Deception - Episode II - Alessandro Macedonio - E-Book

Deception - Episode II E-Book

Alessandro Macedonio

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From the depths of the Milky Way, young Jack, born on the planet Waspyx, is caught by a "deception." A very real dream transports him to Earth in 2018, where the young man with a thousand ultra-terrestrial talents finds himself in the body of Jack Smiths, a likeable teenager from Utah. The young man mixes with the people of St. George and tries to fathom the secrets of that fascinating, unique population. In the Zion Canyon, the boy from Waspyx and his new friends find two precious stones that will accompany them on an adventure at the limits of reality. While trying to find the wealthy, mad scientist, Mr. Salicov, our adventurers find themselves prisoners in the other parallel universe of MU. Here, bewitched by the new world, the eleven explorers continue their journey through the untouched habitat of the immense Mount Oluk. Along steep paths, they will all fall prey to the evil of the Numstairus and the poisonous Dexuss, beings of low intellect who will show everyone the true aspect of the mystery. All of this will lead the group to rediscover their love of nature as their awareness is reawakened. Amid a thousand obstacles, our explorers will try to survive in the hope of finding the right way to return home…

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

They collaborated


“DECEPTION - Episode II”

by Alessandro Macedonio




I dedicate the whole work to my father Luigi who has left me great teaching for life. Today, I am aware that this fantasy world is not as it appears.


Episode II

What would happen if humans woke up from the enigma called “deception”?

Will we live longer in eternal peace or in an unknown destiny?




From the depths of the Milky Way, young Jack, born on the planet Waspyx, is caught by a “deception.” A very real dream transports him to Earth in 2018, where the young man with a thousand ultra-terrestrial talents finds himself in the body of Jack Smiths, a likeable teenager from Utah. The young man mixes with the people of St. George and tries to fathom the secrets of that fascinating, unique population. In the Zion Canyon, the boy from Waspyx and his new friends find two precious stones that will accompany them on an adventure at the limits of reality. While trying to find the wealthy, mad scientist, Mr. Salicov, our adventurers find themselves prisoners in the other parallel universe of MU. Here, bewitched by the new world, the eleven explorers continue their journey through the untouched habitat of the immense Mount Oluk. Along steep paths, they will all fall prey to the evil of the Numstairus and the poisonous Dexuss, beings of low intellect who will show everyone the true aspect of the mystery. All of this will lead the group to rediscover their love of nature as their awareness is reawakened. Amid a thousand obstacles, our explorers will try to survive in the hope of finding the right way to return home…

Deception - Episode II

Chapter 1


John and the rest of the group on the Earth in 2018


Jacob gives John a piece of bad news


The days pass quickly and the three friends, still trapped in the unknown world of MU, try to return home despite enormous difficulties.

In the meantime, in the other parallel universe on the Earth in 2018, Jacob remembers that he has to do something very important next morning. The three weeks are up and he goes into the forest to fetch the three American explorers and take them to the airport of Honiara bound for St. George in Utah. After his lesson teaching mathematical terms regarding spiral universes and dark matter at the University of Honiara, Jacob arrives at the appointment and in front of the majestic tree where there is the red axe, he waits for hours but nobody comes.

Evening is coming and the scholar, now slightly worried, decides to go back home before he is attacked by some ferocious animal.

The following morning Jacob phones John to tell him what has happened. The scholar from Honiara says that the three did not turn up to the appointment and he thinks they must have lost their sense of direction and can no longer find their way back. John feels that Jacob is messing him around and brusquely ends the phone call. Unfortunately, at that moment John is in the forest of the Zion Canyon looking for the other two stones missing from the puzzle, but worried about the boys, he quickly prepares to return to St. George. He contacts Sam and Aunt Debby, explains to them what has happened and starts to carefully organize the expedition to recoup the three on the Pacific island. Preoccupied, he ends the phone call.

Alone in the mountains, John walks quickly but suddenly something unexpected and new happens: the professor feels that in the forest there is a melodic sound that sends vibrations through his muscular body, but he can’t immediately understand what is going to happen. Driven by curiosity, he allows himself to be pulled along by a sweet melody and some minutes later, he finds himself in a strange wood thick with bushes and full of thorns and flowers. As he proceeds, the researcher comes across a narrow tunnel and inquisitively he tries to enter. Unfortunately, the passage is overgrown with bushes, making progress difficult and tiring, but he stubbornly manages to enter the hole. He finds himself in total darkness, takes his torch and turns it on and goes into the mysterious cavern. Fascinated by that unknown world, he is drawn on, wondering which ancient civilization created it. On entering the cavern, he notices strange discoidal designs and drawings of gigantic beings. Mesmerized by these geometric figures, John goes on more quickly and, amid mice droppings and animal bones, he makes a fantastic discovery.

