Dedicated Chip Design for the Generation of colors through RGB LEDs - AHMED SHUJA - E-Book

Dedicated Chip Design for the Generation of colors through RGB LEDs E-Book


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Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Informatik - Technische Informatik, International Islamic University, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Aim of this research work is to design a Red Green and Blue (RGB) Light Emitting Diode (LED) pixel driver that makes the development of RGB displays easier especially for small to medium size display boards. The existing system is using conventional shift registers fed by a local Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA) based driver. Our intent was to have a single chip which can receive serial data and contains a surrogate controller to generate the different intensities by driving the RGB LEDs which might produce different colors. In our research, the core architecture of the controller chip is an eight bit (per color) wide Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller which generates 16.7 Million colors. Total PWM width for the three basic colors is 24 bits wide (per pixel). The chip contains 48 parallel PWM outputs along with serial-in-serial out data pins and other control inputs. After the successful simulation at behavioral level and post synthesis simulation; the design is transferred to schematics and then to layout. Mentor Graphics tools set for Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Design flow are used with ASIC Design Kit from MOSIS having technology and feature size of AMI-0.5um or TSMC-0.35um. The dedicated design and its subsequent analysis have ramifications for chip-design engineers working in optoelectronics or photonics engineering industry.

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