Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing - Ray Comfort - E-Book

Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing E-Book

Ray Comfort



Overcome stress and dwell in God's abundant peace. Stress can be relentless, overwhelming our thoughts and emotions—but God has a better plan for his children. It's possible to experience so much peace and joy that they overflow to those around you.   In Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing, Ray Comfort shares devotions that empower readers to replace anxiety, fear, and worry with assurance, gratitude, and strength. Steeped in Scripture and filled with wise counsel and encouragement, this book will ·        soothe your heart with God's promises, ·        lift you above daily stressors, ·        renew the power of your faith, and ·        comfort you with the depths of God's great love. Rejoice in the knowledge that every blessing comes from God.  

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Count Your Blessings and Stop Stressing: 365 Daily Devotions

Copyright © 2024 Ray Comfort

9781424566556 (faux)

9781424566563 (ebook)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain. Scripture quotations marked (TLB) are taken from The Living Bible copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked NASB95 are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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January 1: The Goodness of God

January 2: Prepare His Way

January 3: We Are Never Alone

January 4: Who Has Warned You?

January 5: Worthy of Repentance

January 6: Unquenchable Fire

January 7: Pleasing the Father

January 8: Faith’s Key

January 9: Spiritual Muscle

January 10: The Present Reality

January 11: Fit for Use

January 12: Hope-Filled Faith

January 13: A Tossed Sea

January 14: Without Faith

January 15: Seeing God

January 16: I Shall Not Want

January 17: The Testing of Our Faith

January 18: Whom Having Not Seen

January 19: The Glorious Hope

January 20: This Is Our Victory

January 21: He Who Is Weak

January 22: Running from Sin

January 23: Go Your Way

January 24: There’s No Confusion

January 25: Bruise His Heel

January 26: The Beautiful Reminder

January 27: The Promise to Abraham

January 28: God Came Down

January 29: The Headwind

January 30: The Little Big Word

January 31: On Eagles’ Wings


February 1: Commandment with Promise

February 2: God Is Love

February 3: Use Your Stress

February 4: Lord, I Believe

February 5: Abiding Satisfied

February 6: We Are No Longer Slaves

February 7: We Can Say “Never”

February 8: They Know His Voice

February 9: The Only Door

February 10: Our Blessed Assurance

February 11: Seeking the Honor of God

February 12: Safe in Jesus

February 13: The Spotless Lamb

February 14: God’s Will

February 15: What We Can Do

February 16: The Word of Christ

February 17: Joy That Remains

February 18: All Who Live Godly

February 19: Commanded to Rest

February 20: The Work of the Spirit

February 21: Life’s Continual Trials

February 22: The Search for Eternal Life

February 23: Seeing Isn’t Believing

February 24: Your Adversary, the Devil

February 25: The Life to Come

February 26: God’s Presence

February 27: Set It on a Pole

February 28: The Blessing of Work

February 29: The Coming Law


March 1: Love that Gives

March 2: The Lord Your God

March 3: What the Proud Know

March 4: Hold On to What You Have

March 5: We Carry Nothing Out

March 6: Don’t Set Yourself Up to Fall

March 7: Fleeing to a Destination

March 8: Fight the Good Fight

March 9: In the Sight of God

March 10: The Good Confession

March 11: In His Own Time

March 12: He Alone Has Immortality

March 13: Who Will See God?

March 14: The Kindness of God

March 15: Oppositions of Science

March 16: Guard Truth

March 17: Life and Good

March 18: Be of Good Courage

March 19: He Will Testify of Me

March 20: Things to Come

March 21: You Will Receive

March 22: This Present Evil Age

March 23: No One Shall Be Justified by the Law

March 24: A Brand-New Person

March 25: Adopted by God

March 26: They Were Finished

March 27: The Beginning

March 28: Sealed Forever

March 29: By Grace Alone

March 30: Our Advocate

March 31: Water Divided from Water


April 1: Sure and Steadfast Hope

April 2: Majestic Power

April 3: It Was Very Good

April 4: The Tree in the Garden

April 5: The Promise to Israel

April 6: No Longer Strangers

April 7: Saved from Our Sins

April 8: Handling Hand Grenades

April 9: Knowing This Truth

April 10: The Virtue of Wisdom

April 11: A Guide in the Dark

April 12: Sin and Death

April 13: In Those Days

April 14: To the Jew First

April 15: Swift to Hear

April 16: Give Thanks

April 17: The Obedient Heart

April 18: The Bridled Tongue

April 19: The Foolishness of the Cross

April 20: The New Birth

April 21: Sin’s Fearful Wages

April 22: He Ought to Think

April 23: He Ran and Worshiped Him

April 24: Do You Not Know?

April 25: Go Home to Your Friends

April 26: Only Believe

April 27: Not Self-willed

April 28: Unclean Spirits

April 29: Things That Matter

April 30: Greatly Afraid


May 1: They Didn’t Answer

May 2: Speaking to Grown Men

May 3: He Cried Out the More

May 4: What Belongs to God?

