Dirty Gay Sex - Gay Stories - Marcus Manson - E-Book

Dirty Gay Sex - Gay Stories E-Book

Marcus Manson



Marcus Manson's gay sex stories are pure fiction. His erotic gay stories are about pure sex and hardcore eroticism from 18 years. All characters are of age and participate in the sexual action voluntarily. Marcus is a horny old goat who makes the world of men unsafe with his huge part in his pants. No man is safe from him and he pleases the gentlemen in rows. But he is not really a gentleman. Quite the opposite - he always thinks only of his advantage and yet the men love him. Gay erotic stories that you should only read if you like more porn than cuddly sex. Marcus Manson is not for lovers of 0815 sex.

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Dirty Gay Sex - Gay Stories

Dirty Gay Sex - Gay StoriesSeduced At A ResortHanging Out With Best FriendBoy Is Taken By Older NeighborCatch Up And Get OffNot My TypeGuy Turns His Str8 FriendLaw-firm PartnerBecome A Cock SuckerLives Change When A Superior Man ArrivesForced Into A GangbangBest Friends Make Some DiscoveriesCopyright

Dirty Gay Sex - Gay Stories

Seduced At A Resort

A few weeks ago, I attended a training conference in Hilton Head, S.C. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the southeast and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment.

I'm 32 and my wife and I just purchased our first home a couple of years ago and as you can imagine, we are on a really tight budget. I gladly opted for the fully paid room. I had not actually shared a room with someone since college, but that experience hadn't been so bad. Actually, my college roommate and I have remained good friends since graduation even though we live a considerable distance apart now.

The Hilton was an oceanfront property with my room overlooking the beach. It was early in the season, so there were not as many bikini clad beauties to view but just getting away from the office was a blessing. It's been a difficult couple of years in sales but we've all weathered the storm and now the company was finally freeing up money in human resources to train us on some of the new product lines.

When I checked in, I saw they had me rooming with somebody from Charlotte, not far from where my wife and I actually live. The bellman took my bags up while I surveyed the hotel – the pool, the restaurant, and finally... the bar. I went ahead and had a couple of beers before I went up to the room to unpack.

When I arrived I saw an open suitcase on the bed nearest the door. The owner appeared to be in the restroom. The TV was on so I sat down on the bed, bundling my pillows behind my back, and waited to meet my new roommate.

I was relieved when the guy who popped around the corner appeared to be a well groomed man, perhaps ten or fifteen years my senior. I announced myself immediately as to not startle him.

"Hi, I'm Bob," sticking my hand out in anticipation he would do the same.

"Joe," he shot back. "Where you from?"

"Raleigh," I replied. "You in sales? I saw you were from Charlotte when I was checking in."

"Actually I'm with one of the product lines you're training on this week. I believe your company put some of us together with you guys. And yes, I'm from Charlotte," Joe smiled back.

"I was just about to head downstairs. I believe there is a 'Get Aquatinted' program going on with some appetizers and drinks," Joe informed me.

I figured I could unpack later and Joe and I went down to the lobby and were directed to a room set up with an open bar and quite a spread. I didn't really know anyone with the company and struck up a few casual conversations here and there.

What surprised me though was Joe. It was like he didn't know a stranger as he moved through the crowd striking up conversations with anyone who arrived. He had a strong sense of confidence and a certain charisma. I was already glad he was my roommate.

After the hospitality room closed, Joe and I made our way into the bar where we watched an NBA game and talked more about our personal lives. Looking back, I seemed to do most of the talking as I shared with Joe that my wife Laurie and I dated throughout most of college and married when I was 24.

Joe shared he was 38 and divorced. He confided that his busy travel schedule was really a strain on his marriage which ended more than five years ago. Since then, he was in a steady relationship but not tied down to any one person.

I couldn't believe how easy he was to talk to as I seemed to go on and on about college, my job, my marriage. Joe was drinking scotch while I switched back to beers, trying to remember it would be a long day tomorrow listening to speakers throughout the day.

