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Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Medizin - Pädiatrie, Kinderheilkunde, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Cerebral palsy is a major cause of disability in children.It's etiology poorly understood.20%-50% of the cause of CP is unknown.This study was done to identified some of the risk factors.62 cerebral palsied children were subject matter of the study, and 62 children match age and sex as control.Info was obtained through qualitative mode of research-investigative/explorative questioning of mothers and/or guardian of the subject children.Findings were multifactorial;study revealed antenatal (gestational)risk factors mainly associated with developed countries, were equally evident in research study area (Ohangwena-NAMIBIA) which is a developing country.Case in point, maternal high bllod pressure.Other factors typical of developing country were the likes of poor maternal nutrition (low protein intake during pregnancy)and low educational level of mothers. The study also found out a long held concept that; home deliveries areas major cause of CP was not a case, incidence of CP was at par between institutional and home deliveries. Absence of a steady decline in the percentage (%) of CP, the study find out that modern improved obstetric and advanced perinatal care that has resulted in the increased survival rate of low birth weight babies weighing <1200grams, which was not the case 20-30 years retrospective. All in all Prevalance and clinical features of Cerebral palsy in the region of Ohangwena in NAMIBIA is comparable to sister developing countries, as well as developed countries spreading in antenatal, perinatal and postnatal.Good news is; signifaicant risk factors for cerebral palsy identified by the are modifiable.Bad news is; as current there is no antenatal test for CP, no proven preventable measures in the late pregnancy, and no known cure.To place more importance in gestational and perinatal care for mothers and babies will definetly reduce occurence of cerebral palsy in young children population.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011