Chi Nei Tsang II – pump and press sick winds away - Mantak Chia - E-Book

Chi Nei Tsang II – pump and press sick winds away E-Book

Mantak Chia

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With the Taoist abdominal massage Chi Nei Tsang© you get to know and understand yourself better. The own body feeling is developed, and physical, mental as well asas well as mental tensions are loosened. This book builds on the basics of Chi Nei I. It describes how so-called “sick winds“ arise and lead to certain patterns of illness. 12 of these winds are described in their effects and it is explained in detail how to release and discharge them from the body in a combination of activating pulses by pumping and by pressing selected acupuncture points. The symptoms disappear and the affected organs recover. In addition, you will learn about: – The origin of human life from a Taoist perspective – Presentation and description of the different stages of Chi Nei Tsang© according to Grandmaster Mantak Chia – Detailed description and illustrated instructions for the technique of pumping and pressing selected body points – Detailed description of how to perform a Chi Nei Tsang II session – Description of important complementary exercises Mantak Chia is the founder of the Universal Healing Tao System and one of the most important contemporary teachers in the field of Taoist health maintenance. Mantak Chia has been teaching the Chi Nei Tsang© for more than forty years and has continuously developed his massage system during this time.

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Mantak Chia’s Canon

The publishing house “mantak-chia-media” is launching Mantak Chia’s Taoist Canon to honour Taoist Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s life’s work and to preserve it for future generations.

The book collection is divided into the 5 Healing Arts/Branches of the Universal Healing Tao System. Each branch is related to one part of the 5-Element Teachings and distinguished by a colour:

Basic Tao Energy Cultivation

Internal Martial Arts

Chi Nei Tsang

Cosmic Healing

Advanced Inner Alchemy

The canon encompasses Mantak Chia’s entire Taoist range of knowledge and will be available to all those interested in systematically organised study companions to the UHT practices.

Chi Nei Tsang II – Pump and Press Sick Winds Away

Mantak Chia

Josefine Reimig

Solla Pizzuto

With the Taoist abdominal massage Chi Nei Tsang© you get to know and understand yourself better. The own body feeling is developed and physical as well as mental tensions are loosened.

This book builds on the basics of Chi Nei I. It describes how so-called “sick winds” arise and lead to certain patterns of illness. 12 of these winds are described in their effects and it is explained in detail how to release and discharge them from the body in a combination of activating pulses by pumping and by pressing selected acupuncture points. The symptoms disappear and the affected organs recover.

Additional Contents:

– The origin of human life from a Taoist perspective

– Presentation and description of the different stages of Chi Nei Tsang© according to Grandmaster Mantak Chia

– Detailed description and illustrated instructions for the technique of pumping and pressing selected body points

– Detailed description of how to perform a Chi Nei Tsang II session

– Description of important complementary exercises

Mantak Chia is the founder of the Universal Healing Tao System and one of the most important contemporary teachers in the field of Taoist health maintenance.

Mantak Chia has been teaching Chi Nei Tsang© for more than forty years and has continuously developed his massage system during this time.


Chi Nei Tsang II – pump and press sick winds away

Author: Mantak Chia

Co-Authors: Josefine Reimig, Solla Pizzuto

Mantak Chia’s Canon Chi Nei Tsang Part 2

1. Edition 2021

© mantak-chia-media GmbH, Berlin 2021

Concept: Josefine Reimig

Layout/Design: Jana Marx

Editing: Christine Harkness-Giles

E-Book No. 2

ISBN 978-3-949344-02-2

All rights reserved.

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the author except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Any use in cases other than those permitted by law is not permitted without the consent of the publisher. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, distribution and making available to the public.

