers of her free hand, she pulled the crotch of her panties to one side, revealing the puffy hair-lined lips of her cunt to him."Ahhhh, inside!" she whimpered mindlessly. She had gone too far now to reverse her actions. Although she still continued to blush hotly, the full intensity of having this teenage boy's hand at her cunt was more powerful than her shame. "Inside me! Stick your finger inside me, David! Ohhhh, please... stick it in me and move it in and out! Ohhhh, David... please, do it to me!"David, dumbfounded to find himself gazing into this beautiful woman's pussy, wormed a finger into the moist tightness, digging deeply. He watched with wide eyes as his finger plunged in and out, saw her shapely hips twirl. He could see the pink flesh of her pussy clinging to his finger, see the tip of her distended clitoris peeking forth, throbbing in passion.While her hips churned upon his finger, Linda began to rub a finger at her swollen clit almost brutally. She sighed and mewled with the pleasure, her eyes closing. The thrill of having a finger other than her own stroking her cunt, along with the pressure she applied to her clit, was fantastic. She could already feel her orgasm swelling like a tidal wave in the depths of her quivering loins. Her hips churned faster, pumping and gyrating."Ooooo... ohhhhh!" she mewled. "God... oh, God! That's so good, David! Ahhhhh, yes... yes! So good! More... do it to me harder... faster! Ooooo, so sweet! I'll come... God, will I come!"Linda was little aware of what she was saying. Her ecstasy was overpowering and she was fantasizing again. She trembled and shuddered, biting at her full bottom lip. Her wild, lewd dance upon his finger was giving her more thrills than she had enjoyed in a long, long time."Fuck me... fuck me!" she yelped. "Fuck my pussy with your finger, darling! Ahhhh, yes... yes... yes! Suck my cunt... fuck my hot cunt! Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!"Linda growled all the words she had never said before, words she had wanted to use with her husband but could not. They were the words she fantasy. They dripped from her mouth effortlessly used in her mind all the time, the words she used and she could not stop them."Fuck me... finger-fuck my cunt... fuck my pussy! Ooooo... everywhere... everywhere! Screw me up the asshole... make me suck your hard cock! Ohhhh, baby! Ahhhh, darling... make me take your big old cock in my cock-sucking mouth! Let me lick your hairy balls... tongue you in the asshole! Oooo... ahhhhh, baby, baby, baby! Suck my asshole... fuck the ass... fuck my mouth! Fuck... fuck... fuck me!"David listened to her, staring up at her passion contorted face. He didn't understand why.Linda was doing this to him, and he was frightened by it. Yet, he was excited, too. He had never seen a girl this way before, had never felt a girl's pussy. He liked it, he decided, the way her cunt felt so warm, so moist and slippery. His young cock throbbed excruciatingly inside his pants, and he was dying to take it out and jack it off. But he was afraid to do anything except what she wanted him to do."Oh... ahhhhh!" Linda mewled in a thick voice, her half-exposed body shuddering as her convulsing orgasm shattered her mind and body. "I'm doing it! Oh... I'm coming! You're making me come... making me come with your cunt-fucking finger! Ahhhh... ohhhhh... ooooo!"Her hips swayed, seemingly in all directions at once, then her legs became too weak to support her weight. Slowly, Linda sank to the carpet, then sprawled onto her back, gasping. She drew her knees up in a fetal position, her pantied ass and crotch exposed to the boy, strands of curly hair showing about the crotch of her panties. Her hands clutched at her tits as she shook and trembled in ecstasy, the ecstasy that continued to race rampantly through her slender body.David gazed at her for a long time, seeing the pulsing of her pussy, the way she clawed at her breasts. Then, jumping to his feet, he ran from the house, the door slamming behind him.After what seemed an eternity, Linda regained some semblance of sanity.She struggled to her feet, and immediately felt her body flood with shame of what she had done with the boy. Never in her life had she done such a thing, not even with her own husband. She remembered the things she had said to the boy and her blush burned deeper. She had no idea what had come over her, what it was that made her do such a horrible, wicked thing. It would not have been so bad, she thought, if it had been with Frank, or at least a man of her own age. A sudden thought came to her, and she groaned with a sinking feeling in her chest. "Oh, God!" she murmured. "What if he tells Greg and Tami? What if he says something to them? I'll... just fall down and die!"Linda felt ashamed and humiliated, but she could not place any blame on the boy. After all, it was she who had done it, done that terrible thing, that wicked act of lifting her skirt and wantonly exposing her pussy. Tears of shame flooded her eyes, and she ran to her room. Slamming the door behind her, she flung herself across the bed, sobbing in shame. 

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