Dental Power - Helge Knüppel - E-Book

Dental Power E-Book

Helge Knüppel



CONTENTS Wouldn't you like to live longer? And better? After all, it's about the quality of life and especially the health span - years of life without illness. In this handbook for a long and good life Dr. Helge Knüppel describes in the first part, the special role of teeth for the entire organism, the naming and reliable diagnosis of interference fields as (life) energy robbers, as well as their therapy within the framework of holistic biological dentistry. The second part deals with the causal connections between nutrition and lifestyle and diseases of civilization such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, cancer, tooth decay and periodontitis, etc. and shows the latest scientific findings in order to develop innovative nutritional measures for a species-appropriate diet the Stone Age hardware of Homo sapiens digital. Part 3 describes the special blood test for individual, personalized micronutrient analysis and micronutrient therapy as part of regulatory medicine, which is the final quantum leap for this holistic treatment concept in order not only to enable high-performance and professional athletes to perform 100 percent or to enable chronically ill patients to have a better quality of life but ultimately to extend the health span and life energy to our individual genetic maximum. Cheers to staying young as you get older!

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Author's preliminary remark

Short author introduction



Why every person has a holistic biological work Dentist needs

Teeth and their key role in chronic diseases

Special role jawbone

Teeth and their role in the meridian system

The development of chronic diseases – the compensation mode

The diagnosis of interference fields (silent inflammations,

chronic inflammatory foci) in the jaw area

What interference fields can there be in the jaw area?

Metals as interference fields

Titanium implants as interference field

Periodontitis as a source of interference

Interference field of root-treated teeth or dead teeth

Interference field FDOK or NICO

Interference field incorrect bite

The process of denture restoration in the sense of holistic biological dentistry – the Dental-IQ-Biohealth concept

Step 1: The Micronutrient Protocol

Step 2: Metal removal under maximum protective measures

Step 3: the holistic biological surgery concept


The nutritional toothbrush

How does tooth decay (caries) occur and what is it?

Gingivitis and periodontitis – silent inflammations

Short digression: Structure and function of mitochondria

Healthy starts in the mouth!

Healthy eating is always subject to the following guidelines:

The low glycemic thought

Food rich in fiber

Food rich in micronutrients

Probiotics - serve as food for the health-promoting bacteria

Omega - 3 - high-fat food, the right fat

“Species-appropriate nutrition” – clean eating / natural eating

What the Aborigines teach us:

Species-appropriate nutrition: Natural eating as the rules of evolution


Personalized individual micronutrient analysis and micronutrient therapy /Personalized integrative medicine

The 3 test methods used for blood analysis:

Micronutrient ready-made mixes versus personalized ones individual micronutrient recipe

What is being measured? And why?

Functional energy metabolism (first morning urine)

Blood parameters

The individualized personalized micronutrient recipe

Life energy on prescription

Final word


Author's preliminary remark

The information and advice contained in this book does not require consultation with a competent specialist. All health-related questions should always be discussed with a doctor or dentist. The author assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage allegedly caused by information or recommendations contained in this book.

Writing a popular science book with medical content requires walking a fine line between brevity and detail, accuracy and readability. I have done my best to find the optimal balance between accurately presenting the facts while making the context accessible to a lay audience. It is up to them to decide whether I have succeeded.

Dr. Helge Knüppel completed his dental studies at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel with the overall top grade of 1. At the Philipps University of Marburg (Germany), he completed further training as a specialist in oral surgery at the age of 29, being the youngest oral surgeon in Germany at the time. He researched the optimization of wound and bone healing with growth and differentiation factors in the context of dental implantology. In 2008 he founded the Dental – IQ – Biohealth practice clinic with its own patient apartments for holistic biological dentistry in Oldenburg near Bremen. In his innovative treatment concept, he integrates interference field diagnostics and therapy, regulatory medicine along with individual intraerythrocytic micronutrient analysis and personalized micronutrient therapy and nutritional advice, as well as intermittent hypo-hyperbaric oxygen therapy.