He can’t believe his eyes: on a smooth, marble slab there are three bodies which look human but have gigantic limbs. The researcher has made an exceptional discovery and, quite by accident, has found the famous gigantic men, the fruit of myths and legends. Now his brown eyes have seen a reality hidden from the whole world: in front of him there are the true conquerors of the planet. It is clear that those mummified beings come from another universe but he cannot make this news known to Science. It is obvious that if he did so, as a scientist, he would be persecuted by the highest powers and modern science would consider him a mad scientist like Mr. Salicov.

John decides to keep that place secret for now from the indiscreet eyes of progress but, before leaving behind this magic booty, he finds a small, greeny-blue stone on the ground and curiously hides it in his clothes.

The little secret will have to wait some time before it is unveiled by the University of Tucson in Arizona.

Once outside the cradle of the discovery, John is blinded by an impetuous summer sun that reigns over the mountain range of Utah. Meanwhile the discoverer can still hear the delicate sound coming from the bowels of the Earth. He has an intuition that these vibrations are emitted by an electromagnetic field coming from below the ground and reckons that in the belly of the great mountain there is a point of beneficial frequency, fruit of the terrestrial grid. That beneficial energy reminds John of Mr. Salicov’s crazy studies according to which points of strong electromagnetic energy dominate the Earth, altering the DNA of the planet and of every living species. After the amazing revelations, with his great booty and a thousand mysteries, John sets off for St. George.


Jacob's desperate remorse


In the Pacific, on Honiara, Jacob feels responsible for the fate of the three young people and can find no peace. Now at the end of August, he organizes a trip with four of his students to bring back the young Americans.

After a tortuous journey, the researcher's off-road vehicle halts at its destination and the five set off on foot through the untouched vegetation. Hemmed in between obstacles and very unfriendly animals, the group finally reaches the meeting point with the Americans. Under the tree with the red axe the group patiently await the return of the three adventurers, but almost immediately the young people are chased away by two crocodiles native to the island. Terrified, the four flee into the immense forest, without leaving any traces. Later the four meet up with the professor again but, still dazed and scared, they decide to abandon the mission and return home.

Finding himself alone in the forest, the professor feels as if he has accomplished nothing, but he courageously finds the strength to go on with his great adventure. Hoping to find the three young Americans, he ventures into the fantastic environment and remembers how, when he first arrived on the Pacific island as a young graduate, he had loads of projects and great expectations of life. At that time, his love for his studies meant that he was part of a team of researchers interacting with renowned scientists, among whom also the incorruptible Mr. Salicov. Despite being a good researcher, Jacob came up against the ignorance and racism of his colleagues and after some years his attitude towards white people changed.

Worn out by the intense, sticky heat, Jacob collapses in a great tree, where he waits for nightfall, hoping not to be attacked by wild animals.

While he waits he remembers a story he was told about one of his ancestors, a son of Africa, who suffered in order to give his descendants a better world. This man came from southern Africa and was born in the province of KaNgwanw into a small Swazi community, in which men, women and children lived in peace and love.

(Wikipedia- tribu Swazi)

Unfortunately, the head of the Swazi tribe, who was both king and high priest, had to sell the young men as slaves to the English colonialists so as to spare the lives of the old people, the women and the children. However, Jacob’s ancestor was very lucky because he met an English gentlewoman. The gentlewoman, Miss Sandy Sorriman, had joined her father, Mr. Steve Sorriman, in Africa where he was a great colonialist as well as a father worthy of esteem throughout England. With her long blonde hair and green eyes, Sandy looked like a goddess in a terrestrial paradise. Miss Sandy met the young Swazi, a slave, and it was love at first sight. The charming woman decided to marry the African and from their union a son was born. After some months, Miss Sandy returned to England with her husband who came to be known as Mr. Black Escape. Their son was brought up in the best boarding schools in England and was very lucky compared to his colored friends. Many generations later, his descendant Jacob also benefitted from a boarding school education and later graduated and specialized in the field of the atom and mathematics.

Thanks to his knowledge he became one of the best scientists of the time. As an international researcher he was asked to carry out various experiments at the CERN in Geneva, where he tried to get on with his three American and European colleagues but he could not forgive these last for their racial hatred of black people.

Along with other black colleagues, Jacob wanted to put one of the best scientists of the time, the famous Mr. Salicov, out of action. He challenged the Russian scientist's crazy theories and together with his colored colleagues wanted to avenge the harm done to the Swazi people. As a wounded man, Jacob thought up a real “deception” against Salicov.

With the help of his underhand colleagues, he invented a perfect trick to ruin Salicov and, in the department of the U.S.Y.T.O (United States Patent and Trademark Office), he substituted all the theories and discoveries in microbiology, genetics, zoology and botany made and deposited there by the wealthy Russian scientist.

(Wikipedia - U.S.Y.T.O)