Crystal Energy - Mary Lambert - E-Book

Crystal Energy E-Book

Mary Lambert



Crystal Energy reveals the special properties of over 100 crystals commonly available today, and shows how you can work with them for healing, personal empowerment, protection and abundance. Since ancient times, people have believed in the ability of crystals to heal, protect and energize mind and body, awakening our innate spiritual wisdom. The book presents 150 practical tips on using crystals in every part of your life. Chapters include Crystals in the Home, which is about using crystals to help you sleep and improve your home's atmosphere; Crystals for Success, which covers how crystals can encourage love and personal empowerment; Crystal Healing, which explains how to use crystals for both emotional and physical healing; and Crystal Astrology, in which you can discover your birthstone as well as the two crystals you'll need to balance the personality traits associated with your sign.

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crystal energy


150 ways to bring success, love, health and harmony into your life

Mary Lambert

First published in 2005 by CICO Books

This edition published in 2010 by CICO Books

an imprint of Ryland Peters and Small

20–21 Jockey’s Fields, London WC1R 4BW

Copyright © CICO Books 2005, 2010

Text copyright © Mary Lambert 2005, 2010

The author’s moral rights have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder and publisher.

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

eISBN: 978 1 782492 72 6

ISBN: 978 1 907030 35 2

(Previous ISBN: 978 1 904991 06 9)

Design: Jerry Goldie

Project editor: Liz Dean

Photography: Geoff Dann

Illustration: Trina Dalziel

Printed in China

Safety Note

Please note that while the descriptions of the properties of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness.





























For centuries, crystals have fascinated people. Prized for their beauty, these special stones adorn royalty and the rich and powerful, and continue to be revered for their spiritual and healing properties.

Crystals were formed millions of years ago when hot gases and mineral solutions rose to the surface from the molten layer of the earth. As they cooled, the atoms merged into patterns and three-dimensional lattices to become the crystals we know today. The special structure of a crystal lets it absorb, strengthen, and transmit electromagnetic energy that can heal and energize.

Crystals in ancient times

In the mythical city of Atlantis the colored rays from crystals treated physical and emotional illness. A great healing temple was thought to have existed in Atlantis, with a large circular room and domed ceiling made of interlocking crystals. These crystals were arranged to form ancient symbols that created patterns of color when illuminated by light. Around the room were separate healing rooms for illness and emotional healing, with vast crystal doors that were energized with the color needed for the patient.

Egyptian remains indicate that this ancient race also had rooms in their temples for treating patients with healing gemstones. The ancient Egyptian people understood the power of crystals, and their rulers, the pharaohs, wore stones such as malachite in their headdresses to bring wisdom. Tiger’s eye, carnelian, and turquoise were shaped into amulets; shields, hearts, and scarabs were buried with the owner in their tomb to guide them on their last journey.

Crystal skulls

One of the most fascinating crystal finds was the discovery of anatomically perfect natural quartz crystal skulls, estimated to be at least 20,000 years old. One of the best-known skulls was discovered by Anna Mitchell-Hedges with her father, Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges, an archaeologist, in 1924 in the Mayan ruins of Lubaantum (however, others say that they purchased it at a London auction). No one knows why the skulls are here, but they incite mystical and spiritual happenings, and reportedly many people’s lives have changed after contact with a skull. Quartz doesn’t decay and because of its amplifying ability, some believe that the skulls are a kind of storage device for important cosmic knowledge.

Crystals today

In this book are 150 practical tips showing you how crystals can heal and energize the many different areas of your life. Both rough and polished crystals (see below) are used. They can look quite different, so choose the type that appeals to you.

In the home, crystals give you protection from any negative energies existing there. Lepidolite is a versatile stone to position in the living room as it absorbs electromagnetic emissions from electrical equipment or other sources. Different crystals stimulate the atmosphere and energy flow, making your home a more sociable place. Even an ailing houseplant responds to the special vibration of a piece of green tourmaline. At work, you can achieve success with the crystal energy of golden topaz and keep internet viruses at bay by circling malachite around your computer. Personal power is important and comes via our seven energy centers: the chakras. The unique vibration of a sodalite crystal, for instance, can stimulate your Third eye chakra, improving your intuitive abilities.