May 5: Now Is the Time

May 6: The Power of God

May 7: The Lord Knows

May 8: Stronger through Pressure

May 9: Feeling Awful

May 10: Greater Gladness

May 11: The Consuming Fire

May 12: Praise the Lord

May 13: Too Busy

May 14: As for Me

May 15: God’s Ears

May 16: If They Knew

May 17: The Food That Lasts

May 18: The Declaration

May 19: The Perfect Law

May 20: The Merciful Attitude

May 21: The Simple Made Wise

May 22: The Rightness of the Law

May 23: Eye-Opening

May 24: Who Can Understand?

May 25: His Amazing Grace

May 26: He Gave Us Light

May 27: The Way Out

May 28: What Abraham Found

May 29: We Will Rise Again

May 30: In a Moment of Time

May 31: Be Confident


June 1: The Tempter

June 2: You Shall Receive Power

June 3: Stubborn Beasts

June 4: By the Word of God

June 5: Do Not Neglect This

June 6: Always Be Ready

June 7: He Subjected Himself

June 8: This Is a Warning

June 9: The Reason for Gentleness

June 10: He Comforts Us

June 11: Loaded with Benefits

June 12: He Must Be Delivered

June 13: The Fear of God

June 14: The Shadow of His Wings

June 15: They Recognized Him

June 16: Wait Patiently

June 17: The Example the Disciples Gave

June 18: The Continuous Battle

June 19: That Which Was Lost

June 20: Ultimate Justice

June 21: The Necessary Letter

June 22: Stir It Up

June 23: All Things Were Made by Him

June 24: Fleeing Temptation

June 25: Learning from the Ant

June 26: Those Precious Eyes

June 27: Woe unto You

June 28: Glorified by All

June 29: Keep Curiosity

June 30: Emboldened in Sin


July 1: They Worshiped Jesus

July 2: The Brilliant Savior

July 3: A Good Man

July 4: Why We Should Pray

July 5: The Status of Man

July 6: They Carried the Sick

July 7: The Handle of Faith

July 8: Insight into the Divine

July 9: Hear Him

July 10: Drifting Away

July 11: Looking to Jesus

July 12: Worthy of Note

July 13: Loose the Donkey

July 14: Make a Difference

July 15: Effective Prayer

July 16: Count It a Great Joy

July 17: The Angry Man

July 18: That Noble Name

July 19: Always Ask Questions

July 20: Eternal Perspective

July 21: What to Do

July 22: We Can Question

July 23: Faith and Fear Motivate

July 24: The Antidote

July 25: In the Way of Righteousness

July 26: Natural Consequences

July 27: Go Tell That Fox

July 28: A Friend of Sinners

July 29: Infinitely Higher

July 30: Where Is God?

July 31: The Sin of Ingratitude


August 1: Don’t Give Up

August 2: Take Heed to the Law

August 3: Vengeance Is Mine

August 4: Gaining Jews

August 5: The Standard of Men

August 6: Death Has Been Destroyed

August 7: Heart Humility

August 8: Our Wages

August 9: Bearing False Witness

August 10: Selfish Desire

August 11: Eternal Love

August 12: Liar, Liar

August 13: The Specifics

August 14: I Trust in Your Word

August 15: Times of Affliction

August 16: My Choice

August 17: The Christian Life

August 18: Reproduction of Our Own Kind

August 19: Dividing the Word

August 20: The Common Salvation

August 21: Eternal Righteousness

August 22: The Heavenly Party

August 23: A Rock of Stumbling and Refuge

August 24: Godly Wisdom

August 25: Walking in Light

August 26: Clever Talk

August 27: The Sweetest of Foods

August 28: Shining for Jesus

August 29: Ready to Preach

August 30: Sun and Shield

August 31: Beware of Covetousness


September 1: When to Take No Notice

September 2: Stubborn Pride

September 3: The Better Way

September 4: No Longer Rare

September 5: Little Did He Know

September 6: His Lovingkindness Is Everlasting

September 7: Manaen’s Testimony

September 8: The God of All Comfort

September 9: They So Spoke

September 10: Many Tribulations

September 11: He Gives Rain

September 12: Saved by Grace

September 13: Sudden Hope

September 14: Preaching Jesus

September 15: They Searched the Scriptures

September 16: The Example

September 17: Prisons

September 18: The Pulpit Lesson

September 19: Clearly Seen

September 20: The Covered Head

September 21: Total Surrender

September 22: The Enriched Faith

September 23: Our Brother

September 24: Power of Unity

September 25: Confident in God’s Work

September 26: Many Rooms

September 27: The Scarlet Thread

September 28: Is It I, Lord?