Table of Contents


Mantak Chia’s Canon

Chi Nei Tsang II – Pump and Press Sick Winds Away



Words of Caution


Mantak Chia

Josefine Reimig

Solla Pizzuto

Chapter 1: Basic Explanation of CNT and Levels

Basic Explanation of CNT

History of Chi Nei Tsang 

Chi Nei Tsang as Part of Universal Healing Tao System

Chi Nei Tsang I: Internal Organ Massage

Chi Nei Tsang II: Chasing the Winds

Chi Nei Tsang III: Tok Sen

Chi Nei Tsang IV: Life Pulse Massage

Chi Nei Tsang V: Karsai Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang VI: Life Force Massage

Chi Nei Tsang VII: Micro-Current

Chapter 2: Concept of Physical Function of the Body

Taoist View of the Five Element System

Original Pulse and Life from Universe

Yin and Yang

Original Energy at Conception

Development of the Embryo

Early Pulses

Chapter 3: Techniques and Physical Tools to Use in Sessions

Use of Physical Tools




Palm Edge


Relaxing Movements Opening a Session

Chi Nei Tsang Pressing Points

Balancing the Pulse through Pumping

Pumping the Pulse

Chapter 4: Preparation of a Session

Caution and Excluding Preconditions

Ethical Rules

Room Setting

Preparation of Practitioner

Working with a Tree

Connection with a Tree or Wall

Information to Client

Energetic Supporting Rituals

Chapter 5: Wind as Concentrated Energy

Winds of Nature

Winds of Creation

Internal Winds

Winds Generated by Food

Winds Generated by Emotions

Effect of Sick Winds on the Body

Using CNT to Heal Problems Created by Winds

Chapter 6: Dispersing the 12 Winds

Opening the Wind Gates

Flushing and Venting

12 Winds CNT II

Wind 1: The Wind that Attacks the Liver, the Pericardium and the Heart

Wind 2: The Wind that Attacks the Tongue, Jaw, Eyes and Head

Wind 3: The Wind that Attacks the Kidneys

Wind 4: The Wind that Causes Aches, Tightness, Tiredness and Uneasiness in all the Body

Wind 5: The Wind that Makes the Abdomen Stiff, Hard, Tight and Tender

Wind 6: The Wind that Causes Cramps

Wind 7: The Wind that Attacks the Heart and Causes Shaking

Wind 8: The Wind that Causes Chest Pain

Wind 9: The Wind that Makes the Legs and Feet Tired

Wind 10: The Wind that Causes Pain, Numbness and Heat

Wind 11: The Wind that Affects the Nerves and Makes a Stiff Back

Wind 12: The Wind that Causes Excess Heat and Cold

Chapter 7: Additional Techniques



Inner Smile

Six Healing Sounds

Venting Technique

Deep Belly Laughing

Grounding Exercise: Embracing the Tree

Chapter 8: Appendix

Chart for CNT Points

Key for the Acu Points

Winds CNT-Acu Points / *Extraordinary points

Training possibilities with certification

Useful Links


Universal Healing Tao


The authors thank the many generations of Taoist masters who have passed on their special knowledge and experience in the form of oral transmissions over thousands of years. We thank Chi Nei Tsang teacher Dr. Mui Yimwattana and Taoist master Yi Eng for his openness in transmitting the formulas of Taoist Internal Alchemy.

Master Chia has been teaching the Chi Nei Tsang method for more than fifty years and has trained hundreds of practitioners. Thousands of people have benefited, been relieved of their stress, and improved their well-being.

We would like to thank the thousands of unknown men and women of the Chinese Healing Arts who have developed many of the methods and ideas presented in this book.

We acknowledge with much appreciation the wisdom and contribution from the teams of people who supported the creation of all the previous UHT books on Chi Nei Tsang that allowed this particular version to pin point the flow of sequences for the use of the practitioners entering into the field..

Words of Caution

The information presented in this book is based on the personal experience and knowledge of the authors on the origins of Chi Nei Tsang. The practices described here have been successfully used for thousands of years following personal instruction by Taoist teachers. Anyone reading about these practices cannot study them to certification without personal mediation and training by a certified Chi Nei Tsang teacher of the Universal Healing Tao and supervised practice. Certain practices could cause injury or health problems if not done correctly. This book is intended as a supplement to individual Universal Healing Tao training and as a supplementary explanation of the practices. If someone uses the practices based on this book alone, he/she does so entirely at his/her own risk.This book does not describe any medical diagnoses, treatments, prescriptions, or recommended remedies for any human disease, ailment or any physical conditions. Before starting a session, a practitioner must conduct an intensive interview about the client’s medical and psychological history. It is also important to ask about any prescribed medicines or drug use, as this can have an impact on the response to a session.