“The power of teeth.”

In Greek mythology, Eos, the goddess of the dawn, asked the father of the gods for eternal life for her lover Tithonos. Unfortunately, she had forgotten to ask for eternal youth at the same time and so his body deteriorated more and more. Gone stupid.

In 1900, life expectancy was around 50 years. Most people died “quickly” from accidents, injuries and various infectious diseases. Since then, “slow dying has gradually replaced quick death.

According to statistics, most of the people reading this book will probably die in their 70s or 80s, and almost all will die "slowly."

Life expectancy has therefore increased to this day.

Imagine you are sitting in a car and the speed of your vehicle is slowly but steadily increasing. From time to time a light on the battery indicator, sometimes the tire air pressure, sometimes the generator or something similar lights up. However, they remain on track. At some point the steering wheel of their vehicle can no longer be moved and they head straight for a wall. Finally the car hits the wall with full force. Total loss! And it is questionable whether the inmates will survive.

Modern medicine and dentistry have become better and quicker at restoring health “accidents” such as broken legs and chipped teeth.

The situation is different with diseases of civilization in the Western world such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, tooth decay and periodontitis.

Here the focus of treatment is on purely treating symptoms. The “light” for diagnosed diabetes lights up. However, the real cause of this is not treated and the unsuspecting driver continues towards the wall. The situation is similar with tooth decay. The caries is treated and the defect in the tooth is replaced with a filling or crown. A pure symptom treatment. The button is pressed to “Reset” and everything starts again because the cause of the tooth decay is not resolved or really questioned.

Isn't it amazing that we humans are the only mammal in the world that regularly goes for preventative care, brushes our teeth several times a day and uses mouthwash and yet still develops tooth decay and periodontitis?

What influence do the lifestyle and the Western Diet have on us?

(tooth –) health?

Isn't this the cause of civilization's diseases?

Doesn't it make sense, instead of repairing the totaled car more quickly, to avoid the wall?

To do this, the driver (patient) must of course be aware of the risks to the health of his vehicle and guide his Stone Age body "appropriately" through the changed modern world in a self-responsible manner in order to grow old healthily.

In order to be able to understand the difference between classic conventional dentistry and holistic “biological” dentistry, I have to increase your “dental IQ”. Hence the name of our practice: Dental – IQ. “Because you only see what you know.”

Classical school dentistry is a studied high-end craft that treats symptoms and focuses on restoring chewing function without taking into account the immunological consequences of the materials used on the entire organism.

Holistic “bio-logical” dentistry eliminates the causes of chronic and systemic diseases, which, according to Dr. Klinghardt approximately 60-70% have their origin - so-called interference fields / silent inflammations - in the jaw area and combines the studied high-end craftsmanship with biological materials and personalized individual micronutrient analysis - and individual micronutrient therapy (regulatory medicine) and "species-appropriate" lifestyle advice homo sapiens digital.

Studies show that we can heal chronically ill people with our concept of holistic biological dentistry - the Dental - IQ - BioHealth concept. We can demonstrably and measurably improve, among other things, telomere length (telomeres are the biological clock of every body cell) and mitochondrial activity (mitochondria are the power plants of every cell) and thus rejuvenate their biological age. We help the body or your organism, which can no longer regulate itself when symptoms of illness occur, to heal itself and thus to regulate itself. This is called regulatory medicine.

Since the “Corona era” we have around 80 million “health experts and virologists” in Germany.

Who always belonged to the so-called vulnerable group? - The old"!

We just have to distinguish chronological age – how many years of life are on our “chronological speedometer” – from biological age. According to internationally recognized aging researcher Professor Sinclair, the real disease is aging itself. Aging should not be accepted as something incontrovertible. If we can influence this process - and we can (yes, you read that right) - despite our high chronological age, we will not quickly belong to any “vulnerable groups” due to our low biological age.