September 29: A New Day

September 30: God Remembers


October 1: Holiness and Love

October 2: Seek First the Kingdom

October 3: Without Spot

October 4: Never Yield

October 5: The Frailty of Old Age

October 6: Our Choice

October 7: Not Forsaken

October 8: Always Ready

October 9: Assembling Together

October 10: Blessed beyond Words

October 11: Comfort from Jesus

October 12: Better than Gold

October 13: Soul Restoration

October 14: Trust in God

October 15: The Enemy’s Bow

October 16: The Blessing of Family

October 17: Pity Party

October 18: His Marvelous Lovingkindness

October 19: The Reservation

October 20: Everyday Blessing

October 21: The Long Wait for God

October 22: A New Song

October 23: The Mind of God

October 24: Consider the Poor

October 25: Irrational Depression

October 26: Our Present Help

October 27: Bring Them to Jesus

October 28: Lowly Beasts

October 29: God Gave His Son

October 30: The Blessing of a Curse

October 31: By Night


November 1: Peace with God

November 2: Giving All

November 3: Good Health

November 4: Things Change

November 5: Divine Direction

November 6: The Power

November 7: Living Water

November 8: Why We Won’t Want

November 9: It Starts with Jealousy

November 10: Joy in Service

November 11: Lift Right

November 12: The Shadow

November 13: Only One Thing

November 14: Good versus Evil

November 15: The Good Thing

November 16: The Joyful Sound

November 17: Sending the Crowds Away

November 18: Object of Delight

November 19: Draw Near

November 20: Small Stuff

November 21: Those Who Hunger

November 22: The Blessing of the Word

November 23: Let It Shine

November 24: The Same Message

November 25: Do It Heartily

November 26: Silencing the Alarm

November 27: Heaven’s Reality

November 28: A Good Sleep

November 29: Faithful Prayer

November 30: Your Voice


December 1: Blessed Patience

December 2: The Light of the Bible

December 3: He Knows His Own

December 4: Godless Traditions

December 5: Boldness

December 6: How We Know

December 7: The Truth

December 8: God First

December 9: Blessings from Trials

December 10: Unity

December 11: The Way of Escape

December 12: Discouragement’s Antidote

December 13: The Great Shout

December 14: Confess and Believe

December 15: More than Conquerors

December 16: The Cause of Growth

December 17: God Will Answer

December 18: Never Forsaken

December 19: Fly, Walk, or Crawl

December 20: Timely Encouragement

December 21: Follower of Christ

December 22: The Unspeakable Gift

December 23: Your Sleepless Keeper

December 24: New Every Morning

December 25: By Our Love

December 26: The Cause of Legalism

December 27: In His Image

December 28: Care for Bruised Reeds

December 29: Feel the Pain

December 30: Exalting Jesus

December 31: Today’s Stress

About the Author


Stress has become part of contemporary life—from fluctuating gas prices to sickness, pressures at work, and financial problems that only add to tensions in the home. We are tempted to stress every day. But circumstances or feelings should not sway our joy. Childlike trust in God as our Father is the antidote to stress. This means trusting in his comforting promises and trusting that his commandments are perfect, right, and good. The old hymn had it right: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” Here are three proactive actions that help us stress less:

•Believe God’s Word. Trusting in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God can give us a refuge from the storm.

•Battle sin. Jesus calls us to lay down our lives, follow him, and imitate him. When we obey his commandments and pursue righteousness, there is less and less room for doubt and fear to cling.

•Help others. It’s hard to be worried about yourself when your thoughts are occupied with how you can bless someone else. And the most important help we can provide is that which we offer to unbelievers when we share the good news and snatch them from death.

That’s why this devotional has three elements: comfort to soothe anxiety, encouragement to fight your sin, and exhortation to bless those around you. Devotions with these topics are mixed throughout the year. I pray that this cycle of personal growth and blessing others helps you see another perspective—life in the light of eternity.

Kind regards,

September 2022



The Goodness of God

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.

JAMES 1:17

Familiarity certainly breeds contempt. When we become accustomed to something, we tend to take it for granted. Nobody appreciates the “gift” of lungs until they struggle to breathe. We don’t truly appreciate eyesight until we start losing it. We don’t recognize the blessing of having enough food until we suffer from hunger. We take for granted the blueness of the sky, the sound of the birds in the morning, the cool breeze, the warm sun, the wonderful taste of food, and the joy of love and laughter. We rarely stop and smell the roses or thank the one whose hand created them. We take for granted the clouds that carry the rain that waters the earth and gives us life. The old hymn carries such a wonderful truth: “Count your blessings, name them one by one; count your blessings, see what God hath done.”

Every good gift comes from the hand of our benevolent Creator, who graciously gave us life. Having such an attitude of appreciation will produce joy in our hearts—even in the middle of our daily trials. We can count our blessings because God will always lead us into that which is good and never into evil. And knowledge of his blessings will keep us from stressing.

Father, today I will stop and count my blessings and name them one by one.


Prepare His Way

“Prepare the way of the Lord;

make his paths straight.”


John’s message was for sinners to prepare the way of the Lord. He told them to make the Lord’s paths straight. Perhaps the greatest gift God has given to humanity is the gift of free will. We can choose to sin, or we can choose to serve. We can stay in the pigsty, or we can return to the Father like the Prodigal Son and ask to be made a hired servant. Nothing is impossible for God. He could prepare the way for himself and make his own path straight. But he’s left that up to you and me.

