Keep The Incest: Taboo Erotica - Sebastian Brigham - E-Book

Keep The Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Sebastian Brigham

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Dorothy Martin was standing on a footstool in her closet, arching on tiptoes in a way that hoisted her skirt just to the tops of her flesh-colored nylons and hinted at the creamiest white soft skin imaginable. Her muscles were tense, and the round tightly spaced cheeks of her behind flexed and rippled sumptuously against the tight cling of her rayon skirt. She was a picture of utter concentration and absorption. She was watching hereighteen-year-old brown-haired brother Kenneth fuck.
Rance Martin and his beautiful blonde wife Eleanor had had an urgent phone call from the latter's sister in Muskegon that her husband had had a fatal heart attack and she was utterly beside herself. So Rance and Eleanor had told Dorothy and Kenneth to look after themselves for a couple of days until they could get back from Muskegon and help poor Alma make the necessary funeral arrangements and take care of those thousand and one pressing and agonizing details which always accompany death in a family.
Dorothy and Kenneth were a little set back, and after their first expression of sympathy for their Aunt Alma, felt a little miffed because it looked very much as if the planned Martin trip to California would certainly be delayed if not postponed in view of this unlooked-for circumstance. And today was the second day that Rance and Eleanor had been gone from the pleasant little bungalow on North Mildred on the North Side of the Windy City of Chicago. And young Kenneth had lost no time in taking advantage of a golden opportunity.

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Keep The Incest

Sebastian Brigham

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents





















Rance Martin and his beautiful blonde wife Eleanor had had an urgent phone call from the latter's sister in Muskegon that her husband had had a fatal heart attack and she was utterly beside herself. So Rance and Eleanor had told Dorothy and Kenneth to look after themselves for a couple of days until they could get back from Muskegon and help poor Alma make the necessary funeral arrangements and take care of those thousand and one pressing and agonizing details which always accompany death in a family.

Dorothy and Kenneth were a little set back, and after their first expression of sympathy for their Aunt Alma, felt a little miffed because it looked very much as if the planned Martin trip to California would certainly be delayed if not postponed in view of this unlooked-for circumstance. And today was the second day that Rance and Eleanor had been gone from the pleasant little bungalow on North Mildred on the North Side of the Windy City of Chicago. And young Kenneth had lost no time in taking advantage of a golden opportunity.

Black-haired Dorothy Martin was nineteen, insolent and haughty. There had been times when her mother and father had wished they had exercised the parental right of applying at least the palm of the hand if not the hairbrush to her jouncy back-side, but thus far she had gone through her young life unspanked. The same was perhaps even more true for Kenneth, who was going through that difficult intellectual snobbery period which so many adolescents have when they reach eighteen. But the surprising thing to Dorothy was that her brother was not only showing an interest in the opposite sex but actually going all the way right here in their own house!

It wasn't exactly the way Kenneth Martin had planned it. He had had a few dates with Dody Brandon, a plump, gum-chewing classmate of eighteen whose hair was the color of ripe wheat and whose heart-shaped face and big blue eyes and full red sensual mouth were matched to the body of a young Venus with big firm titties and a juicy pair of bottomcheeks that Kenneth had been itching to sink his fingers in from the very first moment when Dody Brandon had walked into Senior English this last February and been told to take her seat in the row just ahead of him and to his left. Throughout the semester—and it was now the end of June— Kenneth Martin had been stealing greedy and hopeful glances at Dody's big firm titties. He could only see the right one in a kind of profile from where he sat behind her and to the side, but if looks could have been translated into reality, he would have seen the color of her nipples by now. As a matter of fact, he was doing just that, and he was also discovering the true color of her pussyhair... it wasn't wheat color at all, but a dark brown and very thick for a girl her age, almost completely hiding the plump pink lips of her cunt. And he had also made a fascinating discovery—Dody Brandon wasn't a virgin. But then, there was no need of quarreling over such a detail; in the first place he wasn't a perfectionist, in the second, it was just about his own first sexual experience, and in the third place if Dody had been a virgin, he probably wouldn't be humping her right now in his own bedroom.


For that matter, Dorothy wasn't supposed to be there either. It was Saturday afternoon and she had originally decided to go to a movie with her best girlfriend, Sue Wells. Sue was just six months older, but already engaged to be married, and she had already done a good deal of talking about the joys that would be hers legally once the ring was put on her finger and the words said over her and the sheets drawn and the door locked between herself and Tom Jurgens. Dorothy naturally had read enough about fucking and such variants as Frenching, but she was still a virgin. Sue wasn't, obviously, because she and Tom had hit it off so well from the very start that the two of them had tried to find out if each was suited to the other on their very second date. That had been five months ago, and by now Sue and Tom were pretty sure that they wanted to get married so they could fuck all they wanted and not have to sneak around to find a place to do it as they did now.

What had happened was that Tom had been out of town—he was a junior salesman at the Torrance Finer Food Company, which sold to restaurants and hotels and institutions—and Sue hadn't expected him back until next Monday. He had called her up only eighteen minutes after Dorothy and Sue had made a date to go see “Ben Hur” down at the Loop, and Sue had called Dorothy back apologetically to tell her that she was awfully sorry but she just had to break the date because she and Tom were going to be together all afternoon and evening. And of course Dorothy had understood. And she was also a little envious, because from the way Sue had raved about what it felt like when a man stuck his cock inside your pussy and was gentle and tender and kissed your titties and goosed you while he was humping you, you had all sorts of sensations that sent you off into heaven. They were far better, Sue had assured Dorothy, than diddling yourself with your own finger—something Dorothy was doing surreptitiously at night with more and more frequency, since after all she was a young woman and herself of a ripe age to find a permanent fucking partner. Instead of which, she was still cherry.

