Mechanical Robots in Action. A Study on Pick and Place Tasks Using Industrial Automation - Bandar Hezam - E-Book

Mechanical Robots in Action. A Study on Pick and Place Tasks Using Industrial Automation E-Book

Bandar Hezam

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Engineering - Robotics, grade: A, Monash University Malaysia, Sunway Campus (Asia Pacific University), language: English, abstract: This experiment is for the most part the utilization of the mechanical robots to perform various tasks, and it's to display the outcomes and discoveries of the examination directed by understudies utilizing a modern report to perform pick and place from and to a pallet task. For this reason, a product is utilized to program the robot to achieve the assignment. The report begins with short prologue to furnish the readers with adequate specialized foundation to comprehend the remainder of the report, and after that shows the Apparatus and clarifies the system. Later on, in a different area, the program utilized is clarified in detail, before talking about the most exceptional discoveries of the investigation, which incorporates a few issues that must be tended to for better activity of the robot and puts a few proposals on the table. At last, an end session is to whole up the discoveries, and last session is for the references

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