Important: always make sure that you keep a respectful professional distance from the clients’ breasts and genitals.

Please note: Terms such as Six Healing Sounds, Inner Smile, Inner Alchemy etc. are used in this book as proper nouns as they stand for particular techniques belonging to the Universal Healing Tao System.

Before giving a session: Ask the student about surgeries, Pacemaker, IUD (contraceptive intra-uterine device), pregnancy, medications, their Medical Doctor’s treatment.


Chi Nei Tsang II is part of the 5 levels of Chi Nei Tsang which Mantak Chia has developed based on knowledge and experience of various old traditional Asian massage techniques.

Mindful observations led to great insights into and experiences of the body’s function. This was integrated into further development of many techniques and these techniques were part of daily life in past times. Depending on where people lived, the only chance to stay healthy was by knowledge of body exercises and herbal remedies, which had been transferred from generation to generation in some families. They knew too, that moving and touching the body is important, and of course they still had time to care for themselves. So many types of massages emerged out of those times as well.

As time passed different methods and techniques of self-help developed naturally in various countries and regions. Massages using hands were used in healing. Wherever herbal remedies developed, they emerged out of the connection to the environmental conditions of nature. Their efficiency was shown through the experience of daily life. All over the world there were experienced people acknowledged as wise men or medicine men, and women, or later in Europe as so called “witches”. Because of their knowledge, these people had a certain power and were often attacked or held responsible whenever officials were looking for somebody to blame for an epidemic or other individual health problems.

As Civilization and Western medicine grew, these traditional methods were pushed into the background, as more specified medical schools developed. Many of these methods were lost or retained only by a few tribes or families.

Early doctors in China had a broad overview of: acupuncture, herbal remedies, Medical Chi Kung, nutrition advice, and Feng Shui, all based on the 5-element system, which is described in Chapter 2. They were paid when their clients and their families remained healthy, but not when they became ill. So you could say they already had a holistic approach. People knew they had to act and do something for themselves.

Jumping ahead to today, the situation has changed; many people go to doctors and expect to be “fixed”. Luckily the number of people who wish to take back more responsibility for their health is constantly growing. So fitness, bodywork, wellness, nutrition is more in the news. And some of the almost forgotten methods luckily reappear. The most famous simple physical practices from the East, first introduced to the West in the 1970s, were Qigong exercises. The Universal Healing Tao System is based on these; starting with detoxing the body, and caring for emotional clearing and balance. Finally it leads to higher meditation techniques, the highest levels of meditation are often practiced in darkroom retreats. He has been teaching for more than 45 years and from the very beginning Grandmaster Chia has always been interested in Western medical research which confirms the functionality and results of old traditional practices. Parts of this integration you will find in this book. Traditional symbolic expressions are replaced by modern terminology and supplemented with informative graphics and photos.

In the meantime many neurologists have analysed, proved and confirmed the positive influence of meditation on brain functions and physical processes. They have also found, that the abdomen sends more impulses to the brain than the other way round. The latest research even talks about the importance of the microorganism of the large intestine on the function and malfunction of the brain. Already in the 19th century, the Russian doctor Ilja Metschnikow had coined the expression: Death begins in the large intestine. This is why it is so important that the abdominal organs of our body remain clean and get regular attention. The method described in this book about pressing certain acupuncture points and pulse points is suitable to achieve this goal.

The advantage of the Universal Healing Tao: in a pragmatic way “universal” means that it can fall into place and be used easily all over the world, once you have learned the breathing techniques and the combination of muscle moving. The term “healing” is not just meant in a health context but in a holistic way. The exercises balance the physical body; but the emotional state of a practitioner also allows insights into a clearer picture of existence. “Tao” is the Chinese term for the way. It is the way we live our lives, the way we recognize our tasks, and the way to develop our consciousness as individuals and as social beings.

This book gives you an overview of the so-called 12 winds, which cause ailments in the body and even illnesses, and also into how these can be treated and solved with a combination of a sequence of points.

An important part of the support of a practitioner is that a student or client should always be shown additional supportive exercises that anyone can use to help themselves.

