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In this third volume of the Gospel Time Trekkers series, children ages 6–9 are taken on a journey that imaginatively retraces Jesus welcoming the child Rebecca into a gathering with his disciples.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dateno, Maria Grace.
Danger at sea / written by Maria Grace Dateno, FSP ; illustrated by Paul Cunningham.
pages cm. -- (Gospel time trekkers ; [3])
Summary: In the third book of the series that follows the adventures of three siblings as they travel back to Gospel times to find Jesus and learn to discover him in their everyday lives, Noah, Hannah, and Caleb are transported to the village of Gennesaret, where they join a fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee and meet Rebecca who had an encounter with Jesus and his disciples.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8198-1891-1
ISBN-10: 0-8198-1891-7
[1. Time travel--Fiction. 2. Brothers and sisters--Fiction. 3. Jesus Christ--Fiction. 4. Fishers--Fiction. 5. Christian life--Fiction.] I. Cunningham, Paul (Paul David), 1972- illustrator. II. Title.
PZ7.D2598Br 2013
The Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Cover design by Mary Joseph Peterson, FSP
Cover art by Paul Cunningham
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
“P” and PAULINE are registered trademarks of the Daughters of St. Paul.
Copyright © 2013, Daughters of St. Paul
Published by Pauline Books & Media, 50 Saint Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA 02130-3491
Printed in U.S.A.
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Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of women religious serving the Church with the communications media.
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Dedicated to my niece and goddaughter, Bernadette, in the hope that she will do the same thing for me one day.
Chapter One: Weeds and More Weeds
Chapter Two: Running into Rebecca
Chapter Three: A Job on a Boat
Chapter Four: Fishing at Night
Chapter Five: Meeting Seth
Chapter Six: Rebecca’s Story
Chapter Seven: When Will Jesus Arrive?
Chapter Eight: Cold and Wet
Chapter Nine: Warm and Dry
Chapter Ten: He’s Coming!
Chapter Eleven: More and More Weeds
Chapter Twelve: All in the Same Boat
Where Is It in the Bible?
Chapter One
Weeds and More Weeds
It was a hot day late in June, and I wasn’t planning on going outside that afternoon. But then I heard Dad talking to Mom in the kitchen.
“The weeds are getting pretty thick,” he said. “Maybe the kids could do some work in the garden this afternoon.”
My older sister Hannah, who had just turned eleven, was standing there in the living room too. We looked at each other. Neither of us likes weeding, so we quietly slipped out the front door.
As we snuck around the side of the house opposite the garden, we ran into my little brother, Noah. He looked all excited.
“Caleb! Hannah! I have an idea!” he said.
Noah is only six, so I wasn’t expecting any really great idea from him. But anything was better than weeding.
“Okay, Noah,” I said. “Let’s hear it.”
“I have an idea for how we can go there again!”
“Go where?” said Hannah. “Oh, never mind. I get it.”
I got it, too. Noah was saying he had an idea for how we could go back in time. It might sound unbelievable, but it had happened twice before. Noah and Hannah and I went back to the time of Jesus and had great adventures! For weeks, we had been trying to figure out how to go there again.
The first time we had been riding our bikes down a hill. The second time we had jumped off a tree branch together. We had tried riding our bikes everywhere, and jumping off everything. (Except the roof. Dad wouldn’t let us try that.) Nothing had worked. So I was willing to try anything, even one of Noah’s ideas.
Hannah was, too.
“Okay, what’s your idea?” she asked.
“I think we should try rolling down the hill together!” said Noah.
Hannah looked at the hill in our front yard. It’s barely a hill, really, and not very steep.
“Well,” she said, “I’m game.”
“I guess it can’t hurt to try,” I said.
We lay down in a row and started rolling down the hill. Noah immediately banged into Hannah.
“Ow!” Hannah yelled. “Your foot!”
“Sorry!” said Noah.
It wasn’t steep enough for us to really get going, though. We had to keep pushing off to keep rolling. I started laughing at how ridiculous we were. Soon all three of us were laughing. At the bottom of the hill, we sat up. Hannah’s ponytail was lopsided. Noah’s sandcolored hair had pieces of grass in it. I guess mine looked the same.
“Oh!” said Noah, looking disappointed. “We’re still wearing our clothes!”