The Teamster's Brat: Taboo NC Erotica - Booker Radcliffe - E-Book

The Teamster's Brat: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Booker Radcliffe

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.


Reaching out, Gonz turned off the nearby table lamp, making the room-lighting a little softer. With only one lamp on, he was creating an exotic atmosphere. He liked to fuck exotically. That was the only right way to do it. Eventually it might be just the thing to bring her around to his way of thinking. If possible, he wanted her willing. Rape was something his trucking goons enjoyed. He much preferred a good, willing cunt. In fact, he wanted his pussy more than willing. He wanted it anxious. He wanted to feel the tight interior of a feminine vagina squeezing around the hard thrust of his inplunging penis, and for the cunt to squeeze, it had to be willing. For a woman to simply lay there, or even fight back, meant her vagina simply would not properly respond the way he wanted. He wanted to feel the tightness of vaginal muscles crush and squeeze and really pressure his thrusting penis. Heck, that was the reason why he had finally unloaded Judy's predecessor. The damn broad had merely let him instead of enjoying it along with him.
Looking up, the young, brown-haired girl suddenly realized Stan Gonz was the only thing in sharp focus. Everything behind him and around him was a soft blur. He moved closer and sat on the edge of the sofa, making her gasp, afraid he would hit her. When he reached out, she recoiled. His hands touched her arms for an instant, and she pushed her palms out, pressing flatly against his hairy chest. But even as she pushed, she felt his strength as he slowly pulled her toward him, then wrapped his arms around her, and her trembling body was being pulled up, up, up, drawn against his until her trembling balloonlike breasts rubbed against his chest. Gonz's mouth was on hers, smothering her, and then his pink tongue was lancing into her unresisting mouth again. Judy shuddered, and then she fought, slapping at his chest with open hands, then pummeling him with closed fists, but it was all so hopeless. He felt nothing, and she inwardly thought he was laughing at her. His mouth pressed ever more firmly against hers as he kept her on her feet.
The combination of his burning kisses and the alcohol in her shuddering veins was beginning to affect her more and more. Her mind was swimming and she didn't know what to think as she found herself being absorbed into his mouth like food into a paramecium. Judy's mind reeled and she no longer knew what to say or think. Little by little she found herself melding to him as if becoming a part of him. She sensed his upright, throbbing thicknessthat massive length of flesh he referred to as his cockrubbing between their bellies, leaking its oily slickness against both of them.


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The Teamster's Brat

Booker Radcliffe

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

Judy lived with her parents and older sister, Debbie, in a four room New York apartment all her life. Her father drove a tractor trailer, but he was also the union representative of his particular cell in the Teamster's Union local. Judy was used to union meetings taking place in her apartment when the small cell didn't want to go down to the union hall. Most of the time her dad handled the gripes and complaints of his fellow members, taking them to the head of the local, doing his best as a mediator between the big wheels and the working men. He had never been really well educated, but somehow he did have this rapport with his fellow truck drivers and the men who headed the local, and he was good at straightening out the little problems that plague every local. This was appreciated all the more since he prevented many problems from having to go higher than the local.

Being a burly man, Alfred Roth had, in his youth, punched his way through more than one scrap, at a time when might was right. He was also one of the few powerfully muscular men to realize there was a time when muscles wouldn't work. Now in his mid-fifties, he had settled down.

Because of his position with the union, Al Roth often received a small allowance over and above the money he earned driving a truck. The extra money was what had sent Judy through an accelerated business school education program at a time when she was trying to finish college, as well.

Judy, in spite of what appeared to be an outward timidity, was an exceptionally outgoing and charming young lady. She enjoyed meeting new people, making new discoveries, and doing new things. So Alfred Roth was overjoyed when the head of his local, Stanley Gonz, who had been on top for what seemed like forever, told him the day of Judy's graduation from both, college and vocational school, that he had a secretary's job open in his office. Roth invited Gonz to his home to tell the good news to Judy, himself.

Judy was so overjoyed at getting this opportunity, it never occurred to her to wonder just why the man was hiring her so easily. She took what he told her at face value.

"Your father's been a great help to the local," he told her, smiling his white-toothed smile at her while his eyes wandered up and down her sweetly voluptuous form, noting the flared pink dress she wore did nothing to hide the attributes she had in which he was most interested. "He's not only done a lot for the men, but he's saved us quite a few headaches, as well. I feel it only right we show our appreciation in some way, and this is as good a way as any, especially since we're helping the union a lot. So first thing Monday morning, you come to our office on Twenty-ninth Street, and if you can type and file half as good as your father says, the job is yours. My last secretary just went and got herself married."