Everyone wants romance in their lives, and crystals with a loving vibration draw in a partner or improve a relationship. Rhodochrosite, a pretty pink and black stone, can help attract that desired soulmate. Crystal jewelry can also work on desires. Wearing a crystal pendant or earrings daily for a week or so allows the gems’ intrinsic properties to make your dreams come true or resolve a current unhappiness.

When you use a crystal for physical and emotional healing, the crystal’s vibration tunes in to the malfunctioning emissions of the organ or energetic area and gently corrects them, making you feel healthier and re-energized. Placing blue calcite on the skin, for example, is thought to help relieve the inflammation and itching of eczema, while natural quartz’s strong energetic field releases long-held emotional fears.

Finally, our astrological star signs will always fascinate us, and many of us live up to some of the less pleasant traits associated with them. So if you know you are an impatient Gemini, use a sunny citrine to keep your restlessness under control or, as a Capricorn, you can dispel depressive tendencies with chalcedony.

These nurturing, beautiful companions heal and enhance your life and, if necessary, may leave you and move on when their job is done. Treasure your crystals while they are with you, and let them bring you joy and happiness.

Types of crystal

Pointed: crystals with a point

Polished: rough crystals that have been abraded to create a polished surface

Rough: crystals in their natural, mined state

Rutilated: crystals, normally quartz, containing gold/red/black mineral strands

Striated: scratched, patterned, or grooved crystals

Terminated: crystals with a point

Tumbled: the same as polished, often placed in a large drum with grit to create smooth crystals


Silencing noisy neighbors with white moonstone

You may be amazed at what a crystal can do to help you, even in the most intractable of situations. If noisy neighbors develop selective deafness whenever you ask for peace and quiet, try using a white moonstone, whose very name seems to suggest tranquility.

Moonstone is sacred in India because it is associated with the Third eye chakra, which relates to inner vision and the ability to take charge of your life. A symbol of love and confidence, moonstone will spark your intuition, helping you to find creative ways to solve potentially insurmountable problems. These qualities can inspire you to take a new view on an old or long-running dispute with a neighbor, breaking the cycle of annoyance and intolerance that has become established.

Crystal cure

Hold a white moonstone in your hand for several minutes and ask it to silence unwanted noise and disturbance. Place the stone outside, next to your neighbor’s boundary; let it rest on the ledge of a fence or tuck it in a crevice in the mortar of a wall. If you are in an apartment, place the crystal on the floor next to the offending wall where it will not be disturbed.

Try this moonlight ritual to give your wish for peace more power. Wait until dark when the moon is in the sky, and pick a day when the moon is waning—the time between a full moon and a new moon, which symbolizes natural endings. Hold the stone as you look up at the moon in the night sky and simply ask for help. Repeat three times.

Trust in the stone’s power. Within a few days, see how intrusive noise lessens and serenity takes its place.

Polished, translucent


CRYSTAL TO USE: white moonstone, translucent

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: soothes stress, calms emotions and overreaction to problems

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: place by outside fence or internal wall in an apartment


Sugilite: brings about compromise in difficult situations

Snowflake obsidian: a calming stone that can release negative thinking

Chrysoprase: a soothing stone that encourages positive solutions


Protecting your boundaries with agate

Agate is a brilliant crystal to use whenever you need a security guard for your home. Whether you call upon agate’s powers of protection to deter unwanted visitors or intrusive neighbors, this crystal is renowned for keeping boundaries intact. It is a particularly grounding stone, bringing a sense of security and sanctuary.

Some traditions believed that agate made a person invisible to others. You can harness this gift by using the stone to help you go about your business with discretion, and without feeling constantly observed or overlooked by neighbors. Agate is therefore a great antidote to the “goldfish bowl” syndrome of many modern homes, and will help you any time you need privacy.

Crystal cure

To make you feel secure in the area surrounding your home, you need to bury a handful of small agate crystals on each side of your gate or driveway, and then bury one at each corner of the boundary of your garden or yard. This will literally activate the grounding quality of the stone. As you place the agates in the earth, ask the stones to help solve your problem and give you the peace and safety you desire in your space. Let the crystals do their work, and notice how happy you feel as you walk through your space as you sense the protective shield the agates have cast around the perimeter of your property.