Today we have a choice. It can be a day when God has access to our thoughts and the choices we make. We can allow him to have his way in our lives by doing that which is pleasing in his sight. This will be much easier for us if we have already obeyed the admonition of Scripture: “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:1–2 KJV).

Father, today I affirm that I am no longer my own. I have removed every hinderance. I am yours.


We Are Never Alone

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness…”


Sometimes we can feel as though we’re a mere voice crying in the wilderness when we share the gospel. We are nobody special, and nobody is listening; we are just a voice crying out to this world—wanting every man and woman to know that God is deadly serious about sin and that he has appointed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness. We sow in tears and complain with Isaiah, “Who has believed our report?” (Isaiah 53:1). However, even though Scripture calls John the Baptist a voice in the wilderness, his labor wasn’t in vain. His voice was certainly heard. The crowds came to the wilderness: “Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan were going out to him” (Matthew 3:5 ESV).

Never believe the lie that you are ever alone. If you are trusting in Jesus Christ, you have his promise that he will never leave you nor forsake you. Ever. We truly have a friend in Jesus, and that friendship will be as rich as we make it. Enrich your prayer life with gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, praise, worship, and love, and this will flow if you never lose sight of the cross. It will keep your joy full and your cup running over—into this world.

Father, thank you for always being with me as I share the good news with others.


Who Has Warned You?

“You brood of vipers!

Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”


John the Baptist and Jesus both aimed messages at the religious leaders because of the leaders’ hypocrisy. The leaders couldn’t be trusted. Never trust a viper. Don’t even get close to it because it has a deadly bite. Jesus told the disciples to leave the Pharisees alone because they were the blind leading the blind. There is something wonderful about the scathing words of God against religious hypocrisy. It is such a stumbling block for so many. The hypocrisy of professed Christians emboldens some to sin. And how grievous it is to see robed men and women professing to speak to God and perverting the Scriptures and deceiving the hearts of the simple.

John also asked who warned them to flee from the wrath to come. But although we may also have a history of hypocrisy, if we are trusting in Jesus, we don’t need to fear that wrath and can take comfort in the Scriptures. This is why we should regularly pray: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23–24 KJV).

Father, thank you for seeing the depth of my sin yet still forgiving me through Jesus and leading me to eternity by your side.


Worthy of Repentance

“Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.”


John the Baptist told his listeners to mean business with God. He told them that they should have evidence that they had truly repented. The evidence that we have an apple tree in our garden is the apples. If the tree does not bear fruit, we will likely cut down the tree. And if we profess faith in Jesus—if we have truly repented of our sins—there should be evidence. This evidence was clearly seen in the repentance of Zacchaeus: “Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord: Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham” (Luke 19:8–9 KJV).

If we are saved, we, too, should bear the fruit of repentance—along with fruit in keeping with righteousness, praise, thanksgiving, and the Spirit. This is the biblical way to examine ourselves and see if we are in the faith. Part of that fruit is to have the peace of God, which passes all understanding, and that peace guards our minds in the midst of daily stress (see Philippians 4:7).

Father, may I be a fruit-bearing Christian, and with my life, may I bring glory to your name.


Unquenchable Fire

“The chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”


John the Baptist was not afraid to talk about hell. Neither was Jesus. Neither should we be. However, we live in a day and age when it’s not politically correct to say anything that would offend. But I would far rather that someone be offended by hearing about hell than feel its flames. If pastors and preachers spoke of the reality of hell with tears in their eyes rather than a holier-than-thou finger in the face of sinners, more people would come to the Savior.

God is the judge of the universe, and he has set aside a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness. If we are true and faithful witnesses, we will not hesitate to warn every man about the reality of that terrible and most terrifying place. Hell makes no sense when we do not precede the sharing of the gospel with the law to show sin to be exceedingly wicked. There is a hidden blessing here. The more we see our sin, the more we will see God’s mercy, and that increases the joy of our salvation and our love for God. He who is forgiven much, the same loves much (see Luke 7:47).

Father, never let me compromise the gospel because I fear man.


Pleasing the Father

“This is my beloved Son,

with whom I am well pleased.”


What son isn’t moved to tears by the commendation of his father? It’s also common to see a grown man tear up when he talks about how his father never praised him when he was a child. But here we have the ultimate commendation. God himself says that Jesus is his beloved Son, and in him, God was well pleased. Jesus, in thought, word, and deed, caused the heart of his Father to rejoice.

But once a sinner is born again, God says, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.” Not because of the sinner’s own righteousness but because of the righteousness of God in Christ. What a wonderful consolation it is to think of the Prodigal Son coming back to his joyful father. There is a type of God’s love for us—when we come to him with a contrite heart. We think of the prodigal’s father calling for a robe to clothe his son and a ring for his finger and commanding a great celebration because his son was once dead but was made alive. What comfort it is for us to think that God has rejoiced in our salvation, covered us with a robe of righteousness, giving us an inheritance in Jesus Christ. Such comfort and joy sustain us through the trials of each day.

Father, keep me in the palm of your loving hand.


