Dadd's Tasty Daughter: Taboo Erotica - Sebastian Brigham - E-Book

Dadd's Tasty Daughter: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Sebastian Brigham

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A squeal from Pam jerked Carol's eyes back to her daughter. The girl's blouse was tangled up around her head as Ben tugged at it. Finally Pam wrestled her hair out of the neck of the garment, and Ben jerked it down her arms and threw it into a corner. Pam was not wearing a bra, and her full young breasts bounced slightly on her chest. As large as they were, they had no sag, no crease at their base. Instead, the firm masses stood out proudly. Her nipples were larger than Linda's, and darker. Ben's fingers took them and pinched and rolled them, making them harden even more, stiffening them into tight peaks. Pam let her head fall back to rest on the back of the couch, her mouth gaping open in passion. For a few seconds the eighteen-year-old abandoned herself to the young boy as he toyed with her boobs.

"Oh, yes," Pam sighed, loudly enough for Carol to hear as the records came to an end. None of the children seemed to be paying any attention to the record player at all.

Finally Pam lifted her head from the couch. As Ben cupped and played with her large boobs, she sought his belt with her fingers and struggled with the buckle. After releasing it she tugged the bottom of Ben's T-shirt up. He released her breasts for a moment to let her strip the garment off over his head. Quickly he grabbed for her breasts again and massaged them. She went then to the fastenings on his trousers. She seemed experienced at dealing with such things, quickly unfastening the waist and running the zipper down. Ben lifted his hips and let her press his pants down around his ankles. His cock formed a hard ridge under his shorts. Pam reached for the elastic and tugged them down.

Carol felt her own excitement growing as she watched her daughter stripping the boy. Carol's cunt began to burn, and she pressed her fingers to it to feel it through her shorts. The junction between Carol's legs was hot and steamy as she continued to spy on her children.

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Dadd's Tasty Daughter

Sebastian Brigham

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Dadd's Tasty Daughter

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

"Good morning. Anyone home?" Carol stirred herself to reply. "Come on in, Marje. The coast is clear."

Marjorie Greene wrestled with the back door, finally managing to wrench it open with a powerful jerk. "I thought Frank was going to fix that sticky door," she commented as she helped herself to a cup of coffee.

Carol indulged in a wry smile. "He was going to do it last weekend," she answered, "but an important client had to be entertained on the golf course."

"Oh," Marje murmured as she settled into a chair. "Again, huh?"

Carol sipped her coffee. "Not again; as usual. Or maybe I should say still. How's Paul?"

Marje shrugged. "As usual, he forgot the mail and the garbage. He gave the cat the dog's food and gave the dog the salmon loaf I was saving for the cat. I have to put his underpants on top of his razor and leave them on the toilet seat. That way he does remember to put them on and to shave. I tell you, it's such fun being married to a college professor."

Carol smiled and leaned back to stretch. The motion made her robe fall completely open, displaying her barely concealed full breasts. "At least you get to see your husband."

"Yeah. When I married a college professor, I thought I was marrying a quiet, placid, reserved gentleman. My somewhat bruised thighs prove otherwise."

"Again last night, huh?"

Marje shook her head, her red pony tail swishing from side to side. "Not just last night, but this morning, last night, and yesterday noon. Do you know what he did yesterday noon?" Marje didn't even pause for an an answer, but rushed on, as usual. "He bombed into the house at twelve-thirty. I was out in the kitchen with the dishwasher running, so I didn't hear a thing. The first thing I know, he's stark-naked and grabs me around the waist. I just had time to turn the burner off under the teapot before he carried me out of the kitchen like he was Og the Cave Man. He plunks me down on the dining room table, pulls my skirt up and my panties down and takes me right there."

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