CRYSTAL TO USE: agate (clear/milky white, gray, blue, green, pink, or brown); use small pieces

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: very grounding stone that creates a feeling of safety and security. Harmonizes yin and yang: the positive and negative forces of the universe

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: on either side of the gate and at boundary corners


Hematite: a grounding and protective stone that dispels negativity

Jet: protects against violence, alleviates fears

Smoky quartz: neutralizes negative energy, blocks geopathic stress

Bringing in fortune and joy with rainbow stones

Tubs of flowers that bloom year-round on each side of your front door are a welcoming presence for visitors. Sprinkling rainbow-colored tumbled stones over the tops of your flower pots creates a sense of peace, harmony, and joy around your entrance, and sets up a symbolic rainbow bridge of protection between your home and the spirit world. The color of the crystals—red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise blue, indigo, and violet—also links to the chakras, your spiritual energy centers, so you will benefit from an energy boost every time you enter your home.

Crystal energizing

Choose your rainbow stones, place in a bowl, and leave them to energize in the sun for 24 hours (see also page 154). Wait for a showery, sunny day, when the crystals will be exposed to the powerful energy of a rainbow. Now hold the stones in your hands individually and ask each one to prevent any unwanted intrusions in your home. Ask them to surround you with their unique love and compassion. As you touch and gaze at each one, let their rainbow colors inspire you and your family with creativity and success at school and work, continued prosperity and health, and ask that they instill in you peace and hope for the future. Now scatter your seven stones evenly over the top of each pot and leave them to do their work.


CRYSTALS TO USE: choose two of the same tumbled stone from each rainbow color

Red: garnet, red jasper, ruby

Orange: carnelian, orange calcite

Yellow: amber, golden beryl, topaz

Green: aventurine, chrysoprase, malachite

Turquoise, blue, blue/green: aquamarine, celestite, turquoise

Indigo: lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite

Violet: amethyst, lavender (purple) jade, sugilite

QUALITIES OF STONES: using a selection of these crystals protects your home and brings purifying energy, joy and happiness, love and devotion, creativity and vitality, trust and peace, compassion, success, positive health and wellbeing, good fortune inside

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTALS: place seven of the same stones in each flower tub on either side of the door

Creating a party atmosphere for alfresco dining with red calcite

An opaque, soft stone, red calcite is an effective energizer. It has the ability to cleanse the environment of any unpleasant feelings, as well as injecting an appealing vitality into the atmosphere. It is the perfect stone to use for a picnic, barbecue, or alfresco dinner party because it links to the stimulating element of Fire, and projects the heat of the sun. Your guests will find themselves feeling happy and sociable as they respond to its warm, red, enigmatic vibrations.

Crystal energizing

Place the crystal in the middle of a designated dining table and watch how your friends mingle as they are drawn to stand around it happily sipping their aperitifs. The joy and happiness that emanate from the crystal are infectious, enlivening everyone within its radiance. To increase the buzz and to keep people staying for a while, scatter some chips of natural quartz, a great energizer, around the edges of the barbecue or picnic area. String some small, pretty, white lights along the ground where you have placed the crystals, as they are also associated with the Fire element and will lift the energetic vibrations.

Rough red calcite


CRYSTALS TO USE: red calcite: translucent, may be banded (sometimes treated with acid to increase color); small pieces of rough or tumbled quartz

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONES: red calcite: cleanses negative vibrations from the environment, increases energy and vitality for a party, creates a serene and joyful atmosphere; natural quartz chips: lift energy, bring a sparkling ambience

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTALS: place red calcite on table. Scatter natural quartz chips around the perimeter of your dining area—your yard, garden, or deck

Polished quartz

Shielding your entrance with hematite

In its rough, natural state, hematite is a reddish brown color. The crystal contains iron oxide and, because iron was associated with Mars, the Roman god of war, legend has it that Roman soldiers pressed the stone to their bodies for protection before battle. An environmentally grounding and supportive crystal, hematite, when polished, is metallic silvery gray, and produces such a high sheen that in the past it was used as a mirror, in much the same way as obsidian (see page 14).