Faith’s Key

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you

pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

MARK 11:24

The context of this promise is that Jesus had just cursed the fig tree, which then withered. After that, he spoke of believers removing mountains and casting them into the sea. He then said “therefore” and told his disciples to make sure they mix faith with their prayers. When we pray, we should always mix our prayers with faith. In other words, we should trust our heavenly Father to supply our every need. Here is the qualifier: “Let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6–8).

Need is the key word in interpreting such an open promise from the Scriptures. If we pray that God will supply our greed rather than our need, we are going to be disappointed. But the apostle Paul gave us another great promise: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Father, I thank you for knowing my every need today—both small and great—and I trust you to supply them.


Spiritual Muscle

I bow my knees to the Father…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit.

EPHESIANS 3:14, 16

This is Paul’s earnest prayer for every Christian—that God (through the power of the Holy Spirit) would make us strong in Christ—“according to the riches of His glory.” We need strength for the many trials that life brings our way. And the Lord has the ability to do just that—to build up the muscle of godly character so that life doesn’t crush us. The first principle of gaining the strength we need is to believe that he will faithfully keep his word. He will give us strength “with might” exactly when and where we need it: in the inner man. That is the battlefield where we fight the good fight of faith. While the “outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

He will give us the necessary spiritual muscle to overcome sins that so easily beset us. And sin easily besets us. That’s why we, minute by minute, need his Spirit within us. Without his continuing help, we would be overcome by sin and consequent death. But victory is ours because Jesus dwells in our hearts. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We belong to him.

Father, today let everything I do be for your glory and be rooted and grounded in love.


The Present Reality

Faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.


The ignorant think that faith is for the weak. But it is for the strong. Faith just is. It is an ever-present reality right now because of where it is directed. It is centered on the moral character of God. It is strong because of what is arguably the most profound truth in the Scriptures. And that immovable rock upon which faith sits is the marvelous fact that it is impossible for God to lie (see Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2). God will not and cannot ever deceive. It’s not within his holy nature to do such an evil thing. And so our faith in Jesus sits upon the unchanging integrity of our Creator. If we let that truth permeate our soul, every divine promise becomes an instant and constant light in the darkness of this world. It becomes a deep well from which we draw cool and life-giving water in this dry and barren land. When all else fails, faith stands triumphant because it sees him who is invisible.

However, we must constantly remind ourselves that faith is only ours if we take hold of it. The Scriptures tell us to “take” the shield of faith (see Ephesians 6:16).

Father, today I take the shield of faith and believe every precious promise you have given me in your Word.


Fit for Use

We walk by faith, not by sight.


Our eyes can easily fool us. We believe we see water on the road on a hot day. The sun seems to spread as it rises over the horizon. Ask any sleight-of-hand magician if the human eye can be fooled. Their profession rests on our gullibility. That’s why the Christian walks by faith and not by sight.

Few would deny that regular walking is good for our health. It keeps our body fit for use. And it is spiritually healthy to “walk” by faith. We who walk as Christians do so because we want to go somewhere. There is a planned destination that keeps us moving. We walk through this world because it’s not our home. Faith instead sets its gaze on the heavenly home for which we yearn, and the Scriptures help to energize our walk. But we don’t want to go to heaven alone. While we walk through this world, we also reach out to it with the gospel. The book of Psalms begins by promising the blessing of God will be upon those who refuse to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Our walk is away from this evil world because our destination is a city of God that cannot be moved.

Father, let this day be a day in which I draw closer to you and walk in faith every moment.


Hope-Filled Faith

May the God of hope fill you with all joy

and peace in believing.


The apostle Paul’s desire was that the God of hope would fill believers with “all” joy and peace as a result of believing. Our joy and our peace shouldn’t be subject to our surroundings. We must hold on to both in the storms because that peace guards our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7) and the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). But Paul didn’t stop there. He wanted those who believe to then abound in hope. In other words, he desired that their faith would magnify their hope. The word hope in the English language is a weak word, but biblically it is an anchor to the soul. It keeps us steadfast in Christ.

The Bible calls God “the God of hope.” He is the One in whom we put our expectation. Faith is like a great helium balloon that quietly lifts us above our trials so that we can see our destination. It is what we then see that gives us peace and joy in believing. Our faith in Jesus isn’t lifted by our own effort. It is lifted above this life because of the power of the Holy Spirit, who works in and through us.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the help of the Holy Spirit—to give me power to live in this life and prepare for the next.


A Tossed Sea

Let him ask in faith, with no doubting,

for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea

that is driven and tossed by the wind.


A driven and tossed sea has no form. It is an entirely unpredictable mess. It’s the very opposite of the quiet and still waters promised to those who don’t doubt the promises of God (see Psalm 23:2). Faith rests its head in sleep in the storm while doubt panics in fear. And so it should. If we doubt the integrity of God, our whole faith crumbles in a second. Scripture warns, “He who does not believe God has made Him a liar” (1 John 5:10). In contrast, we are promised “perfect peace” if we keep our mind on God (see Isaiah 26:3).

