Classic - Tess Dagger - E-Book

Classic E-Book

Tess Dagger



It's Saturday night at the BDSM club and Tess's friend and fellow pain slut Moni teases two classical music-obsessed doms, challeging them to create play playlists for each other. Rising to her challenge, they agree to an artistic exchange. Tess is house-sitting, and has the perfect luxurious venue to make this naughty suggestion a reality. Her guests arrive, dressed in their finest. What follows is a musical exploration of pain, pleasure and the nature of the dom/sub dynamic. Sound and sensation meld as violinist Sven teaches Tess a lesson or two about classical music… among other things. Between a most unconventional use of a violin bow, Sven distributes hot pain and delicious sensuality as the scene builds and wanes to the music. With her characteristic raw realism, Tess Dagger pulls the reader into her mind, into her world, a world of perversion and intense sensation. If you like hot, hard, realistic BDSM, this story is a must-read.

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Tess Dagger

Artcover: Caryatis.Dark


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

As the crescendo in the concerto rose, the violin bow came across my ass with a sharp and stinging thwack.

It was a Sunday night in late fall, and the fireplace was crackling nicely. The stones of the mantel were warm, bordering on hot, beneath my palms. Sven stood behind me, caressing the sharp arch of my back with the violin bow before tapping the tip of it against one pink, proffered cheek. His hand cupped the other, squeezing lightly.

The violins flickered their playful interlude as he paused for a breather, reaching down to the table to his glass of red wine.

“Thirsty?” His voice was higher than one would have guessed when looking at him, dark and bearded and dangerous-looking, but smooth and gentle enough to still command my attention. I turned lightly, unwilling to twist entirely away from the heat of the fireplace, and nodded.

He brought the glass towards me and tilted it towards my lips, the rim resting lightly on my pout before tipping the tiniest sip into my mouth. I continued to pout as he pulled the glass away.

“Ahh, she wants more?” I nodded meekly, and he grinned, resting a hand on my shoulder. A light push signaled me to kneel. “Open up then.”

I saw what he intended and brought my lips towards his erection, stiff and glistening lightly in the low orange firelight. I let my tongue flutter against the sensitive underside before tilting my head back, waiting.

He lowered the glass to his crotch, allowing the wine to trickle rivulets along the veins under the silky skin of his stiffness and into my endlessly thirsty mouth. As I swallowed my last mouthful, a grin spread across his face, and he gently caressed my hair before suddenly, forcefully shoving his cock to the back of my throat.

“I’m house-sitting, starting tomorrow,” I said noncommittally, munching on a Ritz cracker. A few crumbs fell from my lips and I hastily brushed them away. It was nearly 11 at night on a Saturday, and the small BDSM club was packed with adults of every age and orientation. “For the whole next week. Family I know is taking a trip back to Boston.”

Sven and his girlfriend Moni sat on the couch across from me, her wrapped in a fuzzy blanket as she leaned against him with heavy-lidded eyes. Her sleek brunette hair was sweetly tousled, and his dark and heavy browline wore beads of sweat. They had just finished up a scene in the dungeon, a lovely whipping that ended in him propping her up on the medical table and fingering her in front of everybody to make her squirt. I had leaned against the doorway and watched, amused at the way she had scrunched up her pretty little face and cried out as the stream shot from her towards the plastic floor-mats. Afterwards, as Sven cleaned up the mats, I had draped the blanket over her shoulders and led her to the couch where he had now come to join us with a plate of crackers and cheese. Moni had then asked about my week’s plans.

“Ooh, a house all to yourself?” Sven bit into a piece of cheese suggestively. “No roommates for an entire week! What trouble might you be getting up to?”

“Me?” I gasped, mock offended. “I would never! But honestly, I’m looking forward to it. It’s a huge northside house, hot tub and fireplace and a queen-size bed. I intend to play classical music and lounge around in a plush bathrobe and pretend I’m a queen for a week.”

Moni let out a sudden giggle that still held a tint of post-scene floatiness. She straightened a little, the blanket slipping down the curve of her slight and slender shoulder.

“Tess, listening to classical music?” She chuckled again and stole a cracker from the plate, laying a piece of gruyere across the top. “Somehow I hadn’t pegged you for the classical type.”

“You haven’t pegged me at all,” I teased, and made a lewd and suggestive motion with my left hand. She mimed throwing her cracker at me. “But really, I do enjoy classical music!”

“Such as?” Sven shot back, clearly as disbelieving as Moni.