Lascivious Carol: XXX Erotica - Dakota Weir - E-Book

Lascivious Carol: XXX Erotica E-Book

Dakota Weir

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A tingling excitement throbbed and squirmed in her loins and she knew that she was afraid of Helene Lorison. But, she did not know why.
In the morning, she would start her new job as Helene Lorison's assistant. How she got the job was still a source of bafflement to her.
Helene Lorison was a beautiful blonde goddess, famous as the advertising genius who had done wonders for the Modern Marts, a chain of department stores. She had her offices in the penthouse atop the Beverly Hills store and Carol Kemp, petite blonde bombshell, awake in her own little apartment, would become her new assistant in just a few hours.
She wondered if Woody Ames, one of her friends, had helped. Woody's father was a vice president in the chain and he had talked to Helene Lorison for Carol.
But she suspected that she had gotten the job because she was good at her work; her resume had impressed the lovely blonde merchandising genius and they had had a very remarkable interview.
Just thinking about Helene Lorison turned her on fiercely and that thought worried her.

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Lascivious Carol

Dakota Weir

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











A tingling excitement throbbed and squirmed in her loins and she knew that she was afraid of Helene Lorison. But, she did not know why.

In the morning, she would start her new job as Helene Lorison's assistant. How she got the job was still a source of bafflement to her.

Helene Lorison was a beautiful blonde goddess, famous as the advertising genius who had done wonders for the Modern Marts, a chain of department stores. She had her offices in the penthouse atop the Beverly Hills store and Carol Kemp, petite blonde bombshell, awake in her own little apartment, would become her new assistant in just a few hours.

She wondered if Woody Ames, one of her friends, had helped. Woody's father was a vice president in the chain and he had talked to Helene Lorison for Carol.

But she suspected that she had gotten the job because she was good at her work; her resume had impressed the lovely blonde merchandising genius and they had had a very remarkable interview.

Just thinking about Helene Lorison turned her on fiercely and that thought worried her.

She wandered into the bathroom and stood looked at herself in the long wide mirror. Her pajamas had the worn, comfortable look of a favored pair. She noticed that her high, firm breasts were poking their noses upward, making twin tents on her chest.

She opened the top of her nightclothes actually enjoying the sight of her bare breasts. Her hands cupped them, caressed them with a lover's ardor and skill. The nipples were sticking out, a deep blushing pink, she could feel the tingling, heady sensations of a thriving lust within them.

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