Discussing Hofstede within the international context - Oliver Gätgens - E-Book

Discussing Hofstede within the international context E-Book

Oliver Gätgens

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Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,0, University of Vaasa (BWL), language: English, abstract: Beantwortung von 5 Fragen (in Englisch) 1. Describe and give practical examples for different mechanisms for the influence of culture (lectures). 2. Hofstede‟s dimensions are not exclusive. This means, that you can find examples of the opposite ends of each dimension in any particular culture. For each Hofstede‟s dimension, describe and give practical examples of characteristics that represent the opposite ends in your own national culture. 3. Which characteristics of your own national culture would perhaps be the most challenging for an American and Chinese expatriate manager to adjust to? 4. In his book, Hofstede links Minzberg‟s thoughts about different organization models and structures to the cultural dimensions. Which model would best describe a „typical‟ medium-size company in your country? (Why?) 5. The word “culture” has been frequently used in connection with both nations and organizations. Describe the differences between organizational and national culture.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011

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