Compendium of Wooden Wand Making Techniques -  - E-Book

Compendium of Wooden Wand Making Techniques E-Book



Conjuring up wooden wands might seem like a magical and mysterious process, but the Compendium of Wooden Wand Making Techniques is here to show you how simple it can be! In the first-ever guide to making wands, you'll learn how to hand carve, power carve, wood turn, and scroll saw 20 unique projects that are sure to delight and manage mischief. Be inspired with a gallery of beloved staff-carrying and wand-wielding characters from the infamous Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series – from Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, and Severus Snape to Gandalf, Saruman, and several others. Woven throughout these gallery pages are images of wands you can make in the book that are thematically similar – but distinct from – these iconic wands and staffs! Also provided is a Wand Sketchbook section as a jump-off point for you to design wands of your own, along with areas to include your original wand's name, wood type, length, core, and special skills. From there, five wand projects for each woodworking technique are presented with step-by-step instructions, coordinating photography, and patterns. A complete project collection that's truly the first of its kind, this book is a must-have source of inspiration that belongs in any muggle's and woodworker's library who has a love for all things fiction and fantasy!

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Wooden Wand
Wooden Wand
Mastering the Enchanting Art of Carving,
Turning, and Scrolling Wands
Editors of Fox Chapel Publishing
With contributions by
Albert Baggetta • Barry Gross • James Miller • Tamera Seevers
Wooden Wand
Wooden Wand
© 2021 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc., 903 Square Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552.
Compendium of Wooden Wand Making Techniques
is an original work, first published in 2021 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc. The patterns
contained herein are copyrighted by the author. Readers may make copies of these patterns for personal use. The patterns themselves, however, are
not to be duplicated for resale or distribution under any circumstances. Any such copying is a violation of copyright law.
ISBN 978-1-4971-0169-2
eISBN 978-1-6374-1050-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021935650
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For a printable PDF of the patterns used in this book, please contact Fox Chapel Publishing at [email protected],
with 9781497101692 Compendium of Wooden Wand Making Techniques in the subject line.
Because working with wood and other materials inherently includes the risk of injury and damage, this book cannot guarantee that creating the
projects in this book is safe for everyone. For this reason, this book is sold without warranties or guarantees of any kind, expressed or implied, and the
publisher and the author disclaim any liability for any injuries, losses, or damages caused in any way by the content of this book or the reader’s use of
the tools needed to complete the projects presented here. The publisher and the author urge all readers to thoroughly review each project and to
understand the use of all tools before beginning any project.
Welcome to a wonderful world of magical wands! With their rich history and eye-catching style,
whether or not you are a “believer” in the magic, you can’t deny the power and aesthetic of a handmade
wooden wand. Wands can easily be customized for their recipient witches, wizards, and fans of favorite
magical stories, and this book presents twenty enchanting designs to cover all kinds of tastes and
woodworking techniques!
The wands in this book are divided up into four sections based on the technique used to create them:
hand carving, scroll saw, turning, and power carving. If you already have experience in one of these
methods, you may feel drawn to start in that section. But the great thing is, each of the four sections
includes a quick primer on the basics of the technique, so if you’ve never tried the method before, you
can easily learn the essentials and start experimenting with wands in a new woodworking style.
Each wand is presented with a full materials and tools list and step-by-step instructions to guide you
through the crafting process, and patterns are provided when needed. You can have fun choosing the
woods you want to use, tweaking the paint or gem colors, and otherwise customizing each design to
maximize its magical potential.
It’s time to tap into your spellcasting skills and conjure up some unique wooden wands!
Wand Wood Properties & Personalities
. . 10
Wand Inspiration .
Wand Sketchbook .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Wands
Hand Carving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Novitiate Wand .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Dawn Frost Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Tenderfoot Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Roots of the Mountain Wand . . . . . . . . . . .52
Earthsong Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Scroll Saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Luminous Illusions Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Diluvium Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Transfiguration Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Cloak of Shadows Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Oracle’s Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
The Wands
Turning .