Hematite’s mirror effect can deflect the unpleasant attitudes of unwanted visitors at your front door. Although this area may feel good generally, people who unsuccessfully sell you goods or disgruntled visitors can all deplete the positivity of your entrance. Placing hematite by the front door can smooth the flow of energy. A powerful protector, the stone builds a healing shield around the entrance. This shield connects to the earth’s beneficial properties, neutralizing any bad energy that people bring with them, so that even those who come to the door feeling upset go away happy.

Crystal cure

Place a hematite crystal outside the door by the doormat, or in an apartment you may prefer to scatter some hematite chips under the mat. Hold them and ask that they protect your entrance and heal all the people that call there. Trust in their curative powers.




CRYSTAL TO USE: hematite (metallic silver/gray, red/brown when rough), also known as volcano spit; shiny appearance when polished, or use hematite chips

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: dissolves negativity, protects and prevents bad energies entering the home

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: by your outside doormat, or under the mat


Selenite: creates a peaceful space, keeps out bad influences

Obsidian: very protective, shields negative forces


Increasing luck and good fortune with green jade

Jade is a stone of prosperity and luck that will draw money and good things into your life, and so is perfect for placing by your mailbox. Two types of this beneficial crystal are available: the creamy nephrite is the “older” dark leafy-green jade, which was carved into many treasured pieces in ancient China from as early as 2950 BCE, while the “newer” translucent, vivid green jadeite originated in Burma in the 13th century. As jadeite took over in popularity from nephrite in China, it was worshipped for its life-extending and erotic properties.

Jade bestows tranquility and wisdom, transmitting a sense of wellbeing and friendship that welcomes people into your home. It is also protective, so will act as a deterrent to burglars or unsavory visitors.

Crystal energizing

To bring good fortune and abundance into your home, take hold of your jade crystal and tune in to its lucky vibrations. Using reusable adhesive putty, stick the crystal to the side of your letterbox or mailbox (inside the front door) or if you have an outside mailbox, place it inside. Let this joyous stone protect you, and ask it to attract success and many lucky opportunities.



CRYSTAL TO USE: green jade, translucent (jadeite) or creamy (nephrite)

AVAILABILITY: generally available but can be rare; nephrite is more easily available

QUALITIES OF STONE: encourages peace and unconditional love, protects and nurtures, creates harmony, brings good luck

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: stick next to mail box, or put inside

Harmonizing the hallway with magical obsidian

Formed from volcanic lava, obsidian was used by the Aztecs as the equivalent of flint, to make knives and arrowheads. When finely polished it is deeply reflective, and the stone’s magical reputation is perhaps due to its mirrorlike qualities; Dr. Jon Dee, spiritual adviser to Queen Elizabeth I, prized an Aztec “magic mirror” of obsidian for scrying, or future-gazing. As everyone who lives with you or visits can bring the mixed emotions of their day to your door, you can use this ancient stone as a symbolic mirror to deflect incoming frustrations and upsets.

Crystal cure

Place a black obsidian crystal, either tumbled or raw, in your hallway—the best position is on a small table or on a corner shelf by the front door. Bear in mind that poor lighting and clutter can inhibit your crystal’s abilities, so keep your hall’s surfaces clear and the whole space bright. Hold this crystal tightly and ask it to do its work for you, and soon this grounding stone will neutralize any negativity that has been brought in, and restore a more harmonious ambience.



CRYSTAL TO USE: black obsidian, opaque, shiny, similar to glass, sometimes tumbled

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: a very grounding stone that repels or transforms negativity, blocks geopathic stress, encourages optimism for the future

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: on hall table, to the side of the front door


Citrine: brings in the feeling of sunlight, brightening dull areas

Clear topaz: helps to clear stagnant or stuck energy

Brown jasper: brings stability and balance; relieves environmental stress

Encouraging good energy flow on stairs with natural quartz

Versatile natural quartz can increase energy or transmute any negative influences, and is easily programmed to suit your needs. This crystal can transmit electrical energy under mechanical pressure, creating the piezoelectric effect. To see this in action, rub the flat sides of two quartz crystals together in a darkened room and see how the friction makes the stones light up. You can also “lighten up” your home by placing slivers of natural quartz on the stair treads or under banisters to create a vibrant pathway between floors, enlivening the energy flow from the downstairs rooms.

