Carol Gets Filthy: Taboo Erotica - Dakota Weir - E-Book

Carol Gets Filthy: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Dakota Weir

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It was obvious from the way he smiled that Bud liked women to plead with him. A sneer was on his lips. Carol licked her lips. Perhaps she could get out of this one thing. It meant humiliation but it meant he wouldn't put it inside her and tear her apart. Bud held his huge cock in one hand.

"No!" Carol screamed, getting to her feet.

Bud grabbed her roughly by the shoulders. "You know the rules!"

"NO!" Carol screamed again, struggling.

"I need some help here," Bud called over his shoulder. Immediately naked men and women surged around Carol and forced her down on her back. Carol was spread-eagled on the mattress and looking around wildly. Kathy and Kit were holding one of her legs, spreading it widely. Kit had a look of lewd glee on her face. There were men and women everywhere pinning her, caressing her helpless body and making comments, "Go on, Bud, fuck her."

Bud was on top of Carol now and she felt the heavy thick head of his cock rubbing up and down her naked cuntal slit. "Ted!" she cried out helplessly and several people around her laughed.

Pain tore through her loins as Bud began plunging home into her cunt that was moist and lubricated despite her fear. Her vagina was being stretched beyond endurance. His cock was so big that her vaginal lips were stretched to the point where they went white.

Searing pain sent scream after scream from her trembling lips as Bud slowly sank his giant cock deeper and deeper into her belly without the slightest mercy. The head of his cock banged hard against Carol's cervix and her face twisted in pain and pleasure and she pleaded, "Oh, please!"

It was rape, it was brutal and barbaric rape and Carol was in terrible pain as Bud continued to fuck her faster and faster. Then, almost a miracle, Carol went above the pain as Bud continued to fuck her, and she began to enjoy the helplessness of her plight. It was exciting to be so humiliated and hurt. She felt a fire in her loins and began rotating her hips while Kit said, "Look! She likes it! Fuck her hard, Bud!"

Others called out and Carol heard her own voice, hoarse and low, "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me to death!"


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Carol Gets Filthy

Dakota Weir

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Carol Gets Filthy













Carol Thomas laughed, too. Then she said, "Go to hell," and she laughed again.

"Wrap your firm, young, dreamy, delicious body in a sheet," Brace went on easily, "and meet me in the massage room. As I said, it's lesson time."

Carol looked at him, uncertain.

"Or," Brace said quietly, "stay here on the desk. Don't learn to massage the ladies' muscles. Don't double your salary. Stay right here on the front desk for a lousy hundred a week." He grinned.

Carol went to the ladies' locker room and took off her clothes and wrapped herself in a sheet and went to the, massage room.

"Lay down," Brace said. "On that table."

"I will not. I will lie down on that table."

"This is no time for a grammar lesson. I'm going to rub your dreamy, delightful body. Right now!"

"You're going to rub the sheet," Carol said. "If you touch my body, I'll clobber you!" She stretched out on the table, face down.

"Now," Brace said, "we begin with the trapezius, that's here. Not too hard. Steady pressure, from the shoulder to the neck. See?" He massaged her, telling her how to do it's he worked his hands.

Carol sighed, and said softly, "Relaxing. Warm."

"Now-the latissimus dorsi, and then we move on down to the ridges of muscle along the spine. A slow, even pressure here. Circular motion. Nice, huh? And later, when you're lulled into a sense of false security, I'll get down to where it really counts. You'll be putty in my hands. You'll throw yourself at me with whimpering, moaning sounds. I'll seduce you, Carol. Just wait and see."

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