In Germany, the health span - years of life without disability - is on average 57 years with an average life expectancy of 79 years. This means that the average German citizen can expect 20-25 years of illness, suffering and pain. If we biologically rejuvenate their biological age using our concept, we extend their health span, i.e. their healthy lifespan or the quality of their years of life, how well they live!

In summary: The network of “healing” doctors (we are just helpers, the immune system does the healing) always includes a biologically thinking dentist in order to break the vicious circle of pure symptom treatment.

That's exactly what this book is about, to put it bluntly.


Why every person needs a holistically biological dentist

Teeth play a crucial role when it comes to the questions “How do I stay healthy?” and “How do I get healthy?”, because biological dentistry views teeth not only as mineral chewing tools, but as what what they are: living organs, important parts of the whole body, the immune system and the nervous system.

For all people who are chronically ill, the knowledge of biological dentistry offers an important building block for their recovery. As you will learn below, teeth and interference fields in the mouth and jaw area can trigger the following diseases, among others:



Skin diseases

Joint pain




Intestinal diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)

Type 2 diabetes

Rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis

Thyroid diseases

Burnout and depression

Heart attack


Alzheimer's disease

Parkinson's disease

The list could go on for a very long time. The suffering stories of chronically ill patients are often long and put a lot of strain on those affected. In most cases, therapy only focuses on the superficial symptoms; the true cause is rarely looked for! But that would be exactly the right approach to healing or helping the organism to regulate itself.

Teeth and their key role in chronic diseases

According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, 70% of all chronic illnesses can have their origin in the area of the teeth, mouth and jaw! He has been following a holistic treatment approach for decades and has achieved unique success with his patients from all over the world. As a rule, he always puts dental renovation at the beginning of his therapy. Only after biological dental treatment, reports Dr. Klinghardt, the body is ready to respond to the actual medical therapy. Consequently, teeth play an important key role when it comes to staying healthy or becoming healthy again.

But why do teeth have such an important special status?

On the one hand, the teeth have a close positional relationship to the sensory organs and the brain - the average distance is only around 12 cm.

On the other hand, the teeth have a direct connection to the brain via one of the twelve cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve, also called the facial nerve. This nerve is one of the most important of twelve cranial nerves. It alone has around 50% of the area in the brain that is intended for all twelve cranial nerves. This shows its great importance in the body system.

However, this direct connection of the teeth via the trigeminal nerve is a kind of Achilles tendon of the brain and a crucial weak point in the system because the almost insurmountable blood-brain barrier is undermined here.

This means that toxins and other harmful substances can reach the brain directly, bypassing the blood-brain barrier, where they can sometimes cause serious damage.

For example, highly toxic heavy metals such as mercury from amalgam fillings (still standard care for people with statutory health insurance in Germany) can reach the otherwise protected and meticulously shielded brain via axonal transport - i.e. along the nerve fibers of the trigeminal nerve. This socalled axonal transport has been proven in animal experiments.

Figure 1 shows the branches of the trigeminal nerve in the head area and the connection of the teeth to the central nervous system (image source St Adobe Stock)

Special role jawbone

The jaw is one of the bones in our body with the most blood supply. Its metabolic activity is about ten times higher than in other bone areas.

If there are pathogens, heavy metals or toxins in the jawbone or teeth, these are distributed throughout the entire body via the bloodstream due to the strong blood circulation in the jawbone. The jaw is therefore a very well-supplied means of transport for all kinds of substances. The teeth therefore have a very high scattering effect on the entire organism, which most people and many doctors are not aware of or aware of.

An infection on the thumb or little toe is certainly unpleasant, but the effects on the rest of the body are relatively limited. However, if you have an infection in the jaw, the germs can spread very quickly through the bloodstream throughout the body due to the strong blood flow to the jawbone. Then it can become dangerous. The pathogens reach organs such as the brain, heart or intestines and damage them. Studies show that not only strokes, heart attacks or intestinal diseases are often directly linked to diseased teeth, chronic illnesses are also triggered. In addition, these pests from the jaw and teeth put the entire immune system under constant stress.