When we arrived back at the room, I began stowing away my clothes when Joe announced he was going to get a quick shower. I surfed the channels on the nice high def TV as I heard the water running in the other room. I had taken up my familiar position on the bed when I was startled with Joe's nude frame walking out of the bathroom.

I'm not a prude or anything and I'm fairly used to guys walking around naked down at the "Y" or even back in school. I was just not accustomed to a total stranger walking around nude in my bedroom. Joe meanwhile was rubbing his head with the towel and then tossed it over into a chair.

My new roommate had his back to me but I couldn't help notice his tanned chiseled frame. There was little doubt he worked out. He reached for a comb in a travel bag on the dresser and brushed back his locks, taking his time before turning and walking over to the bed.

I couldn't help but stare and was startled when he half turned and asked, "My being undressed doesn't bother you does it?" When I wasn't immediately forthcoming with a response, he added, "I'm kind of used to shedding this business attire at home. But if it bothers you, I'll put something on..." he said looking back right at me.

I pretended that I really didn't notice and looked over trying to look disinterested, "No, I'm fine. Hell, we're just guys here. Make yourself at home."

Privately I was shocked. I stared ahead at the TV but couldn't help but see his cock swinging in front out of the corner of my eye. I pride myself in that I have what I consider a nice sized dick. But this guy had some major meat hanging down. I also noticed he shaved his genital area. As a matter of fact both his crotch and chest seemed to be completely hairless and smooth.

Joe walked over and sat down on the bed and hiked a leg up, resting it across one knee.

"Are you sure?" he looked over. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I guess I'm just used to relaxing at home."

I looked over and just sort of shrugged my response, "No, I'm cool. Might not want to go out like that though," I added trying to add levity and move on from the subject.

"Anything on?" he asked so nonchalantly.

"Not sure. Looks like we get a good many channels," then I added, "and some pay channels to boot." There were several ShowTime channels with a variety of movies and specials.

Joe looked at the TV for a minute and then announced he was going to get to bed. He stood up again as his dick swung just a couple of feet from me. I was still startled that he would just undress right down to his birthday suit.

I heard him in the bathroom, apparently brushing his teeth, as he ran water, turned out the light and headed for bed. He again walked right past as I tried to stare directly ahead.

I'm not gay, nor have I ever had any same sex encounters of any kind, but I couldn't help glancing over occasionally as he pulled back the comforter and sheets. Before sliding between them, he turned and half faced me, "I'm sort of a morning person and like to get up early and work out. Will that bother you?" he inquired.

"No, that's fine," I shot back, trying desperately to look up at his face, hoping my eyes did not betray me.

When Joe turned off his lamp, I actually laid in bed thinking about what had transpired over the last few minutes. I could feel my mouth had gotten dry as I made my way over to the small fridge and pulled out a bottled water. I lay back in the bed and watched TV for about an hour until I too felt the urge to catch some sleep.

I slipped off my pants and tugged my shirt over my head before turning out the light. Closing my eyes, I could not get the images of Joe's naked body out of my head. I had never given any thoughts to having sex with another man but here I was admitting to myself, I was aroused, excited seeing Joe, knowing I'd likely be seeing plenty of it this week.

I didn't even hear Joe get up. Merely the door opening up as he reentered the room from his morning workout. The rustling of clothes and then the shower running in the bathroom. I had been facing the sliding glass door which I had intentionally left open. The soft roar of the waves crashing down on the beach below us.

Then I found myself turning over on my side facing Joe's direction. I knew it was crazy, but I wondered if I'd get another show. I had never been turned on watching guys undress. Never gave it a second thought. But here I was, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping to see Joe pop around the corner again.

I was not disappointed. Just a few minutes in the shower, Joe again emerged. Rubbing the towel across his back, around his legs, before tossing it back in the bathroom on the floor. Once again he stepped to the mirror and brushed his hair. I watched through squinting eyes as he moved around the room retrieving articles of clothing before reaching into the dresser and stepping into a pair of boxers. In just a manner of moments he was tying his tie around his neck, slipping on his suit jacket and out the door.