Apart from that it would be helpful and is recommended to study and learn CNT I first.

This book shows overviews of aspects and is meant to be a support like a working tool. Those who have taken CNT I and CNT II classes will easily follow and understand. Some details may be mentioned twice in the context of different chapters e.g. once in general and again in the practical part.

Please note some points in the chart are additional points which are not necessarily shown or used in the sequence of discharging the winds.

Mantak Chia

Grandmaster Mantak Chia is the creator of Healing Tao U.S.A. and the Universal Healing Tao System and is the director of the Universal Healing Tao Center and Tao Garden Health Resort and Training Center in the beautiful Northern countryside of Thailand. Since childhood he has been studying the Taoist approach to life. His mastery of this ancient knowledge, enhanced by his study of other disciplines, has resulted in the development of the Universal Healing Tao System which is now taught throughout the world.

Mantak Chia was born in Thailand to Chinese parents in 1944. When he was six years old, Buddhist monks taught him how to sit and “still the mind.” While still a grammar school student, he learned traditional Thai boxing. He was then taught Tai Chi Chuan by Master Lu, who soon introduced him to Aikido, Yoga and broader levels of Tai Chi.

Years later, when he was a student in Hong Kong, excelling in track and field events, a senior classmate named Cheng Sue-Sue introduced him to his first esoteric teacher and Taoist Master, Yi Eng (I Yun). He passed to Master Chia the six formulas which expanded to nine formulas and became a whole, very complete system of the Universal Healing Tao. At this point, Master Chia began his studies of the Taoist way of life in earnest. He learned how to circulate energy through the Microcosmic Orbit and, through the practice of Fusion of the Five Elements and how to open the other Six Special Channels. He studied Inner Alchemy, further learning the Enlightenment of Kan and Li, Sealing of the Five Senses, Congress of Heaven and Earth and Reunion of Heaven and Man. This laid down a very strong foundation for Master Chia to learn and understand many other esoteric practices. It was Master Yi Eng who authorized Master Chia to teach and heal as a Taoist Master.

Microcosmic Orbit

When Mantak Chia was in his early twenties he studied with Master Meugi in Singapore, who taught him Kundalini, Taoist Yoga and Buddha Palm. He was soon able to clear blockages to the flow of energy within his own body. He also learned to pass life force energy through his hands, so that he could heal Master Meugi’s patients. He then learned Chi Nei Tsang from Dr. Mui Yimwattana in Thailand.

A while later, he studied with Master Cheng Yao-Lun who taught him the Shao-Lin Method of Internal Power. He learned the closely guarded secret of the organs, glands and bone marrow exercise known as Bone Marrow Nei Kung and the exercise known as Strengthening and Renewal of the Tendons. Master Cheng Yao-Lun’s system combined Thai boxing and Kung Fu. Master Chia also studied at this time with Master Pan Yu, whose system combined Taoist, Buddhist and Zen teachings. Master Pan Yu taught him about the exchange of Yin and Yang power between men and women, and how to develop the Steel Body.

Fusion of the Five Elements

To understand the mechanisms behind healing energy better, Master Chia studied Western anatomy and medical science for two years at university level. While pursuing his studies, he managed the Westetner Company.

Reflex Points of the Abdomen

Using his knowledge of Taoism, and of the strong foundation practices of the nine levels, combined with the other disciplines, Master Chia began teaching the Universal Healing Tao System. He eventually trained other instructors to communicate this knowledge and he established the Natural Healing Center in Thailand. Five years later, he decided to move to New York, where in 1979, he opened the Universal Healing Tao Center. During his years in America, Master Chia continued his studies in the Wu system of Tai Chi with Edward Yee in New York. Since then, over more than forty years, Master Chia has taught tens of thousands of students throughout the world. He has trained and certified over 6,000 instructors and practitioners from all over the world. Universal Healing Tao Centers, Chi Nei Tsang Institutes, Cosmic Healing Forums and Immortal Tao Health and Holistic Clinics have opened in many locations in North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

In 1994, Master Chia moved back to Thailand, where he had begun construction of Tao Garden, the Universal Healing Tao Training Center in the outskirts of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Master Chia is a warm, friendly and helpful man who views himself primarily as a teacher. He presents the Universal Healing Tao System in a straightforward and practical manner, while always expanding his knowledge and approach to teaching. He is totally at ease using the latest IT, on-line platforms, etc. with his retreat slide presentations, on-line cursus and Universal Healing Tao books. Master Chia estimates that it will take seventy-five books to convey the full Universal Healing Tao System. In June 1990, at the annual dinner in San Francisco, Master Chia was honoured by the International Congress of Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong (Chi Kung), who named him the Chi Kung Master of the Year.

