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From the depths of the Milky Way, young Jack, born on the planet Waspyx, is caught by a "deception." A very real dream transports him to Earth in 2018, where the young man with a thousand ultra-terrestrial talents finds himself in the body of Jack Smiths, a likeable teenager from Utah. The young man mixes with the people of St. George and tries to fathom the secrets of that fascinating, unique population. In the Zion Canyon, the boy from Waspyx and his new friends find two precious stones that will accompany them on an adventure at the limits of reality. While trying to find the wealthy, mad scientist, Mr. Salicov, our adventurers find themselves prisoners in the other parallel universe of MU. Here, bewitched by the new world, the eleven explorers continue their journey through the untouched habitat of the immense Mount Oluk. Along steep paths, they will all fall prey to the evil of the Numstairus and the poisonous Dexuss, beings of low intellect who will show everyone the true aspect of the mystery. All of this will lead the group to rediscover their love of nature as their awareness is reawakened. Amid a thousand obstacles, our explorers will try to survive in the hope of finding the right way to return home…
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
ISBN | 9788827853399
Prima edizione digitale: 2018
© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce
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What would happen if humans woke up from the enigma called “deception”?
Will we live longer in eternal peace or in an unknown destiny?
From the depths of the Milky Way, young Jack, born on the planet Waspyx, is caught by a “deception.” A very real dream transports him to Earth in 2018, where the young man with a thousand ultra-terrestrial talents finds himself in the body of Jack Smiths, a likeable teenager from Utah. The young man mixes with the people of St. George and tries to fathom the secrets of that fascinating, unique population. In the Zion Canyon, the boy from Waspyx and his new friends find two precious stones that will accompany them on an adventure at the limits of reality. While trying to find the wealthy, mad scientist, Mr. Salicov, our adventurers find themselves prisoners in the other parallel universe of MU. Here, bewitched by the new world, the eleven explorers continue their journey through the untouched habitat of the immense Mount Oluk. Along steep paths, they will all fall prey to the evil of the Numstairus and the poisonous Dexuss, beings of low intellect who will show everyone the true aspect of the mystery. All of this will lead the group to rediscover their love of nature as their awareness is reawakened. Amid a thousand obstacles, our explorers will try to survive in the hope of finding the right way to return home…
Jack Stuards’ awakening
Jack and the world of Waspyx
From the depths of the Milky Way a sweet melody spreads through the eternal darkness of the cold night. A mysterious star sheds its rays over a Martian-like landscape and, like an optical illusion, we can glimpse the scenery of a celestial body twenty light years away from the Earth. We are in the year 260100 in the ultra-technological world of the planet Waspyx, where time passes quickly giving the ether a touch of wisdom overflowing with a new energy. In this bizarre world we discover harmonic sounds which evoke fantastic myths and obscure legends. Then, like a cyclone, night suddenly falls and in the darkness a flying car is about to land in a tree-lined avenue. A little further off a splendid, ultramodern house dominates the road. The magnetically levitating, sleek black racing car draws up in front of a fantastic rainbow villa . A young man with metallic blue eyes gets out of the car. The reflection of his silver outfit appears on the pathway and all around the ether emanates the fascination of surreal worlds. As he approaches the entrance of the house like a Hollywood star, the muscly stranger with his icy stare is strangely irascible, tetchy. Perhaps in the magic evening of the extra-solar summer someone or something has shaken his intellect. A moment later a blink of the eye opens the glass door and the blond youth staggers into the villa while the roar of the strange car vanishes into the darkness, taking his four friends with it into the mysterious night.
On his arrival home, Jack Stuards finds his little dog Lola waiting for him. Like a glossy Labrador, she wags her tail happily on seeing her companion and master. The young man, still befuddled from the evening out with his friends, goes into the living room to allow his senses to unwind. As the youth passes along a pristine white corridor, a ray of light illuminates his way while a female voice in the ether calls out, “Welcome, Master!”