Ancient Voices Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Arcana Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Alchemist’s Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Adventurer’s Boon Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Secret Compartment Wand . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Power Carving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Faerie Footsteps Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Susurration Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Noctambulant Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Blessed Bower Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
Beastcharmer Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Wizard’s Sketchbook . . . . . . .179
Wandmakers . . . . . . . . . . . . .190
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
& P
Wand Wood Properties
& Personalities
Every project and woodworker is different. Many of the projects in this book include recommendations for types of wood to
use, but you don’t have to follow those to the letter—you can choose a wand wood to suit the magical purpose of the wand or
the person who will be wielding it! Read on for a selection of woods and their “magical” properties.
Hardy and dense with a pronounced grain similar to oak,
ash meshes best with wizards who are strong but don’t like
to brag about it. Integrity, bravery, and patience are all
qualities found in owners of these wands.
Pale and springy, this material is well suited to a variety of
finishes. Likewise, the aspen wand is drawn to those with
strong communication skills who adapt well to a range of
circumstances. Diplomatic and quick on their feet, these
wizards often find their mediation and public speaking
skills strengthened in aspen’s presence.
Although moderately soft, pliable, and understated in color,
this hardwood is not for the faint of heart! Best suited to
optimists with a keen sense for other people’s emotional
needs, alder wands enhance good judgment in those
wielding them.
Dense and tough with a vibrant grain, apple wood is the
perfect choice for creative wizards filled with a zest for
life. If you find yourself feeling particularly generous and
effusive while casting a spell, this may be the wand bringing
your best qualities to the surface.
Aspens, like these quaking aspens in Utah, often grow in large groves and show stunning fall colors.
Basswood (Linden)
Soft yet dense with a light, consistent grain, this wood
looks particularly attractive when carved. Adaptable, just,
peaceful, and measured, it will make a wand that is truly a
worthy companion.
Light-colored, medium in weight, and widely available,
birch is an admirable choice for the wizard who has a plan
for everything. This wood is ideal for list-makers and
visionaries who strive to instill hope in those around them.
Dense and tough with a complex grain structure, blackthorn
is not a material to mess with—and the same is true for the
wizards it is drawn to. Fierce, independent, and maybe a
little stubborn, the holder of this wand has been through
trials and come out the other side even stronger.
Torrified ash:
The beautiful flowering blackthorn produces fruits used to make sloe gin, and its wood is frequently used to make walking sticks.
Moderately hard with a rich, reddish color, cherry is a
trustworthy wood preferred by trustworthy wizards. You
dedicate yourself to every task and see it through to the end;
some might accuse you of being predictable, but you wear
that as a badge of honor. It takes all kinds to make a world!
An elegant, reddish-brown hardwood,
chestnut suits the wizard who has endured
great loss but continues to thrive. Persistent
and work-oriented, those who handle
chestnut may discover inner strength they
weren’t previously aware they had.
Pale and brittle, this wood is not your average,
run-of-the-mill choice for wand making—
and it’s not for your average wizard. Wielders
of elder wands embrace the dark and the light
in themselves, sometimes making choices
others find strange. Ever ambitious, these
wily characters are always trying to reinvent
themselves, for better or for worse.
This mildly durable softwood has a strong character that
belies its meek appearance. Purposeful, levelheaded, and
calm, the bearer of a fir wand is someone you want in your
corner when calamity strikes.
Reddish in color with a straight, consistent grain, hawthorn
often gravitates toward wizards who haven’t quite figured
themselves out yet. Warm by nature but terribly indecisive,
those using a hawthorn wand would do well to act on their
instincts more often in order to fully realize their own power.
Holly’s pale, creamy color and close grain make it an
attractive candidate for all manner of stains and dyes.
Likewise, the wielder of a holly wand often boasts the
unique ability to shine no matter what the world throws at
them, maintaining their empathy and wonder where others
might grow bitter.
Cherry: Faerie Footsteps Wand
This famous oak in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England, named the Major Oak, is around 1,000 years old and supposedly acted as a
hideout for Robin Hood.