"Gosh, that's terrific," Judy said, her brown eyes flashing, filled with the light of countless stars. "If it's all right with you, I'll be there at nine-o'clock. Believe me, I'll do everything in my power to make certain you won't be sorry for hiring me."

"Oh I'm quite sure of that," Gonz nodded, looking at her through slitted eyes the way a cobra would look at a helpless bird.

Judy was a stunning girl, and Stan Gonz, who knew every man in his local, as well as all the members of their families, had kept his eye on Judy for more than eight years, now. He had first noticed the budding girl when her father had brought her to the union's local office when she was eighteen. She had been almost fully developed at the time, looking more like eighteen, and she hadn't changed a bit since then, save to add maturity and roundness to her figure. It had taken one hell of a lot of willpower for the man to keep himself from putting his hands on her at the time. How he had restrained himself he would never know. Then, as now, her hair was short and swept up. She had a cute little pug nose, and rosy cheeks. Her lips were full and pouting at all times, and she had a long and slender neck. She had strong shoulders, and it was a good thing because they had to support large, rounded pectorals that looked as if they might be cantaloupes. The only one with bigger breasts than Judy was Debbie, her sister, who sported a pair that looked ready to be fired from a howitzer.

When Gonz had discovered Judy Roth had finished business school and was looking for a secretarial job, he'd fired his latest secretary, one he'd hired some few months earlier solely to crawl into her pants. She had been willing enough, but had turned out to be almost boring in bed. Now he saw a chance to bring Judy Roth within reach of his achingly throbbing cock, and he was going to take full advantage of the opportunity. Hell! He had restrained himself all this time. Now he wanted to score with the young, brown-haired woman. He'd been the head of the local for almost eighteen years, and in all that time he hadn't seen any female as close to what he considered perfection as Judy Roth. He'd be damned if he'd see her get married to some creep of a truck driver and then get fat dropping six or seven kids in the process, each one knocking her a bit more out of shape. Damn! He had to score with her, first. She was one of those females who was every bit as sweetly naive as she appeared. As far as he was concerned, that was a very good thing. He'd be able to break her in his way, teaching her what he wanted her to learn, the way he wanted her to learn it. Then, when the time came for her to finally marry some other shnook, he would have had his fill of her, so he'd be able to graciously let her go and find someone else to replace her. She was nice, really nice. Once he had her broken in, she'd be great for "entertaining" certain other important bigwigs, too.

While Alfred Roth was happily shaking Stan Gonz's hand, thanking him profusely for having given his younger daughter this wonderful opportunity, the beautiful brown-haired girl was in the room she shared with her sister, thinking. She was tired. It had been a long day. She had, in essence, gone through two graduations, though her sister had picked up her college degree while she had gone to her business school graduation. And now she had this wonderful job capping everything. Gonz hadn't mentioned just how much the job paid, but Judy was so delirious with all that had taken place, she didn't really care. Certainly it would be more than were she to work in a secretarial pool in some uptown office.

She would be able to live with her parents and help with the household expenses. Debbie, her older sister was moving out in a few days, and the loss of her part of the rent money would have hurt her parents. Now Judy would be able to take up the slack. It made her feel good to think of herself as becoming independent. She wasn't certain just why Debbie was moving out, but she suspected it had a lot to do with her sister's sex life.

Because of her father's prominence in the Teamster's' union, Judy had a false sense of security where men were concerned. Everyone knew she was Al Roth's girl, so nobody dared look at her the wrong way, much less contemplate touching her. She was far from ignorant of the relationship between a man and a woman. One didn't get past the age of seven or eight in her neighborhood without learning the facts of life from fellow playmates who always talked of the things they saw. Because of what her parents and minister had taught her, Judy sincerely believed a "good" girl never permitted any boy to go beyond a gentle kiss prior to an engagement promise, and certainly not beyond light petting until the actual wedding ceremony. Her husband was supposed to be the only man in her life permitted to play with her.

She sighed, smiling to herself. Her neighborhood was a rough one, but in spite of it all she'd been a very happy girl. Her parents had watched out for her, and her older sister had made certain to fill her in on whatever facts-of life her playmates had left out.

Debbie was a "loose" girl, and Judy knew it, though Debbie had managed to hide it from their parents. Sex came naturally to her, and she had lost her virginity seven years before, at the age of eighteen. Sheer luck had prevented her becoming pregnant between eighteen and eighteen, and the Pill took care of it, after that. Though she tried telling Judy how much fun it was, the younger girl didn't want to listen.

Monday, Judy's life as a self-supporting woman was about to start. Her nightmare would start at the same time.

Chapter 2

The teamsters' local office on Twenty-ninth Street hadn't changed at all since Judy had first visited her father there, some years earlier. It was a group of rooms set in an old, brick building, which in turn sat among a myriad of other buildings that blocked out the sunlight in the city.

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