I had pretended to be asleep but the moment the door closed behind Joe, I threw back my sheets. I had stripped down to my briefs the night before and simply slept in them. Looking down, I could not help but notice how aroused I seemed to be.

I'm not sure why I did it, but I reached down and cupped my briefs under my balls and began to stroke my cock. I spit into my hand, wetting it down, as I applied it to my shaft and began rubbing my hardening cock. I thought of the sex Laurie and I had just a few nights earlier. Laurie is a gorgeous brunette and I could picture her tits swinging back and forth as I pumped my dick into her doggy style - a position we both really loved.

It didn't seem long at all before I felt my orgasm approaching. But the scary thing was the images I kept seeing. Joe's chest, his naked cock swinging back and forth. His balls which hung down low. I tried to concentrate back on Laurie, her beautiful ass, those big brown eyes. And then the familiar build up in my cock as I shot load after load onto my chest.

I got up, wiped off the mess with a tissue and stepped into the shower.

The day seemed to drag on as most of the morning and then the early afternoon was filled with lectures and PowerPoint's. It had been some time since I sat through a college lecture and I had forgotten how boring they could be. When we took a mid-afternoon break, I snuck back to the room, slipped on my suit and headed off to the pool.

Some of the employees from the seminar had organized a trip to a nearby Seafood Restaurant for dinner but I decided to chill out by the pool. The beers went down easy in the hot sun. I struck up a conversation with a couple on vacation, enjoying small talk, as I relaxed at the resort. I grabbed a burger listening to a guitar player entertaining the small crowd which had gathered in the outside bar.

It was then I saw Joe apparently coming back from dinner. It was a real contrast with me in a swimsuit and a t-shirt and Joe in a nice pair of dress slacks and a polo. He sat down and ordered a scotch from the waitress inquiring about my day.

We just sort of picked up on the previous night's conversation. There was something about this guy - so relaxed, unpretentious. As he sat at the table, someone would walk by and speak, telling him how much they enjoyed his presentation earlier in the day.

I'm not sure how long we stayed downstairs but I knew I was feeling a little bit of the alcohol from my afternoon by the pool and now the bar. When Joe announced he was headed up to the room, I indicated I wasn't far behind.

When I entered our hotel room, Joe was in the bathroom taking a shower. I flipped a few channels finally settling on a rerun of a CSI episode. By now I knew the drill and expected Joe to walk out nude. He did. I guess it was the drinks, but I caught myself staring. Watching as his penis waved back and forth as he walked around the room.

Once I was sure he caught my stare as I tried to look away. While I pretended to be looking over paperwork for the next day, I thought I saw a half smile on Joe's face at having caught me admiring his tight abs along with the package below.

Feeling a little grungy from the day out in the sun, I decided to clean up a little myself and took a shower. The hot water cascading over my shoulders felt great. Feeling much better, I stepped from the shower and toweled off, wrapping the soft fluffy cloth around my waist and walking back in the bedroom.

Joe was lying nude across the bed reading a magazine. I walked over to the bed and picked up the remote. Joe indicated he wasn't watching anything in particular so I surfed until the remote settled on a pay station. It was an adult flick, soft porn, but porn none the less.

I relaxed on the bed and watched a scene or two before it just timed out. I suppose it was a tease to get you to order because the screen indicated to continue watching you had to press the orange order button.

"Fuck," I exclaimed "just when it was getting good."

Joe set the magazine down on his chest and looked over. "Order it if you like," he suggested.

I reflected for a second, thinking about whether to make the purchase or turn in for the night.

"Or do you want the real thing?" Joe inquired looking at me.

"The real thing?" I questioned back. "You mean, go back downstairs?"

Joe set the magazine aside, sat up on the side of the bed. "No, no I didn't mean that. I've seen you looking. We both know what you really want."

"What do you mean?" I shot back.

"You know exactly what I mean," he answered back, standing up and taking his dick in his hand. "You've been checking me out ever since I got here, and now we're gonna' let you have it."

I wanted to blurt out he was wrong. He was crazy as hell. It was him walking around naked all the time. I wasn't gay. I wasn't into guys. I was married. Happily married! But here I was speechless. Staring at his cock he was stroking with his hand, pumping it back and forth, hardening before my eyes.