When we doubt the exceeding great and precious promises of God, our hope vanishes, and our joy and peace leave with it and slam the door. May our faith always be like perfectly tranquil water, reflecting the glorious heavens and the shimmering sunlight of the love of God. It is in that calm and quiet that we come before God knowing that he hears our every prayer. This is our example: “Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, ‘Father, I thank You that You have heard Me’” (John 11:41).

Father, I ask today that you grant me faith and keep my mind peacefully on you.


Without Faith

Without faith it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is.


Contrary to popular worldly opinion, the Bible tells us that an atheist isn’t wise. It says that he is a fool (see Psalm 14:1). To believe that there’s no God is to believe the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything. It is easy to believe that God “is” because creation is. It is stark evidence of his creative genius. Eyes, not faith, are all we need to know that God exists: “The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen” (Romans 1:20 KJV).

Without faith it’s impossible to please anyone. Try it sometime. Tell your boss that you have no faith in him or her and see how long you keep your job. Tell your spouse you don’t have any faith in him or her, and you’ve sowed seeds that could end in a divorce. Lose faith in a friend and you will lose that friendship. Faith is the glue that holds jobs, marriages, and friendships together. Telling a friend or associate that you are full of faith at the conclusion of a letter was once standard practice. “Yours faithfully” meant that you wanted their trust. God wrote “Yours faithfully” to us in the blood of his Son.

Father, may I be ever faithful. I live to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


Seeing God

Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would

believe you would see the glory of God?”

JOHN 11:40

In today’s verse, Jesus was telling Martha to remember what he had told her. She would see the glory of God. The apostle Paul said that he wanted to stir up his hearers by way of remembrance (see 2 Peter 3:1). Remembering can strengthen our faith in times of trial and relieve us of the stress of worry. The glory of God in this case was the raising of Lazarus from the dead. That was glorious.

The moment any of us truly believes is like seeing the first rays of the early morning sun. The reality of God dawns on us as we look at his handiwork. He opens the eyes of our understanding so that we see the Maker through what he has made. But the most glorious hour will come when the sun fully rises. On that day we will see him face-to-face. The gospel made us pure, and Jesus said that the pure in heart will actually see God (see Matthew 5:8). It is on that day that we will remember his words: “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”

Father, I long for the day when I will see you, but meanwhile, I will joyfully walk by faith knowing that day will come.


I Shall Not Want

“If you can believe,

all things are possible to him who believes.”

MARK 9:23

While it certainly is true that all things are possible to those who believe, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are going to get everything, as some preachers affirm. Jesus spoke these words to the desperate father of a demon-possessed child. Jesus was saying that if we believe, anything is possible, but he was not giving us a blank check—an unconditional promise that whatever we want we can have if we can just muster up enough faith. The Savior puts to death monster of continually wanting more, bigger, and better. It’s crucified with Christ.

The Scriptures warn, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions” (James 4:3 ESV). The key to understanding what seems to be an open promise is that when we come to the Savior, our desires completely change. Our “wants” become the same as what God wants. We whisper, “Not my will but yours be done.” He writes his law upon our hearts and causes us to walk in his statutes. So instead of selfishly wanting things, we now say, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1 ESV, emphasis added).

Father, you alone are my heart’s desire. I want only you and what you want for me. Help me to be free from greed.


The Testing of Our Faith

Knowing that the testing of your faith

produces patience.


The word knowing is very telling. It speaks of an ongoing knowledge that all believers should expect regular problems. In Acts, Paul was “strengthening and establishing the hearts of the disciples; encouraging them to remain firm in the faith, saying, ‘It is through many tribulations and hardships that we must enter the kingdom of God’” (Acts 14:22 AMP). We should always be knowledgeable as to why trials come our way. If we don’t know the reason, it won’t be long until we are discouraged.

The testing of our faith reveals to us the depth of our godly character. If our faith is strong, we will be patient, and we will even be able to rejoice in tribulation. But if our faith is weak, we will become impatient, prone to complaining, frustrated, and stressed. Therefore, we must be careful to remember that negative trials produce a positive end. They produce that which is highly prized in the sight of God and that will give us comfort in our lion’s den. And in that fiery trial, we can rejoice knowing that all things work together for good because we love God and are called according to his purpose (see Romans 8:28).

Father, may I be mentally prepared for today’s trials, small or large, knowing that you allow them because you are the lover of my soul and wish to see my faith grow.


Whom Having Not Seen

Though now you do not see Him, yet believing,

you rejoice with joy inexpressible.

1 PETER 1:8

A skeptic could well ask, “How can we love someone we cannot see?” True, we can’t see Jesus with our natural eyes. He dwells in blinding light that is unapproachable (see 1 Timothy 6:16). But we can see the love of the cross. We can see his love expressed in that supreme sacrifice, and we love him because he first loved us.

He first loved us in creating us. He loved us by giving us eyes to see his marvelous creation—the sunlight, the deep blue skies, and big puffy white clouds. He loved us by giving us ears to enjoy good music and the sound of the birds in the morning. He loved us by giving us puppies and kittens, trees and flowers, fruits and an endless array of delicious food, and the stars in the heavens. He made us in his image and gave us the joy-filled ability to reproduce after our own kind. And he loved us by giving us a glorious hope of the future—because of the cross of Calvary. How could we not return that love with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength?