Crystal cure

If you sense the energy in your home is dull and lacking in vibrancy due to building work or if you have cleared out a lot of clutter, you can improve the flow of energy between floors by gluing or fixing ½in (12mm) pieces of rough or polished quartz to the sides of the stair treads. Mount one each side to the bottom tread, one each side to the top, and then place one each side treads. Mount one each side to the bottom tread, one each side to the top, and then place one each side of a tread in between. Alternatively, glue two slivers in the same places but under the banister rail. These crystals are wonderful energizers and will take the energy frequency higher, which will then impact on you and your family, making you feel happier and more content in your home.




CRYSTAL TO USE: six ½in (12mm) small quartz pieces, polished or rough

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: amplifies energy, regulates energy flow

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: glue crystals to the side of four stair treads, equally spaced up the stairs, or stick to the underside of the banisters

Purifying house energies with rose quartz

In chakra healing, rose quartz is traditionally used to purify the heart, the place of deep emotion and, in some ancient cultures, the soul. Associated with love, this sensitive stone dispels the bad atmosphere that most arguments bring, and clears the air after an illness, children’s tantrums, or a string of minor domestic problems. Pure and uplifting, rose quartz can be used to clear residual negativity and bring happy harmony to your home.

Crystal cure

For an immediate energy lift in your home, and to restore its loving vibrations after an argument or another energy-depleting incident, you can spray all the rooms with a rose quartz essence.

Crystal essences are often compared to flower essences as an energetic imprint of the crystal is believed to be left in the water in which it is soaked. They are simple to make.

Rinse your rose quartz crystal under running water, then place in a glass container or jar. Fill the container with still mineral water until the stone is covered. Cover the container and place on a table or windowsill where it is bathed in sunlight. Ideally leave for 1–12 hours: the longer you leave it the stronger the essence will be. Pour off the liquid in to a mister bottle. Hold the bottle in your hands and ask the essence to use its soothing and healing vibrations to remove any unhappiness in your home. Hold this thought in your head as you spray in each room, moving around clockwise from the doorway. Use regularly after upsets or other disruptions.



CRYSTALS TO USE: rose quartz (pink), translucent, use a medium-size raw chunk

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: removes negative energy, replacing it with loving vibrations

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: make a crystal essence by soaking the stone in mineral water


Promoting harmony with a water fountain and stones

A mini water fountain enhanced with crystals will bring harmony and balance to your living room. The stones, which individually possess the gifts of love, peace, and compassion that we want to attract into our lives, collectively create a sacred object—the font. “Fountain” is derived from the Old French word fontaine and the Latin fontana, meaning font, indicating baptism and purification by water. A crystal water fountain purifies negativity, instilling good energy flow and feelings of calm and relaxation. The trickling water also emits negative ions, giving off a positive, stimulating vibe.

Crystal energizing

Buy the polished crystals detailed below, searching out colors and shapes that most appeal to you. Place this chosen assortment of stones in the pebbles so that their emanations soothe, foster tranquility and purity, and induce a balanced and harmonious atmosphere.

Position the fountain on a dining table, a prominent shelf, or to give your Wealth corner a boost, in the southeast corner of the living room. Notice how people are drawn toward this inspiring feature as soon as they enter the room.


CRYSTALS TO USE: polished tiger’s eye, brown jasper, carnelian, jade or aventurine (green), turquoise or sodalite (blue) plus a pump-operated water fountain with pebbles

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONES: using this selection of stones creates serenity, peace, stability, balance, harmony, friendship, empathy, calmness, and a passion for life

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTALS: in the water fountain on a table or shelf, or in the southeast of the living room

Balancing emotions with a crystal tree

A crystal tree in your living room can soothe the fluctuating emotions of your family. The three crystals on the tree—sodalite, amethyst, and rose quartz—have the special qualities of peace, love, and tranquility that all of us in our stressed, modern lives crave. Placing these stones on a tree evokes a grounded feeling, of putting down deep roots into Mother Earth: trees protect and reassure. The ancient Greeks talked to trees, believing they contained all the wisdom of the gods. Just looking at this pretty tree will bring a sense of hope and optimism; destructive moods such as irritability or anger have no place around this evocative symbol.