"Come over here Bobby. Sit over here," he motioned pointing to the side of my bed.

I sat frozen in place. I wasn't about to move. He was wrong. I wasn't like that. I would never do what he was asking. My eyes watching him stroke his cock, his other hand still pointing to the spot on the side of the bed. I looked up from his dick. His eyes looking straight back into mine.

"It's okay Bobby," Joe broke the silence. "It's just us. No one else will know. Not your wife, no one that works with you. Just us two. I know you're curious. I know you want to do it."

I was determined not to move, even as I felt myself sliding to the side of the bed, my legs slipping over the side. My face just inches away as he continued to slide his hand across the long shaft of his cock.

"Go ahead, take a nice long look son. That's what you been wanting to do," Joe said softly.

He let go of his dick and it swayed, bobbed, defying gravity as it hung there. I couldn't say anything as I just stared at it. I'd never seen another man's penis up close. Joe realized the state I was in, the hold he had. Unable to make the first move, he broke the silence, "Go ahead boy. Touch it. You can feel it."

It was as if I was in a trance. I reached out with my right hand and rested it on his warm shaft, my fingers closing around it. I couldn't believe how soft, how warm it was.

"That's right Bobby, stroke it, stroke my cock," Joe encouraged me as I began to slide my hand back and forth on his hard shaft. It got harder and harder under my touch, rising, stiffening.

Joe stepped closer to me and rested his hand on the back of my neck. "Kiss it Bobby. Kiss my cock."

I couldn't move my head. I wasn't gay. It was one thing to touch him. I had to draw a line at sucking him off. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I wanted to turn away, to stop, but I found myself still transfixed. Still stroking his cock.

Joe's finger reached down and rested on my lips. His finger pushing against my lips, pushing until his finger entered my mouth. In a matter of seconds, I found myself sucking on his finger. His finger exploring my mouth. "You have such a pretty mouth Bobby. I want you to kiss my cock. Let me feel your pretty lips on my dick," he coaxed.

I felt his hand pressuring behind my neck, pulling my head closer and closer until my lips touched his cock, warm on my lips. My mouth now touching his dick. It seemed so surreal. This wasn't me. It was someone else as I felt my lips slide across the head, planting kisses on the crown, on the side of his hard cock.

Then without any further encouragement I let his dick slide into my mouth, through my parted lips. I was sucking a cock. I never imagined I would ever do what I was doing but here I was. Sucking a cock of a man I had just met the day before. Then he instructed me how to please him. What he liked as I began to lose my inhibitions.

I did exactly as he said as I sucked madly on his cock, rubbing his balls, taking them in my mouth on his request. When Joe removed his dick from my mouth, I sought it out trying to pull it back. I loved his taste. I liked the feeling of his cock swelling in my mouth.

I could tell from his moans that he was enjoying what I was doing as my head moved up and down on his hard shaft. I couldn't take the whole cock in my mouth but I jacked his cock with my hand trying to stuff as much in my mouth as possible. I bathed the head with my tongue knowing I was doing a great job as Joe guided my head between his hands.

He reached down and pulled on my nipple causing me to wince. No one had ever played with my nipples, not even my wife, as he realized how sensitive they were and kept up his assault, pulling, twisting causing me to suck harder.

It was then I felt his balls tighten and I knew from his knees starting to buckle he was close to cumming. I tried to lift off of his dick but Joe held me in place, holding my head firmly over his cock, buried in my mouth as he began shooting his load.

"Fuck, that's right, suck me, take that load boy," Joe groaned. I didn't want to swallow his semen but he held me in place. I swallowed as quickly as possible. While at first I struggled, I begin to accept his release and then found myself sucking again, licking, trying to take in all the cum, some which had escaped from the corners of my mouth. It was salty and slick but I licked it up, sucking the remainder from the tip of his dick as Joe settled back on the bed. His slippery dick pulling free from my mouth.