He was the first recipient of this annual award, and is the only Chi Kung Master to have received it twice. In 2010 he was again nominated and recognized by the World Medical Qi Gong Society. In 2012 the publication “Mind Body & Spirit” listed Master Chia number 14 out of the 100 most influential living spiritual masters.

In December 2000, the Tao Garden Health Spa and Resort and Universal Healing Tao Training Center was completed with two Meditation Halls, two open air Simple Chi Kung Pavilions, Indoor and Outdoor Tai Chi fields, Tao Yin and Chi Nei Tsang Hall, Tai Chi Natural Saltwater Swimming Pool, Pakua Health Center, Internal World Class Weight Lifting Hall and complete Recreational Facilities. In February 2002, the Immortal Tao practices were held at Tao Garden for the first time using the Dark Room technology creating a complete environment to practise the higher levels of Immortal Tao practices.

In September 2003 Master Chia opened the Tao Garden Holistic Medical Spa using Western and Eastern Technology with Traditional Thai Massage, India Ayurveda Therapies and Chinese Chi Nei Tsang (Organ Energy Massage). The Spa is supervised by trained and certified Medical Doctors, MDs with Holistic Degrees providing Colonic Therapy, Stem Cell Cancer Prevention, Ozone Blood Treatments, and Natural Cancer Cure Treatments.

In March 2004 the Complete Holistic Mind, Body and Spirit Training was introduced at Tao Garden. In July 2009 Master Chia introduced the Five Star Eight Forces Detox Spa with Saunas, Therapy Colour Heated Pool, Jacuzzi, and Internal Massage Treatments. Also introduced was a Raw Food and Fasting Program with Organic Juice Bar. In September 2010 the Universal Healing Tao Instructors celebrated thirty years of Master Chia’s teaching with the Tao Congress at Tao Garden with over 200 instructors present for the celebration event: “Pearls of Wisdom”

In August 2016 Universal Healing Tao instructors & students celebrated thirty-five years of Master Chia’s teaching with the event “Back to the Source” at Tao Garden Health Spa and Resort. Over 100 participants were present from 19 countries including Russia, France, India, United Kingdom, Thailand, Slovakia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Spain, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Australia.

Josefine Reimig

worked for many years as a German, fine-arts and theatre teacher, also teaching ethics/philosophy. Because of her challenging and strenuous profession she felt motivated to learn about healthcare and techniques to help herself in daily life. She got to know a few methods and approaches, and finally got in contact with Mantak Chia in 1988.

She organised Master Chia’s courses in Berlin. Furthermore, she went through the levels of the Universal Healing Tao qualifying at each level of Chi Nei Tsang. Her focus has been and still is Chi Nei Tsang. She has continued translating Master Chia’s Berlin teaching courses into German.

From teaching groups in the nineties she has moved on to more one-on-one teaching, verbal and written translation, and active cooperation on boards of the Universal Healing Tao, and the Universal-Tao-Germany-Stiftung.

The goal of her input has been and still is, to use the Taoist contents for her own way of life, and to make it accessible to others. She is thankful for the abundance of what she has learned and still is learning. Staying curious, taking responsibility for oneself and others, and being creative is her guideline for life.

Solla Pizzuto

Solla Pizzuto is a Holistic Practitioner, Educator, Public speaker, Senior Universal Healing Tao Instructor of over a decade in Tao studies and certifications, certified Chi Nei Tsang Teacher of all the levels which include: CNT1 (Organ Energy Harmony), CNT2 (Chasing Winds), CNT3 (Tendon & Meridian Tok Sen), CNT4 (Reproductive Kar Sai), Micro-current CNT and Tao Healing Love.