Crystal cure

Place your tree on a prominent shelf or on a side table where it catches people’s attention. Or, place it in the east to get the benefit of the inherent family and good health energies that exist there. Notice how the interaction of your family improves around this tree, and how a visitor’s demeanor softens as they are influenced by the pacifying and spiritual elements of the crystals.


CRYSTALS TO USE: sodalite, amethyst, and rose quartz tree or individual trees of these crystals

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONES: sodalite: stills and cleanses the mind, increases relaxation, releases stress, boosts self-esteem; amethyst: dispels anger and anxiety, balances emotions, increases intuition, calms or stimulates as appropriate, brings tranquility and peace, aids spirituality and meditation; rose quartz: attracts love, peace, happiness, promotes self-love, heals the emotions, removes negative energy, strengthens empathy and sensitivity

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTALS: living room shelf or side table and/or in the east of the room

Dowsing for geopathic stress and neutralizing it with amethyst

Natural quartz and amethyst are both piezoelectric, which means that they have a positive and negative polarity and can emit electromagnetic energy. These highly sensitive stones can be used in dowsing to identify and neutralize negative earth energies, or geopathic stress, which can cause lethargy and general tiredness.

The human body adapts to normal earth energies (or radiation waves) that come up through the ground. Geopathic stress occurs when these energies become distorted, often due to the presence of a stream, tunnel, or old mine under your property. Another cause of energetic discomfort may be ley lines—the strong energies that run along a fault or strata—particularly if your home sits on a ley-line junction, where two intersect.

Crystal cure

To find if you have any negative energy areas in your living room you need to dowse for them. Take your natural quartz pendulum and ask it to indicate which is the answer “yes”: it normally spins in a clockwise direction. Then ask for “no”: it normally spins counterclockwise, but these can be reversed. Then walk around the room, stopping at different points, and ask the pendulum, “Are there are any negative earth energies here that are affecting my health?” Note down any areas where it swings positively. Place two large pieces of amethyst in the affected areas, or place several small pieces under the carpet, asking for their help in neutralizing the negative vibrations that are adversely affecting your health.



CRYSTALS TO USE: natural quartz pendulum; 2 large or several small pieces of amethyst

AVAILABILITY: commonly available

QUALITIES OF STONE: amethyst: a powerful protective stone that blocks geopathic stress or negative environmental energies

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: in the places where negative energy registers


Rose quartz: soothes away harsh energy

Smoky quartz: gently neutralizes unhealthy earth vibrations

Obsidian: creates a shield against negative energy

Reviving houseplants with green tourmaline

Also known as verdelite, green tourmaline is associated with the Heart chakra, or love center, and it is renowned as a healing stone. Associated with Venus and the element of Earth, this crystal also represents fertility, which is why you can use it to revive your houseplants and encourage their healthy growth.

Houseplants are wonderful energizers in a living room as they lift the atmosphere and help to increase the oxygen content, and many of them improve humidity, filter the air, and cleanse it of pollutants such as formaldehyde, which is often present in new carpets and some furniture. So if you have any houseplants that are not growing well or look sickly, it is essential to give them some care to help them thrive again and keep the living room’s ambience positive and vibrant.

Crystal cure

If you have a plant (or several) that are in need of some love and attention, remove any dead leaves or flowers and trim back any dead stalks. Now take your green tourmaline and hold it in your hands for a few minutes. Tune into its emanations and ask for its loving help to make your plant healthy and vital again.

Place the stone on the soil by the plant stem, and see how in a few weeks your plant starts to come back to life. To aid growth leave the crystal in the pot for a while, but cleanse it regularly (see pages 149–153).



CRYSTAL TO USE: green tourmaline, shiny, opaque, long or hexagon stone

AVAILABILITY: easily available from specialist stores

QUALITIES OF STONE: wonderful healer; brings balance and aids growth

WHERE TO PLACE THE CRYSTAL: in the soil of the plant pot

