Designing a Loudspeaker. Table and Floor Detachable (Split) Design - Bandar Hezam - E-Book

Designing a Loudspeaker. Table and Floor Detachable (Split) Design E-Book

Bandar Hezam

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Akademische Arbeit aus dem Fachbereich Design (Industrie, Grafik, Mode), , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper outlines the design of a loudspeaker with the following functionalities: driver enclosure, no external and internal sound wave mixing, raising driver resonance, and shaping the woofer's low-frequency response. A loudspeaker describes a device that can convert an electrical signal into a sound wave. Sound waves typically define by their amplitude and frequency, also the wave frequency is the tone that the wave produces while the loudspeaker sound amplitude will be explained by a resonance frequency that indicates the frequency or tone in which the sound is loudest. This should not be confused with volume, which explains the amount of space or describes the internal volume of an enclosure. An enclosure or loudspeaker cabinet is a box in which a speaker is mounted, there are lots of different types of enclosures, some common types are the vented enclosure and the sealed enclosure among others and these can be found among hobbyists, electronics supermarket and manufacturers.

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