"Damn that was good boy. You're a natural. A natural little cock sucker," Joe smiled as he gathered his breath, then slinking down to his knees, unwrapped the towel that covered my dick. Joe gazed on my already hard cock. It wasn't nearly as big as his. He placed his hand around my dick. It was the first time any man had ever touched my cock.

His hand was much bigger, rougher than my wife's little hand. Joe bent down and took my cock into his warm mouth. I collapsed back on my elbows as I watched Joe go down on me, taking my whole cock into his mouth. His lips actually touching my stomach. I couldn't believe Joe could take it all, but there he was giving me the best blow job I could ever remember getting. Laurie was good but somehow I think Joe was better.

I wasn't sure whether it's because he knew what he liked and that's what he did or whether it was the taboo nature of it. Joe knew exactly what he was doing. He bathed my cock and balls with his tongue. I'm not sure I had ever experienced the blowjob he was giving me. It was absolutely great!

Eventually Joe slid up on the bed and began kissing on my nipple, drawing it into his mouth, sucking, licking, biting lightly at my little bud. He pulled the wet towel completely off me, ripping it out from under me, leaving me naked under his hungry gaze.

I had no idea how sensitive my nipples were but I enjoyed Joe sucking and pulling on them. "Spread your legs boy," Joe commanded me.

I did as he asked without thinking as I felt a warm wet finger pressing against my puckered asshole. Joe pulled his finger away and coated it with spit from his mouth and placed it again at the entrance to my ass. Pushing gently, it entered slowly.

No one had ever explored my ass as Joe worked his finger in and around, continuing to suck on my nipple. "Stroke your cock boy. Jack it off for me," Joe urged.

Joe slid up. I had my eyes closed and was unprepared when I felt his lips on mine. I couldn't believe he was kissing me. My lips were tight against his as he licked my lips, running his tongue along them. My lips and eyes both were tightly closed. I didn't want to do this. I couldn't believe I was doing this. And then it happened, his tongue prying between my clenched lips. My lips parting slightly as his tongue pushed through, exploring my yielding mouth, finally resigned, allowing him to kiss me.

Here I was laying across the bed, another man kissing me, fingering my ass as I jacked my own cock. One finger, two fingers, pushing in my backside, exploring, in and out as I relaxed taking more and more of him. He pushed in, burying his fingers in my ass. I had both feet flat on the mattress, my legs apart, as Joe explored a part of me that Laurie or no other woman had ever done.

At first it was uncomfortable but as I jacked my dick, I spread my legs wider exposing myself, letting him have as much access as possible.

"You like that boy? You like me fingering your ass?"

"Yea," I grunted back acknowledging what we both already knew. I could feel myself pushing back into his fingers, my left hand pulling on my own butt cheek, trying to open it wider. It was a warm sensation. A sensation I had never felt before and it felt so good.

"That's right, spread that little cherry ass. It's a hot little ass. I was noticing it today out by the pool. You gotta' nice little ass," Joe chanted as he pushed his fingers in, deeper and deeper.

Joe went back to kissing me, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth. "Stick your tongue out boy," Joe hissed. I did as directed as he sucked my tongue into his hot mouth. His fingers were plunging now in and out of my ass, his hand slapping at my cheeks.

I felt my balls draw tight as I shot stream after stream across my stomach. There was so much cum some splashed beside my head on the mattress. As my own orgasm subsided, I went limp, my legs collapsing down on Joe's hand which he withdrew as he placed a last, long, lingering kiss on my lips.

When Joe pulled away from me, he gazed back in my eyes. I felt completely wiped out. He took a finger and scooped up a small glob of my own cum and placed it lightly on my lips. I could taste the saltines of my own cum as I wiped my lips with my tongue taking the semen into my mouth as Joe smiled.

He got up announcing we had a busy day in the morning as he went into the bathroom to ready himself for bed. I don't believe I moved an inch when he returned, set his clock and slid between his sheets.

"Goodnight boy," Joe said as he clicked off the lamp on the night stand. It was then the "Boy" registered with me. Not Bobby but "Boy". It was kind of lost on me earlier.