Dense with a distinct grain you can spot
from a mile away, oak is a favorite of brash
wizards who aren’t afraid to speak their
minds. Authoritative and honest to a fault,
these individuals pair well with an oak
wand, as its presence has been known to
take the edge off an otherwise harsh word.
Tough and dense with dramatic veins,
rosewood really puts on a show. A favorite
of wizards who err on the high-maintenance
side—sumptuous silk robes, the best crystal
goblets—this wood variety has a secret
humble side, too. Given time and plenty of
thoughtful spellwork, its users may reveal their
better angels to the few who know them best.
Black walnut: Blessed
Bower Wand
This durable wood is prized for its workability and deep,
chocolatey color. Strong-willed, confident, and full of vim
and vigor, those drawn to this material can tend toward
selfishness in their worst moments. With a walnut wand
at their side, wizards often learn to direct that fiery energy
outward, toward philanthropic pursuits that help humanity
at large.
Light and flexible, willow does its best in the hands of
thinkers rather than doers. Preferring to spend most of their
time in quiet contemplation, these farseeing wizards make
ready advisers, gently guiding the movers and shakers of the
world from the shadows.
Firm with a mesmerizing, mottled grain, yew wood typically
warms up to wizards who don’t consider themselves bound
by the past. Desiring to plumb life’s mysteries as deeply
as possible, wielders of these wands can sometimes reject
tradition to a worrying degree, impeding the very growth
they so earnestly seek.
Two yew trees flank the door of St. Edward’s Church in Stow-on-the-Wold, England. Parts of the church date back to the 11th century, and
the trees themselves are at least several centuries old.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
Wand Inspiration
What wizard doesn’t
need a little inspiration
now and then? As you
consider which project
to try first in this
volume, let this gallery
of magical instruments
motivate you to design
your own original
wand. All wands
pictured next to the
famous film props can
be found in this book.
Hermione Granger’s wand is vine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 10". She uses
it to conjure a portable blue flame at several points throughout the series.
Luna Lovegood’s wand is made of an unknown material. Ollivander, the famous wandmaker,
designs it to thank her for cheering him up during his imprisonment at Malfoy Manor in Book 7.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
Harry Potter’s wand is holly with a phoenix tail feather core, 11". He uses it to defeat a monstrous
troll in Book 1.
Ron Weasley’s wand is willow with a unicorn hair core, 14". He uses it to fix an office
plagued by rain in Book 7.
To order Harry Potter Wands - please visit www.noblecollection.=om
Albus Dumbledore’s wand is elder with a thestral tail
hair core, 15". He uses it to rescue Harry from Voldemort
in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic in Book 5.
Voldemort’s wand is yew with a phoenix tail feather core, 13". He uses it to duel
with Harry in the graveyard after coming back to power in Book 4.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
Severus Snape’s wand is made of an unknown material. He uses it to teach the frivolous Gilderoy
Lockhart a lesson during dueling class in Book 2.
Draco Malfoy’s wand is hawthorn with a unicorn hair core, 10". He uses it on Harry in
Book 2, cursing him with perpetually dancing feet until the spell is lifted.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights ©JKR.
To order Harry Potter Wands - please visit
Gandalf the Grey bears a gnarled wooden staff
with the ability to scratch runes into surfaces
and light up in the dark. He uses this tool to
break the Bridge of Khazad-dûm in his battle
with the Balrog in
The Fellowship of the Ring
Characters, names, and other related details from The Lord of the Rings are trademarks of and
© The Saul Zaentz Company and New Line Cinema Corporation. Images © Weta Workshop.
To order Lord of the Ring collectibles please visit
Saruman the White wields a dark,
metallic staff with sharp edges
encircling a bright crystal reminiscent
of a Seer’s Stone. He uses this tool to
trap Gandalf on the Tower of Orthanc
The Fellowship of the Ring
Characters, names, and other related details from The Lord of the Rings are trademarks of and
© The Saul Zaentz Company and New Line Cinema Corporation. Images © Weta Workshop.
