Christine Nöstlinger. Ausgewählte Romane. Kontrastiver Vergleich mit den tschechischen Übersetzungen - Anezka Brezinova - E-Book

Christine Nöstlinger. Ausgewählte Romane. Kontrastiver Vergleich mit den tschechischen Übersetzungen E-Book

Anezka Brezinova

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Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Linguistik, Note: A, Masaryk Universität (Germanistik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The Master's diploma thesis deals with comparison of the books by an Austrian author Christine Nöstlinger, namely of the novels for children "A Dog's life" and " Elf in the head“ with their Czech translations "Pan Pes a jeho přátelé" and "Skřítek v hlavě". The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The first theoretical part is dealing mainly with the theory of translation and also, among other chapters, with the translator's methods and dictionaries. The practical part concentrates on the comparison of the German originals with the Czech translations, primarily from the point of view of the stylistcs and the contrastive phraseology.

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