I pushed the sheets down and then crawled back under them. I had just participated in my first same sex encounter. It was like someone else had done it. Not me. But I realized, it was me. I wanted to deny it. I didn't want to do it. But I did and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot.

There was still three days left in the conference and I wondered what might happen next. All I knew was if he asked me again I would have sex with him again. Actually I wanted to. It was all I could think about as I closed my eyes.

I didn't sleep very well that night, continually tossing and turning thinking about what had transpired hours earlier. The image of me having oral sex with another man. Allowing him to finger my ass, actually enjoying it, was tearing me into. I considered myself as straight as they come, a very happily married man. Yet, I knew what I had done and enjoyed doing.

I was actually awake when Joe got up the next morning, slipping on his shorts, t-shirt, and shoes for his workout. Pulling the sheet over my head, I tried to catch just a few more minutes of sleep before I got up myself. It was perhaps two hours later when Joe returned, running a shower, before emerging, wiping the remnants of water from his back.

He looked over to see me staring back. "Good morning sunshine," he smiled disarmingly. "Sleep well?"

I wanted to say are you kidding. Hell no, not after what we did... how I'm feeling about it. Instead I turned facing him, "Yea," I lied.

"I enjoyed our little session last night," Joe went on as he approached my bed. "You're pretty damn good for a first timer," he added, now taking his dick in his hand. I watched as he gently stroked his cock. He was looking at me but my gaze was solidly fixed on the cock which was swelling in his hand.

Within seconds his cock was fully erect, sticking straight out at an upward angle. My own heart was pounding as I looked at it, with Joe removing his hand leaving just his cock which seemed to beckon me. Everything in my mind told me to stay put. This was wrong – it was crazy. I wasn't gay. I didn't do things like this but I felt drawn, almost hypnotized by the sight before me.

"Go ahead boy. We both know what you want to do. Now that you've had this cock, you can't get enough. You want more. You want to taste it. Come on, get down here on your knees and suck my cock. Lick it. Take my load boy."

It was almost as if it were somebody else and I was unable to stop them as I slid out of the bed, still naked from the night before. I knelt down on my knees. Joe placed his hands on both hips as he guided his cock to my mouth. Without any further instruction I parted my lips and took in his cock.

I could still taste faint traces of soap from his shower. He smelled clean and fresh as the warm flesh moved back and forward between my lips.

"Fuck you're a good little dick sucker," he moaned as I wrapped my hands around his ass and pulled him tighter to my face. "Yea, suck it, lick my balls boy. Take my nuts in your mouth and suck them."

I did exactly that as I sucked one then the other ball. I marveled at his hairless sack. How smooth his skin was all around his dick, completely shaved bare. I held his cock and licked the length of the shaft before sticking it back in my mouth. Joe removed his cock and rubbed it on my face, across my lips.

"Stick your tongue out boy," he commanded. I complied as he rubbed his head across my tongue, lightly beating it with his shaft. "You like that cock don't cha' boy? You like sucking my dick, kneeling down there taking this cock in your mouth, don't cha?"

"Yes sir," I said in between slurps.

"Are you my little cock sucker? That what you are boy?" Joe asked.

"Yes sir," I moaned back licking his dick.

"Yes sir what," he shot back.

"I'm your cock sucker. I can't get enough of your cock. I love it," I answered back.

"Look up here. Look at me," Joe barked. I looked up at him, his dick buried in my mouth. "You want to taste my load. You want me to feed you some breakfast?"

"Yes sir. Cum for me. I want you to cum in my mouth," I begged. I did. I couldn't help myself. I was so turned on. I wanted him to shoot his load and let me suck it down.

"Stick your tongue out and open wide boy," Joe commended.

I sat back on my legs and opened my mouth as wide as possible, sticking my tongue out in anticipation of his promise. Joe jacked his cock just a few times before the first stream of cum sailed across my face. He corrected his aim and sent the next spurt into my hungry mouth. Two or three more found their target before he wiped the last remnants on my tongue.

I closed my mouth and swallowed the remainder. Joe took his finger and scooped up the stream starting to slide down my face. He took the finger and placed it to my lips which I took into my mouth, savoring now the taste of my own cum.