Figure 2 shows the bacterial scattering effect of the tooth interference field on the entire organism (image source St Adobe Stock)

Teeth and their role in Meridian system

The concept of meridians originated in China over 2000 years ago. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is assumed that certain “energy routes” are distributed throughout the entire body. These twelve meridians run through the body so that life energy (Qi) can flow. Qi should flow as freely and unhindered as possible and is essential for life, health, strength and energy. Different areas of the body, functions and organs are connected to one another via the meridians. A disruption of the meridians can have far-reaching effects on the state of the body and its function. If there is a disorder in one of these jaw sections (for example in the form of an unrecognized silent chronic inflammation), this is comparable to a complete blockage on the corresponding energy route. If an organ is permanently in such a lack of energy, this can have serious consequences for the organ in question.

Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the Paracelsus Klinik Lustmüh-le (1992-2020) was able to demonstrate a clear connection between breast cancer and teeth. In over 96% of his breast cancer patients, he found that one or more teeth in the stomach meridian, which is also energetically associated with the breast, had been root-treated before the disease.

For a self-analysis please use our meridian poster:

The development of chronic diseases – the compensation model

Is smoking harmful to your health? Definitely “yes”. Does smoking shorten life expectancy? Definitely “yes”.

Helmut Schmidt was a passionate chain smoker and is relatively old in life. Chances are, life expectancy is dramatically reduced as a chain smoker. However, his system was able to compensate for these toxins relatively well. His regenerative capacity was able to absorb this stress relatively well. Who knows how old Helmut Schmidt would have been if he hadn't smoked!

What is a chronic illness?

Today, statistically speaking, every second person in Germany suffers from a chronic illness. By definition, this is a clinical picture that lasts longer than three months. The progression is often gradual, slowly but steadily getting worse and taking a long time overall. Since the origin of the disease does not lie at the location of the symptom, but can be located far away from it and can also have multifactorial causes (it is therefore all the more important that the sub-disciplines of medicine do not lose their holistic view!) Diagnosis of chronic diseases is often very difficult.

How does a chronic illness develop?

Our organism has the ability to regenerate, heal itself and repair damage at the cellular level. These processes happen constantly, around the clock and especially at night. However, the ability is not infinite, but rather individually limited. This is called the body's individual regenerative capacity. This means that our body can compensate and regenerate many things until an individual upper limit is reached. Our body's ability to detoxify and compensate are a measure of the amount of stress our body can handle.

Factors that promote the body's ability to compensate and regenerate:

Sufficient and good quality sleep

balanced, healthy diet (Glykoplan according to Kurt Mosseter, clean eating, natural eating, “species-appropriate” diet Homo sapiens)

moderate endurance training

moderate strength training

positive social contacts

intermittent fasting

Individual micronutrient therapy

Cold training


Personal development (define your own life template and implement it)

Breathing exercises

IHHT (intermittent hypo –, hyperbaric oxygen therapy)

Detox (lifelong detoxification)

Holistic biological dentistry

And much more

Factors that reduce the body's ability to compensate and regenerate, deprive the body of its ability to self-regulate, cause us to age more quickly and can therefore lead to the development of chronic diseases (it is important to take this into account, not always just one factor). to pick out, but to view the factors as a concert):

Psychosocial stress (toxic relationship in partnership, parents, family in general, circle of friends, professional environment)

Physical stress (including high-performance sports)

Psychological stress

Trauma and “negative” beliefs

Foods low in vital substances (processed foods), Western Diet

Lack of exercise

Lack of sleep


Sugar consumption



Drug consumption


Environmental chemicals in air, food, water, cosmetics, clothing, housing, wood

chronic inflammatory disruptive factors (especially in the jaw bone: NICO's/FDOK's, root canal treated/ dead teeth, periodontitis)

Dental materials such as metals, amalgam, titanium, plasticizers etc.

