Wheelchair Revolution. A Multi-functional Approach for Daily and Sports Use - Bandar Hezam - E-Book

Wheelchair Revolution. A Multi-functional Approach for Daily and Sports Use E-Book

Bandar Hezam

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Scientific Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Engineering - Mechanical Engineering, grade: A, University of Heidelberg (APU), course: Mechatronics, language: English, abstract: The primary objective of this project is to craft a multi-functional wheelchair capable of swiftly and effortlessly transitioning from a daily use wheelchair to a sports wheelchair. Focusing on safety, comfort, and reliability, this innovation aims to enhance the lifestyle of individuals with disabilities by facilitating their participation in a variety of sports activities. Recently, there has been a notable surge in the interest towards sports activities for individuals with disabilities, propelled by dedicated tournaments, enhanced sports equipment, and amplified media attention. To make the sport more accessible to all, there's a dire need for innovative adaptations and developments in sports wheelchairs. In this study, the student introduces a groundbreaking design of a multi-functional wheelchair that meets both the daily demands and the requirements of sporting activities, eliminating the need for changing between two different wheelchairs. Additionally, the wheelchair features a scissor mechanism with sliding parts, allowing the user to easily adjust the wheel position, coupled with safety features that ensure increased stability. The design has been meticulously sketched and designed in 2D and 3D using SolidWorks software.

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