Pioneering Technologies for Mountaineers. Developing an IoT-based Health and GPS Tracking System - Bandar Hezam - E-Book

Pioneering Technologies for Mountaineers. Developing an IoT-based Health and GPS Tracking System E-Book

Bandar Hezam

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Bachelor Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Sport - Sports Equipment and Supplies, grade: B+, , course: Mechatronics, language: English, abstract: In the contemporary realm of adventure sports, the safety of mountaineers takes center stage. This study aims to forge an IoT-based solution capable of real-time monitoring of not only the location but the health of mountaineers, thereby minimizing potential risks and facilitating rapid response in emergencies. The summary offers a detailed overview of the various chapters and sections integral to this pivotal research. The introduction highlights the prominence of mountaineering as a global sport and delineates the challenges and risks associated with it. It emphasizes the imperative for a reliable health monitoring system that withstands physical constraints while being lightweight and wearable. Chapter one delves deeply into the problem statement and the study's objective, focusing particularly on creating a wearable device that monitors the health and location of mountaineers in real time. Chapter two furnishes a comprehensive review of the existing literature, particularly focusing on the diverse technologies and systems presently utilized for health monitoring and navigation. In chapter three, the concept development and research methodology are detailed extensively. Here, the various phases of the project, including material and software selection, as well as the proposed methodology, are discussed. The document concludes with an extensive repository of references and an appendix that includes a literature review matrix.

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