The list could go on for a very long time. The suffering stories of chronically ill patients are often long and put a lot of strain on those affected. In most cases, therapy only focuses on the superficial symptoms; the true cause is rarely looked for! But that would be exactly the right approach to healing or helping the organism to regulate itself.

Special role of teeth in the development of diseases

Medically treated teeth are often a source of toxins, bacteria and toxic heavy metals. Due to the scattering effect via the blood and the direct connection and proximity of the teeth to the brain, the effect of the pollutants can be particularly intense and far-reaching. Infected teeth and/or their harmful materials in the mouth put a permanent strain on the body, i.e. 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The body becomes stressed and its regenerative capacity gradually becomes exhausted. It is therefore essential to always consider the teeth as a possible source of disease, especially when chronic diseases develop. This is exactly where holistic biological dentistry comes in!

The diagnosis of interference fields (silent inflammations, chronic foci of inflammation) in the jaw area

How can we safely identify interference fields in the jaw area?

1. Anamnesis (Greek: memory) is the key to diagnosing diseases. It should be carried out as comprehensively and detailed as possible.

2. Intraoral and extraoral examination: Of course, we rely on all kinds of high-tech for diagnostics. However, treating also means, as the word suggests, lending a hand, using one's own sense organs (face diagnostics, tongue diagnostics, temporomandibular joint palpation, palpation of the muscles of the mucous membranes, what is the breath like? How does the patient act? During the examination, the... The teeth, gums, oral mucous membranes, chewing muscles and the function of the jaw joint are examined in detail. This allows you to quickly see whether there are caries, periodontitis, oral mucosal diseases or other harmful changes. The holistic biological dentist also analyzes whether there are any harmful interference areas :

Are amalgam fillings present?

Are various metals in the mouth (mouth battery?)

Is there evidence of dead teeth?

Signs of periodontitis

Are there scars in the mouth?

Are the teeth severely worn (grinded)?

Is mouth opening restricted?

All findings are documented and photographed intraorally/extraorally to show the patient. This helps the patient to better understand his situation.

3. Digital-3-dimensional volume tomography

Typically, a two-dimensional x-ray is taken in a dental office. In holistic biological dentistry, however, we need three-dimensional X-ray images, the socalled digital volume tomography (DVT), to diagnose interference fields. On this special image, the teeth and jawbone are not only visible in the tenth of a millimeter range, but in all three spatial directions. This means that the most hidden superimposed areas, which cannot be assessed in a normal two-dimensional X-ray image, suddenly become visible and can be assessed in their extent (chronic bone inflammation on tooth roots, cysts, broken or forgotten root remnants of a previously removed tooth or foreign bodies such as amalgam splinters, pieces of metal, broken ones). Root canal instruments or remains of root filling materials etc.).

People often carry these loads in their mouths for years without realizing that these abnormalities do not cause any pain. However, as already described, they can become a major burden on one's own immune system and the cause of illness.

The radiation exposure of a DVT scan is much lower than a computer tomography.

4. Ultrasound examination with CaviTAU

The medical ultrasound device CaviTAU (Cavitation Trans-Alveolar Ultrasound Examination) locates soft spots in the jawbone - so-called cavitations or FDOKs (harmful fatty degenerative osteonecrosis in the jawbone) - using a novel imaging method that is free of damaging X-rays.

What interference fields can there be in the jaw area?

1. Metals

2. Titanium implants

3. Periodontitis

4. Dead and root canal treated teeth

5. FDOK's / NICO

6. Malfunctions

1. Metals as interference fields

At the turn of the millennium, so-called high gold-containing BIO alloys were still considered the gold standard for dental restorations, but this was only because the technology of ceramics was not yet sufficiently developed at that time. Nowadays, high-performance ceramics are clearly a better alternative for dental restorations, so metals should no longer be used in the mouth.

Why do metals no longer belong in the mouth?