Chemical Modification of Mango Kernel Stone Powder as a Thickener in Reactive Printing - Mengistu Taye - E-Book

Chemical Modification of Mango Kernel Stone Powder as a Thickener in Reactive Printing E-Book

Mengistu Taye

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Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Chemie - Materialchemie, Werkstoffchemie, Wollo University, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In this research Mango kernel stone powder was chemically modified from –OH groups to other groups like -OCOCH3 etc. with the acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The aim of this research was to explore the production of chemically modified starch from mango kernel stone powder that can be used mainly in the printing field economically. Hence giving value to mango fruit by product through different routes is not only helps to reduce environmental pollution but also reduces the cost of waste disposal for juice house and processing industries. In this research Mango kernel stone powder was chemically modified from –OH groups to other groups like acetyl and carboxyl (-OCOCH3) groups. with the acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The aim of this research was to explore the production of chemically modified starch from mango kernel stone powder that can be used mainly in the printing field economically. Natural thickening agents have better biodegradability and higher compatibility with environment. Hence giving value to mango fruit byproduct through different routes is not only helps to reduce environmental pollution but also reduces the cost of waste disposal for juice house and processing industries. Keywords: Cotton fabric, Mango, Modification, Thickener, Reactive printing, Characterization

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