Suddenly the doors in front of the boy vanish into nothing and Jack enters the immense, blinding golden lounge. Music at incredible frequencies invades the massive room, while a coloured, platinous sofa, animated by some mysterious force, comes towards its master. The young man’s splendid body is gratified by the warmth of the leather while a strange presentiment invades his brilliant mind. Pulled by a thousand thoughts, urgent questions spin through Jack’s head, but despite everything, he starts reading a book on his gigantic monitor. He reads a famous book about science and astronomy that makes him feel euphoric and happy, but depressed at the same time, so much so that he feels even more confused.
The young man from Waspyx wants an answer to the question about the meaning of life but, disorientated, he feels deep within a melodic vibration that mixed with alcohol confuses him, causing him to fall into a deep sleep. Here the boy from this unknown planet, child of the love between Roy and Louise, has lived for a long time. Alone now for thousands of Earth years, he longs to know what is hidden beyond physical death. He feels that something is about to happen, but doesn’t know what to do.
In the fascinating, unique world of Waspyx, Jack’s life and that of its inhabitants seem never-ending: six hours on Waspyx correspond to one Earth day, while a thousand are one year for the Solar System’s Earth.
In this extra-solar world, whose inhabitants work only one hour a day for the whole community, there is no money nor any form of world economy. Fraternal, unconditional love reigns on Waspyx. Only at the moment of physical death is every individual awarded the prize of living in the upper levels by the Council of the Master Gods. Waspyx is a planet with magic powers and the Council of the Master Gods decides which laws to observe for the common good of the whole extra-terrestrial race.
In this fantastic, unearthly scenario, Jack lives as a normal teenager. He is enormously gifted and has some friends, Jordan, Marcus, Rudy and Scott, while around the Universe everything is about to change frequency.
The pupil Jack, who is on the “Council of the Interplanetary Philosophical Arts” is trying to find out what mystery the Council of the Masters is hiding in the great telematic library. Hoping to understand the philosophical, historical and scientific thought processes of the priests of the great Temple, Jack wants to unearth what no inhabitant of the planet should know. This research will be necessary for a profound, spiritual evolution, but a long time will have to pass before the young man’s destiny changes.
Still lying on the soft sofa, Jack is sleeping deeply and beatifically when some minutes later something unexpected happens: suddenly a flash explodes in his mind which becomes double and enters into an astral dream. The youth’s body remains lying on the sofa of the Stuards’ house, while the other thin, spiritual part travels through other worlds; a white light invades his mind and accompanies him through exclusive, unique universes. In that time, a vortex of intense energy captures that slim body, catapulting it into the Milky Way and as in a ‘Matrix’, the young man enters the emptiness of a fascinating and fantastic world.
Jack on the other side of the universe of the planet Earth
The following morning, on Earth, in Washington County, time seems to have stopped. The fine, magnetic atmosphere and the mountains of sandstone rock invade the state of Utah to such an extent that it looks like a Martian landscape. Here, amid the red sandstone mountains, there is a small town with a rich Mormon heritage, Saint George, which, in the year 2018, is experiencing moments of joy and intense glory. The city, steeped in esoteric mysteries and ancient history, looks like a surreal yet picturesque postcard. On this terrestrial stage the thin body of Jack Stuards enters forcefully into a new dimension of life on a planet similar to Waspyx. Earth with its enigmas gives Jack a magic welcome as that astral journey catapults him into a reality different from that of his Waspyx. Another life and a wonderful new family await him. Later a special adventure with new friends is in store for him.
Jack and his new family, the Smiths.
In that moment something unusual happens. A small velvety green leaf flutters and lands on one of the windowsills of the Smiths’ villa. Having got up early, the Smiths family is in the kitchen enjoying an excellent American breakfast, the peace of the moment making everyone happy.
Jack wakes up from his long journey. Bewildered, he gets out of his feather bed and can’t