Father, I love you. You are my Lord and Savior, my God and King, the lover of my soul.


The Glorious Hope

“I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”

JOHN 11:25

If we believe that Jesus is the Christ and trust him with our eternal salvation, it changes everything. We are made new in Christ. Our faith slams shut the gates of hell and swings open wide the doors of heaven. It means we will live because he lives. We have a glorious hope in Christ, and we don’t sorrow as this world sorrows in the face of death. Scripture says of the believer, “Though he may die, he shall live!” No other religion dares promise any such thing. And what other religion could back such a fantastic claim with power? But Jesus does.

Think of what he said: “I am the resurrection and the life.” That is utterly profound. He is the resurrection. He is the one who will call all humanity from their graves with his voice (see John 5:28). He is the life source. The life we possess is ours because he gave us part of himself. He breathed life into us. “All things were through by Him, and without Him nothing was made” (John 1:3). Such thoughts are mind-boggling but true. If we believe that Jesus is the Christ, it changes everything…in this life and the next.

Father, I believe that Jesus is my only hope of resurrection, and my trust is entirely in him.


This Is Our Victory

Whatever is born of God

overcomes the world.

1 JOHN 5:4

This evil world, like a massive tidal wave of filth, seeks to overcome the Christian—to drown every one of us in sin. Soap operas, watched by millions of people, are neither operas nor are they clean. They drip with lust because it sells. It gets attention. The Bible says, “By means of a harlot, a man is reduced to a crust of bread” (Proverbs 6:26). And we see lust everywhere from billboards to social media to television, movies, book covers, and magazines. Add to that the incessant battle we have with the demonic underworld, and we can easily feel overcome by the tidal wave—from without and from within.

But when faith makes its entrance, it lifts us above the world, the flesh, and the devil. The Scriptures tell us that we have “escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4). A living trust in the living God takes us like Noah’s ark and lifts us high above the ocean of filth, and it will eventually lead us to ultimate victory of a new world wherein dwells righteousness.

Father, I long for the day when the evil that surrounds me comes to an end. Thank you for the hope we have in Jesus.


He Who Is Weak

Receive one who is weak in the faith,

but not to disputes over doubtful things.


Part of being a peacemaker is to know when not to speak. Our mouths are often the cause of unwanted trouble. The Scriptures warn, “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23 KJV).

Godly wisdom is peaceable. It doesn’t push its own pet doctrines that have proven to cause division within the body of Christ. How easy it is to be a spiritual bully when I’m speaking to a new Christian. If I want him to believe as I believe, think as I think, and do as I do, it can lead to disputes over things that aren’t important. A new Christian may have a conviction that God doesn’t want him to eat meat while those of us who are stronger in the faith know that every creature of God is good and that we shouldn’t refuse anything if we receive it with a thankful attitude (see 1 Timothy 4:4). Rather than bully others and push our convictions on them, sometimes it’s best to hold our tongue and be gentle because the new Christian is a babe in Christ who will mature in time.

Father, help me to always have my speech seasoned with salt, especially toward those who are new to the faith.


Running from Sin

You, O man of God, flee these things and pursue

righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.

1 TIMOTHY 6:11

Paul has just said, “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (v. 10). And now he instructs the Christian to run from the deception of greed. It promises pleasure, but in the long run, it brings pain. Greed is spiritual gluttony, and it comes with special problems.

But as Christians, we are no longer our own. We now belong to God, and so we don’t indulge. We are different from this money-obsessed and evil world. We are fleeing from it and at the same time earnestly looking forward to the next life. Like Lot and his fleeing family, we are quickly leaving Sodom. We have been warned to flee from the wrath that is to come. And God forbid that we should ever turn around and, like Lot’s unwise wife, longingly look back at this sinful world. Instead, we look for a city whose Maker is God (see Hebrews 11:10). And we set our sights on righteousness, godliness, love, patience, and gentleness. We always strive to do that which is right in God’s eyes. These are the good fruits of loving and knowing God.

Father, help me to keep my eyes on you and on the kingdom that cannot be moved.


Go Your Way

Jesus said…“Go your way; your faith has made you well.”

And immediately he received his sight.

MARK 10:52

Go your way, dear Christian. You are no longer a prisoner of sin and death. Go your way because in Christ, your Maker has allowed you your freedom to do what you will. You are a unique individual whose faith in Jesus has made you whole. It’s your way, and it’s your life. That’s God’s gift to you because he’s good and kind. It is therefore your choice to sing, dance, love, laugh, work, and play.

But something special happened when Jesus opened your eyes. Although you have the freedom to live out your life as you want, the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened as to what really matters, and you, therefore, don’t want to go your own way. You want to serve the Master. Your desire for legitimate pleasure has been tempered with an overwhelming desire to follow Jesus. The blind man who received his sight could have gone to his house, but he chose not to do so. He wanted to be with Jesus—to follow him and to see what he was going to do next. That’s our choice today. Do we stay home, or do we reach out to the lost and see what God does? Do that and you’ll experience the abundant life.