Wand Sketchbook
Once you’ve mastered the projects in this book, use
the following pages to design enchanting wands
of your very own! Combine the handle of one
project with the end of another for a brand new
shape, or use your imagination to create an entirely
unique design. After you commit to a design, give
your wand a name, and write down its defining
qualities; for tips on choosing the wand wood best
suited to your personality, go to page 10.
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Wand Name
Wood Type
Special Skills
Hand Carving
arving by hand has existed as
an art form and as a pastime
for thousands of years. Carvers often
describe the process as expressive,
relaxing, and even therapeutic; there
is something particularly satisfying
about creating something using just
your hands and simple tools. To get
started with this age-old tradition,
all you really need is a single carving
knife. From this simple tool, you can
translate endless ideas into beautiful
wooden objects. With some slight
adjustments, all of the hand-carved
wands in this book could be carved
with just one knife, but adding in
tools such as gouges and V-tools can
open up even more possibilities.
Once you become comfortable with
your carving tools and familiarize
yourself with the feeling of carving
into wood grain, you will be ready to
venture into the realm of all sorts of
intricate details and majestic forms.
But be warned: those who travel the
path of the woodcarver rarely return.
• Tools are affordable
• Quiet and portable
• Small
storage footprint
• No breathing
protection needed
during the
carving process
The hand-carved wands in this book are minimally
demanding in terms of tools and materials. You can
substitute and sometimes even omit what you do not have or
do not have access to.
Before carvers slice into a block of wood, it is very
common to use some form of saw to cut the wood down to
the general shape of the pattern they have selected. This
starting point is called a blank. While tiny carvings do not
benefit much from this step, I recommend it for all of the
wands in this section after the Novitiate Wand. A band
saw is the modern carver’s saw of choice, since it can easily
cut fast and straight, but handsaws are cheap and quiet
alternatives. If using a handsaw, I recommend a coping saw
or pull saw.
A knife is the only tool you strictly need to carve
the projects in this book, though certain detailing methods
will benefit from some more specialized tools (see below). I
recommend a straight bench knife with a 1
" (3.8cm) to
2" (5.1cm) blade, but if you have other carving tools, feel
free to use what you have on hand.
V-tools are cutting tools that come to a sharp
point; when viewed from the front, the sharp part is literally
V-shaped. Great for creating hair, grass, or bark texture—as
well as sharp lines that create dramatic shadows—V-tools
come in a variety of sizes and angles to suit your specific
carving needs.
Gouges are curved chisels that are used to
carve rounded channels into wood. When viewed from
the end of the cutting edge, the cutting edge of a gouge is
in the shape of an arc that can vary from a wide curve to a
steep “U.” These tools are particularly effective for slicing
out textures such as ripples and grooves, or to be pressed
straight into wood to incise arcs and circles.
Wood selection:
Wood selection:
The wands in this book have been
carved from a variety of woods to show you the possibilities
available to hand carvers. Local carvers and woodworkers
of other disciplines, who often appear at various community
events and art shows, can be helpful in-person resources
for sourcing all kinds of wood. One of the easiest woods
to carve by hand is basswood, known as linden in Europe.
This wood can be found at woodworking supply stores,
lumber yards, saw mills, and maybe even your backyard,
and makes a great first wand wood. If you are just starting
out, have minimal space, or do not mind the price, buying
a nice smooth basswood block from a woodworking store
may be a convenient option, but to save money in the long
run, I recommend seeking out a lumberyard or small-scale
sawmill operation in your area if possible.
A band saw, coping saw (left), and pull saw
Use a quality carving knife, such as this
Pinewood Forge’s Harley Knife, to carve each
wand in this section.
A basswood blank patiently waiting to
be carved.
Any wand can be painted, but I focused on painting for just
one of the projects, the Dawn Frost Wand, for which I used
acrylic paints. Acrylics offer a nontoxic and easy-to-clean
experience. Feel free to use whatever brand of products
you have access to; I used FolkArt® acrylic paints, which