So what had happened was that Dorothy had unhappily gone on back home and arrived about twenty minutes after Kenneth had started fooling around with cute young sexy Dody Brandon. Kenneth had expected that he'd have the whole bungalow to himself because he had overheard Dorothy talking to Sue on the phone originally this morning about seeing the movie, and he knew that it took four hours for the whole show which would give him more than enough time to have his first piece of cunt.

And finally, so that the perfectionist who may read this story will have every detail explained in the most transparent way, Dody Brandon herself had agreed to service Kenneth Martin on an impulsive whim, when she had managed to wrest out of him the embarrassed and stammered confession that he'd never had a piece of pussy before in all of his fife. Dody Brandon was known as an “easy lay” over at Lane Tech High School, but that was a sour-grapes rumor started by a couple of fellows who had made a couple of passes at her and been thrown out trying to reach first base, much less getting Home with her. She liked cock as well as any girl in the student body, but she was discriminating, and she would have you know that from the very outset. If you thought that the rumor that she was easy to seduce made it possible for you to slip your hand under her skirt on your first date and find home plate right then and there, you had another couple of thinks coming. And like as not Dody would never go out with you again if you tried a stunt like that the first time. The second or third, that was something else, if she had already taken a liking to you. She was a smart chick, even though her grades didn't exactly show it, being a C student; she had already found out from her mother about the pill, and she had been taking them for the past year. And since she had started taking the pill, she had had now fewer than seven different male cocks slide down the tight warm squishy groove of her eager cunt, and now Kenneth Martin's was the eighth.

Dody's father and mother were reasonably well to do, but they were out of town a good deal of the time and they gave her considerable leeway. For example, four of the fellows she had let fuck her after a second date had had their first piece of Dody's tasty quim in her own bed in her own house on North Devon Avenue. And yesterday in geometry class, just before the last bell, Kenneth Martin, who sat right next to Dody, had looked at her in such an imploring way, that she couldn't help giggling and she had followed him out into the hall and teasingly whispered, “Don't think I haven't seen the way you've been giving me the eye all semester, Kenny. But I bet you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. I think you're cute, but that doesn't mean you're going to get into my panties.” And he had blushed so furiously that Dody's eyes had grown very wide and then she had pointed an accusing finger at him and, almost doubled over with giggles, hissed, “I'll just bet you never even had a girl, that's what I bet, Kenneth Martin!” And so, feeling the earth open up under him and swallow him up, he had desperately bragged that she was terribly mistaken and that he could probably give her a better time than any boy she had ever known.

Being a daughter of Eve, Dody had known that he was lying, and it had only convinced her that this would be a delightful experience to be able to teach a nice-looking fellow like Kenneth Martin what pleasure a boy and a girl could have together when they got better acquainted in a horizontal position and packed as snugly as a cock and cunt can merge. So she had pretended to be very awed by his boast and had taken him at his word and called his bluff by whispering, “All right, then, Kenny, I'll just see how good you are. My folks'll be out of town tomorrow, but that old cranky housekeeper we've got, Mrs. Judson, will be there cleaning so I can't have you over to my place. Where can we go?” And naturally Kenneth Martin had suggested his own house, being quite certain that his sister, as was her custom, would spend the afternoon with her perennial girl friend Sue Wells.


Dorothy Martin arched on the footstool, her slim fingers clamped to one of the ceiling beams in her closet. There was a wide crack there just between the ceiling itself and the wooden moulding, and it was wide enough to look way out and then down, and her brother's bed was at the opposite end of the long room next to her closet, so she could see what was going on. Dody Brandon was naked except for her yellow cotton bobby sox, and her brother, muscular and slender, his black hair tousled and his face screwed up with concentration, was lying over her, his left arm under her shoulders. Dody had her fingers clasped around the back of Kenneth's neck, and her plump bare calves and thighs clutched over Kenneth Martin's wiry and slightly hairy legs. His lean muscular bottom was tightening and opening as he arched and then sank up and down over Dody Brandon's naked body, and every time he went down, Dody would emit a little “ohh, that's so good, oh don't hurry, let's make it last a long time—my gosh, you sure are good at this—you mean it's your first time?”

“Uh huh,” Kenneth Martin panted, “I read a lot of books, and I got some dirty pictures from a store on Division Street one time that shows how it's done. And anyhow, Dody, you're so sexy I got all fired up and I guess that's why I'm doing it so good.” And then, naively; he had asked, just like a little boy who wanted to be praised by his elders, “You sure I'm doing okay?”

“Mmmm, Kenny, I should certainly say you are —put your other hand under my bummy and squeeze it, I like to have my bummy squeezed when I'm getting honked,” Dody sighed as she wriggled accommodatingly to ease her position under the lanky, excited naked youth. Actually, Kenneth Martin wasn't entirely naked; he had on his shorts, and he had naturally unbuttoned them to permit the emergence of his stiff young and certainly adequate cock.

When Dorothy Martin had entered the house, she had glumly gone upstairs to her room, and that's when she had heard giggles and the sounds of kisses, and then, amazed at all this, put her ear to the door and heard Dody Brandon say, “Ohh, you sure got a big dong on you, Kenny honey! Let's get to bed fast so I can see if it's going to fit nice and tight in my little lovebox!”

Her first impulse had been to fling open the door and give her brother hell for daring to get away with such a thing. But the sound of those kisses and her brother's hoarse moans and gasped-out praises of Dody's nakedness had stirred a shuddering warmth in Dorothy Martin's loins. So for the first time in her life she was spying on her brother. She had always known about this big crack in the ceiling of her closet, but this was the first time she was using it.

She didn't know it, but that impulse of being a peeping Tom (or rather, Thomasina!) was going to lead to the most remarkable drama of her young life and one in which not only Kenneth but her father and mother would also participate!

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