Daddy Does It Best: Taboo Erotica - Chantel Wakefield - E-Book

Daddy Does It Best: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Chantel Wakefield

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"About time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty," he slurred, leering down at her with an obscene expression on his beard-stubbled face. His hot breath fairly reeked with whiskey.

"Ohmygod!" Sue gasped.

It was a warm spring day. Housework had made her hot and sweaty so, being alone, she had stripped down to her sheer nylon panties before lying down to rest. Out of modesty and fear, she attempted to cover her exposed breasts with her hands. Instinctively trying to protect her virtue, the young bride clamped shut her long, shapely legs. This only trapped the man's brazen hand between her creamy thighs and locked it tighter against her scantily clad groin.

"What are you doing here," she yelped, "at this ti-time of the day?"

"Feeling your cunt, you sexy little wench," he said, increasing the pressure until she could feel the tips of his lewdly probing fingers stuffing the narrow strip of nylon into her crack.

"You're drunk!" she accused, forgetting her tits as she grabbed his muscular forearm and shoved futilely at it with all her might, which wasn't much because she was recuperating from a miscarriage and was still rather weak

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Daddy Does It Best

Chantel Wakefield

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Daddy Does It Best












"About time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty," he slurred, leering down at her with an obscene expression on his beard-stubbled face. His hot breath fairly reeked with whiskey.

"Ohmygod!" Sue gasped.

It was a warm spring day. Housework had made her hot and sweaty so, being alone, she had stripped down to her sheer nylon panties before lying down to rest. Out of modesty and fear, she attempted to cover her exposed breasts with her hands. Instinctively trying to protect her virtue, the young bride clamped shut her long, shapely legs. This only trapped the man's brazen hand between her creamy thighs and locked it tighter against her scantily clad groin.

"What are you doing here," she yelped, "at this ti-time of the day?"

"Feeling your cunt, you sexy little wench," he said, increasing the pressure until she could feel the tips of his lewdly probing fingers stuffing the narrow strip of nylon into her crack.

"You're drunk!" she accused, forgetting her tits as she grabbed his muscular forearm and shoved futilely at it with all her might, which wasn't much because she was recuperating from a miscarriage and was still rather weak.

"Guess I am a little under the influence," he admitted, keeping at her. "Finished that remodeling job ahead of schedule. Me and the boys had a few to celebrate. Want some pussy now. Some of your pussy, Suzy baby. Open them legs and let old Hub pet that pretty little muff."

"No, Hub, don't," she whined, trying to reason with him. He was her stepfather-in-law. Her husband's mother was dead. She and Doug had moved in with his stepdad because Doug was attending college or the G.I. Bill and Sue had had to quit her job due t< pregnancy. Hub had agreed to give the room an( board in return for Sue's housekeeping services. "You mustn't treat me this way, Hub!"

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