Cheating 101: Adult Erotica - Booker Radcliffe - E-Book

Cheating 101: Adult Erotica E-Book

Booker Radcliffe

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As a matter-of-fact it was six spurting orgasms in sixty hours-Christiana practically raped him on Monday night.

It was a strange situation for a widower and presumable upstanding office manager to find himself in, at forty-one years of age. Jim Hunt was stud to two women, two sensuous and demanding women. One was 21, the other 35, a complete and thoroughgoing voluptuary, kinky and in love with cock, a small blonde woman with a circumspect manner and job who loved to drink semen and preferred buggery to taking cock in her blonde-tressed and extremely juicy cunt.

Jim coped, month after month.

Logical or not, Christiana didn't like Muriel; she resented her, and she pushed it. He kept the two women apart.. . .

Then came the Friday when he told his daughter-in-law that he'd be out of town all weekend again. She bitched, sulked. But he went, and when he and Muriel flew back Monday afternoon, they were married.

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Cheating 101

Booker Radcliffe

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Cheating 101



Christiana's inexperience gave Randy and herself trouble, naturally enough, and more than once. But they were fortunate. A naturally sensuous girl who had not known it, or had denied it, to stay "pure," she turned on fast.

Christy Hunt's husband was twenty, a year older than she, and she thought it was groovy that he had balled, and knew things, and was more than willing to teach his bride. That did take awhile; it was seven months after their wedding before she at last slid her pretty pink lips, for the very first time, over the broad, plumlike head of a tumid cock. It was Randy's prick, of course, and she had already discovered, to her surprise and delight, that it was no less soft then tricot.

He directed her. He told her how to run her head up and down the long sexual shank, and how to swallow around it, how to suck hard and pop her lips off its end and then lick before thrusting her face back down the broad stalk again. He reminded her about using her warm hand to fondle his balls: Hardly the sort of young man to just lie back, without himself taking part, he also used his hands to titillate his inexperienced wife's shockingly large breasts.

Getting him to come in her mouth was no problem. What to do after that was, for Christiana. Since it was her first time and she'd never even read about giving head, she didn't know what to do with the results. So she snatched some tissues and deposited his warm, slippery seed in the wad, which later went down the toilet.

She did it that way twice more before accidentally swallowing some of that thick fluid one gusty night. Immediately she discovered that it was OK, and that she had no aversion or sick reaction as she'd thought she might. So, with her long black hair curling over her shoulders, and his thighs and her breasts like big cushions against their warmth, she gulped down the rest of his semen.

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