Father, nothing gives me more joy that belonging to and serving you.


There’s No Confusion

As many as received Him, to them He gave the right

to become children of God.

JOHN 1:12

The world wrongly assumes that all human beings are naturally God’s children. While he is our Creator, the Bible tells us that he’s not our Father. We are not his children until we are supernaturally born into his family, and that happens when we are born again through faith in Jesus.

A Christian is someone who has received Jesus Christ. Receiving him isn’t the same as receiving a message or a compliment. Salvation is when we receive him as a person. When that happens, we pass from death to life. The Scriptures speak of salvation being in the person of Jesus. We are told that “Christ…is our life” (Colossians 3:4) and that “He who has the Son has life” (1 John 5:12). The Scriptures say that those have the right to become God’s children “who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13). We are all born of the flesh through natural birth, but when we are born again, we are born of God. It is then that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit as one of his own. This experience is the difference between life and death, heaven and hell. Therefore, all of us must make sure that we are one of his.

Father, thank you for sending your Son so that I can be truly born again and sealed by your Holy Spirit.


Bruise His Heel

“He shall bruise your head,

and you shall bruise His heel.”


Way back in human history—at the tragic entrance of sin and death—we were given the hope of the gospel. Here is the first promise of our redemption, the promise of the coming Messiah. Jesus would fatally bruise Satan’s head, and Satan would bruise the heel of the Savior through the suffering of the cross. It was because of the consequent resurrection that Jesus then ripped from the devil the keys to death and hell and set the captives free. The Scriptures say, “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (Hebrews 2:14–15 ESV).

Look at who now holds the keys: “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death” (Revelation 1:18). Satan was always behind Jesus. When he tempted Jesus, Jesus told the devil to get behind him (see Luke 4:5–8). Satan couldn’t stop Jesus from the mission to bring us salvation. All the devil could do was bruise Jesus’ heel.

Father, I praise you for Jesus’ victory and power over death and the devil. I have no need to fear.


The Beautiful Reminder

“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of

the covenant between Me and the earth.”


The number seven has special significance in Scripture. It signifies completeness. There are seven continents, seven seas, and red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet make up the seven colors of the rainbow. Think about its amazing design. The same colors, like a curved colorful, seven-lane highway, always manifest in the same order. These seven colors arc across the heavens when there is moisture in the air and remind us of the faithfulness of our Creator. Wherever there is a cloud (if there is sunlight present), we can catch a glimpse of a rainbow because the light reflects off tiny water droplets in the air. This is why rainbows always form directly opposite the position of the sun in the sky.

The rainbow extends from the earth, up to the heavens, and back down to the earth, reminding us that (as the Scriptures say) it is the sign of the covenant between heaven and the earth. May you and I (as tiny parts of the church) be a colorful rainbow in this dark and cloudy world. May we always reflect the character of the one who is light itself—his seven virtues of love, mercy, grace, righteousness, justice, truth, and goodness.

Father, even in the midst of a thunderstorm, the rainbow reminds me of your faithfulness.


The Promise to Abraham

“I will make you a great nation;

I will bless you and make your name great.”


One of the most wonderful and unique properties of the Bible is its incredible continuity. Where it creates a theme, for thousands of years, multiple writers uphold that theme, whether it’s faith, morality, the character of God, righteousness, or the sin of man. The Scriptures from beginning to end also speak of the faithfulness of God to keep his word. Our very salvation rests on this truth—that he cannot lie.

This was God’s steadfast promise to Abraham, but it is just one of thousands of promises that Scripture calls “exceedingly great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:4) that are open to every believer in Jesus. These are exceedingly great and precious because they are trustworthy. Any promise is only as good as the one making the promise, and God is the promiser. When he gives us a promise of provision in this life—to supply all our needs according to his riches in glory—we can believe it. And when he gives the promise of life in the next, we know it to be true. This is why we preach the gospel with great boldness. We know that God backs up his word with power.

Father, thank you for your powerful, reliable promises. Help me to share the gospel and those promises with others.


God Came Down

“I have come down to deliver them

out of the hand of the Egyptians.”


The Bible makes a big deal out of God delivering Israel from the hands of those who had enslaved them. Their deliverance from the hands of the enemy is repeated throughout the Psalms. There’s good reason for this. What happened to Israel foreshadows our redemption from death. We were once enslaved by sin. It is a hard taskmaster, making us make bricks without straw (the Scriptures say the way of the transgressor is hard [see Proverbs 13:15]).

But in Christ, God came down to deliver us from the hand of the enemy. And he did so in the same way he delivered Israel from Egypt. He sent the Ten Commandments to reveal his glory and to show us our sin (Romans 3:19, 20; 7:7, 13). When we apply his blood (the blood of the Lamb) to our lives, death passes over us. In Jesus, death loses its terrible sting: “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55–57 KJV). And now, we are heading toward the promised land of the coming kingdom.

Father, thank you for coming down to this sinful earth to deliver me from sin and death.


The Headwind